
Chapter 158 Miss Susu

"If not for me, she would have lost her job."

So mom said. My mom is a very kind woman, she helps anyone, including her very own enemies. I just do not know why she had to intercede for the same woman who sabotaged her presentation. Mom said that the woman went into her office and deleted the files that contains her data which she was supposed to make a presentation. It was not an easy thing, the lady deleted the file and uploaded a porn video into the file. If it were me, I'll make sure that the woman goes to jail. According to mom, she was lucky that when she was making her own presentation, there was no external body, it was only the CEO that we present on the presentation. So, after mom had explained everything to the staff and CEO of the company, she told me how she was embarrassed as her projector projected the pornography video for the people to watch, she quickly stopped it, but she was too late, everyone had already seen it. But mom said that it was only there and that she insisted that someone had sabotaged her work. It was then that many people knew that she had a CCTV camera in her office. At first, when she spoke about the sabotage, no one paid attention to her. Though she tried to explain but no one listened. The CEO was so pissed, and her manager who was crushing on her felt disappointed. This was when she stood up and went into her office to check the CCTV to know the person who did it to her.

"My dear, I was shocked when I realized that it was Susu who did this to me, I had known for long that she never liked me, but I had never thought it that her hatred will get to this extent."

So she said. So she quickly recorded it and took it to the meeting place where she was already gloating with her factions. When mom entered back into the office, she just scanned the people in the office and said.

"Excuse me please, please with all due respect, I'll like to inform everyone that I have a CCTV camera in my office, and it captured the person who did this to me."

Mom said. According to her, when she said this, Susu's face grew pale instantly, she knew that her evil had caught up with her. So, when mom said this, the manager took it up immediately, he said:

"Since you have the CCTV in your office, that means you have an evidence that someone sabotaged your work, well then, we will like to see it. Show it to us."

He said. When he said this, Susu quickly stood up excusing herself.

"Please let me go and make use of the toilet."

So she said, the manager actually permitted her to go, but mom insisted that she stay to watch, it was through mom's insistence that Miss Suzanne must wait that the manager suspected that she could be the culprit, so he demanded that she stay there.

"No! No one is leaving here until after the record is plaid."

So he said. This was when the CEO opened his mouth to say something.

"Hmm... I think that I am personally interested in this controversy, now everyone should ait and stay calm. Now madam Juliet, go and make use of the projector, I'll love to see ut clearly."

So she said. And min without hesitation went and connect her phone to the laptop which was connected to the projector. She plaid the record. As she played the record, the entire staff in the office was wowed by what they saw. They saw Miss Susu, sneak into y

Mom's office, she looked around to be sure that no one followed her, so on tiptoe, she ventured into the office, and she grabbed mom's laptop.

"I just can't tell how this woman knew my password, she just because she just types it once without mistake."

So mom said. Yeah, mom used my name as her password, I wondered how someone could possibly know about this, it really was weird. 

They saw Miss Susu take mom's laptop and started getting the work that mom had been wrong on for weeks only to replace it with pornographic content. When she was done, snuck out again, checking to see if there are anyone that could see her, when she found out that there was no one there to see her, she quickly rushed out.

After seeing this video, the CEO of the company was solemnly angry, he could not believe that mom and that woman can actually stay together in that same company.

He stared at Miss Susu with utmost disgust, he was really pained about the action taken. Now the both of you, meet me in the office. The man said as he stood up, picked up his phone and wallet, and left for his office.

The whole class was still in great awe about what they have just seen. They stared at her like a person who have a shit stain on her blouse, she had seen how she had embarrassed herself. As we went out of this hall, which now appeared to her like a jungle with Wild Animals. So, as we got out of the hall, she held my hand and started pleading with me. 

"Please madam Juliet, I am so sorry about this thing, please, I don't want to lose my job, forgive me and help me beg your boyfriend the manager to help me talk to the CEO, You know that the manager does and will do anything you ask of him. So please help me talk to him, please forgive, and I promised never to hate you again, please help me."

The woman pleaded to the sympathy of mom, they already know that her mind is too soft and that she knows not how to say "No," so after the pleading mom accepted that she will do anything to help her. But after she had just accepted to help, she gave her a sound warning, making it clear that this should be the last time that she or another person will call the manager her boyfriend.

After the warning, she took her direct to the manager's office to plead with him. At first, he refused to take any part in the pleading, but later he considered it after making her a promise that she will never instigate or cause any harm or fall on her against