
Chapter 159: Second Law of Power

Though the manager was not truly happy with saving the ass of Susu, because of how she had always disturbed mom, he was even confused about how mom will actually want to save the person who seeks to have her kicked off the office, she should be happy that God had done it for her. But he still followed to go and plead on behalf of miss Suzanne.

When mom told me about this even at our table where we ate, I was shocked that she actually bell for the ladies? Emotional blackmail.

"Mom! You don't have to do that, this is God trying to pay her back in her own coin. Mom, did you recognize that you just stood in between God's judgments, what if she was successful? Mom what you did was not right o, do you know this? That she failed today is not an assurance that she will fail tomorrow too. I pray things don't turn out as I am thinking. This woman is literally your enemy."

So I said.

"My boy, I gave you a book to read, right? Have you even opened the book at all? If you are reading the book at all then you will understand what I just did, according to Robert Greene in his book which I gave you to read, the book with the title '48 Laws Of Power' he said in one of his chapters I think in chapter two, where he exposed the group of people that we must trust and the group we must never trust, he said that we must not put much trust in friends, he advised that we should learn how to make use Enemies. He went far to elaborate that friends will betray us very quick at any chance they got, his reason was that they fall to envy. He also said that they could become spoiled and tyrannical because they know that we trust them with our whole hearts. But when you have a former enemy by your side, Robert Greene believes that they will be more loyal than the majority of friends because he has more to prove, they have the obligation to prove to us that they have changed and have repented. In fact, we have more to fear from friends than from enemies. These were his words. So my love I did just what my wise man said."

Mom said.

"And please read this book. In fact, it is like I will now be asking you for analysis of each chapter every day."

She added. Yeah, mom gave me that book to read, mom prefers me reading such kind of books, she gave that book to me with another one called "The Art Of War" I think that one was written by a Chinese man, the problem is that I prefer reading novels that such kind of book, I find them boring. I only consider books that contain poetic words as fun, and all these kind of book lack such words, but mom really love them, she read them whenever she is free. Well, I think I will visit the book later.

That day, after the discussion and still on the table, mom still trying to help me feel more comfortable suggested an outing the next day, I was actually excited about that, she asked me where I will like us to go to, and I suggested silverbird and she accepted without hesitation, of a fact, she really made my night, all my worries just flew away and disappeared into thin air. My mom really knows how to make me happy, she is the most caring human I know, aside from God, mom is the most loving entity that existed. 

So after the dinner, we all retired to our room, I was so excited that I thought I was going to dream about going to the gallery but it turned out that I dreamt of something different instead. That night I lay on the bed, with my face to the POP ceiling which was decorated with colorful lights, I personally went to the supermarket and caught these disco lights and club light bulbs for my room. I remember mom calling me a Yoruba man, she believed that ut was only a Yoruba person that can be comfortable in a room like mine, but funny enough, I love the room, I love things to be colorful but not too bright. The lights rotate and change color making it have different looks and each color that it shines. I even told mom that I wanted to go change the color of my room but she refused, according to her, when we have a house of our own then I can do anything to my own room. So, I slept with the thought of our outing the next day as I looked at the light change. One good thing about that my light was that it makes me fall asleep rapidly and even faster. The light served as a hypnotic device to me, looking at it change sends me to a sleep state.

So that night as I slept, I had a very shot dream just before the dawn of the day, it was the dream which whole me up just like an alarm clock. In the dream, I found myself around the beachside again, it was the Elegushi beach, I recalled the coconut trees but I could see the business shops that were planted around the beach. So in the dream, I saw the Aqua King, King Goldrich, he was dressed in his royal attire, he stood with his trident, he called me who stood before him fearlessly, and he said to me.