
Chapter 149: A bottle of water

As she hung the call, I quickly rushed into my room threw myself on the bed, kicking the band ruining the dressing I just made, I was so excited, about all she said to me, even the sex never felt as nice as these statements she made to me. It was just a proof that I havé got her where I want her to be. As I lay on the bed now calm, her words revisited my mind and went on like a song placed on a replay.

That day I was filled with joy, I just had sex, and after the sex when I felt like everything was about spoiling, it all came back for the batter, in fact, today was my day, I felt so good that I wished that day never passed, but it had to pass so that better days will come again. Now I quickly tried to brush the thought off my head, the time had gone, I had to clean up and fast so that I can be able to make dinner before mom came comes back from work. I am sure that you must have known me to be mama's boy, yeah I am mommy's boy and I am proud to say it, I make sure that mom always comes home to see a neet house and food to eat, she had done a lot for me, so if this is the little thing that I can do for mom now that I am not yet working, then I will proudly do it for her.

So that day, even as I did the clean-up of the house and the cooking, I had this unending smile that seem to be embedded on my face. Well, I'm glad that I managed to finish everything including the cooking aspect. When mom came home, I was already done with the cooking, she came home looking so exhausted. I was already done, and I want in the sitting room watching a movie as usual, when I heard the doorbell rung, I went to the door knowing full well that it was mom, I held the door hand, turn it down to open, and mom came in, she came in her usual tired state, she struggled to move her feet to the chair where she threw herself like some pice of log, today was quite a hectic day for mom, it was obvious, normally she would walk into her room for a shower before she can do anything, but today she walked straight to the chair, dropped her self so loud on the furniture and demanded a chilled water from the fridge.

"Baby please help me with a very chilled bottle of water from the fridge, I really need something cold now."

So she said. Yeah, it was December, and it was two months after we came back from Lagos. The weather here is even worse than that of the East, here the harmattan seemed to be more tense, it's only the first week of January and everything seemed all dried up and pale. The moist, the green, the freshness of leaves all dead, brown and dried, and swept up to heaven by the hard-working harmattan wind causing the once beautiful and colorful streets to look pale. As if that was not enough, annoying dust falls down from the sky like snow, almost flooding the whole of my vicinity. If one dares to go out without a nose mask, the person will surely catch a flue, because from off the face, Into the winds of harmattan, the vengeful-sun and the harmattan-dust will blow, cloaking one with dust like a desert person. But one thing is certain even as the harmattan comes with its jealousy and spite, it still can't and will not get to me, because I still gleam with pure glitter. Though my brows and lashes may be filled with dust sometimes when I go out to get something, and even through the dust my look has always been soft-going.

Two months after the incident at the beach in Lagos, I am now all good and I was back to my normal self, that handsome Damian that got all girls tripping, and even now, my hair has grown longer, I haven't been to the barber since after our exams which were weeks before my birthday. So my hair had significantly grown, and I could go to the barber because I would want them to tamper with my newly growing facial hair, these facial hairs made me look even more cute, I trip whenever I saw myself in the mirror, Cynthia also asked me not to cut them, she said she love me more on then the last time I sent her pics of me. You know we never saw face to face aside from a distant sight when I purposely walk past their house side and she will stand by the fat to see me pass. Yeah, aunty Paula had placed strong rules against her associating with me, but that I God she never told her why. And when she finally saw me today, she really love my hair as well, she said she will braid them for me next time. But the only problem I face with the facial hairs is the dust that comes with this crazy harmattan season, it often gets my gold hair all brown, creating a different color entirely like mud stain.

So when she asked for the water, I took it to her, I gave her the water, a very chilled water, I know how she feels, the AC. of her car just spoilt and she said she will go fix it by the weekend, so I understand that she will be so hot and dehydrated, just like me, I often get dehydrated, I sincerely do not like the harmattan season, seriously, this has nothing to do with the mermaid thing, because at that moment I felt like all had been fine and good