
Chapter 148: Preplanned Act

So she said.

"Bully me? After my first sex? Really? Is that your way of being romantic? Haha oh my God, Cynthia you will not make heaven."

So I said, as annoying as this may be, it still found a way of making me laugh, how can she just do this to me? Now I pushed her out of my body to see her cute gave which blushed around right now. 

"I git you right?'

She asked with her eyes buried to the ground. She seemed shy, she could not look me in the eyes, now I hugged her again saying.

"Oh baby, if only you know how glad I am right now knowing that you are not mad at me and that you are not seeing me as a rapist."

So I said.

"No baby, you are not any close to that, if you were, you would have had your way with me yesterday, but you didn't, you probes yo me that I was not wrong in choosing you."

Now she said. 

Ok, you may now go, you know your mom returns home sooner than my mom, go home so you won't be in trouble because of me."

So I said, but she never wanted to let go of me, she even told me that she was going to be bored at home.

That same day after she had gone home, I also went home, I quickly rushed into the bathroom for a wash, men! I was so happy, I danced my way into the bathroom with my lucky joystick which dangled under my legs I went into the bathroom dancing as cold water ran through my head circulating my entire body, It's quite nice knowing how good it feels to be a man. Crazy, me, back then I felt like all I need to do is have sex to be a man, but with the level of my advancement I have come to realize that there is more to it than just sinking your horny rod into some beautiful wet hole.

Well, after the shower I got out and got dressed then dressed my room, fixed my bed that Cynthia roughened, and never thought wise to fix it. Now, trying to fix my bed, I recalled how she moaned and grabbed me by the waist. Poor me, a first-time teenager, at that moment, what ran in my head was the crazy thought of marriage so I can get to have her whenever I like. S, after fixing my room, I rushed to mom's room and also fixed it, I was about to go to the kitchen to fix dinner for mom and I when my phone rang, I rushed to the phone only to see that it was Cynthia, I quickly picked the and I heard her sweet erotic voice, her voice reminded me of her moanings, oh, I was so not sure that I could be able to sleep that night since every single thing reminded me of the sweet moment.

"Baby, how are you?"

So she said as I picked the call, I responded to her saying that I was fine, and then she started yet again, asking me not to feel guilty about anything at all, that she was definitely not drunk today, she even told me that what happened today was predetermined stuff.

"My love, I don't want you to think about anything, nothing you did today that was your fault, the sex was something I have always hungered for, the other day, that was yesterday, I have had it up to my head, but I was so she to ask you for sex, so I thought that if I am drunk, then I won't have to be shown, that was why I got drunk your house yesterday, but you are too good, you just can't do that to me in that state, and seriously, that made me love you, even more, you just proved to me that I made the right choice of man, and that also made me see that if I must have that which I have always craved, then I had to be myself, that was why I came this morning, and I came into your room directly and to your bed so that I can indirectly send you the signal."

So she said through the phone, leaving me speechless.

"Listen, baby, I have always done this which we did today in my mind, and every time we do it, it was so fun just like it was today. You know that you made me to get addicted to you, I just don't know how or when this git this bad, but all I know is that you have occupied my whole mind dear."

She said again. Listening to her say all of those things gets me so speechless, I won't lie, I love it so much hearing her say these things, though it is weird because I do not know Cynthia to talk like this before.

You see baby, any time I close my eyes I always think of you, I don't know, but I always allow my thoughts to wander around as I often wondered when I will have your arms wrapped around me, and kissing me passionately till the next morning when I will get to spend the night with you, and whenever I hear your voice through phone calls and voice notes I just wished that mom never placed the law of me not going near you, so that I can run to you like I did today and envelop you with a tight hug, kissing you all the time all day and all night. 

Many a time I have imagined myself waiting for you in the bed and waiting for you to come to me so that I can link my lips to yours, while you will allow my hands run down your trousers to remove that handsome stiff hard rock of yours, hmm... That which you used on me, baby, it was just as I had imagined it.

So you see, it is not your fault, I was only scared of how you will see me after the sex, that was why I quickly put up myself with the act. Yes, it is all an act, but I was just scared, I don't want to lose you now that we had sex, you know that all you guys wanted, you make us fall for you, and once you get that which you want your love will just disappear into thin air."

So she said. 

"Hmm, baby, that was a huge long talk, but if there is one thing that I will like you to know about me, it will be that fact that I will never leave you, if this relationship will ever break, just know that it will not be coming from me. I love you, baby, I love you so much, through the time that I was sick last month, one of my greatest fears had always been a what if, what if I die, that means I will never see you again, and that was what made me to keep fighting because a cand stand life without you, not even that life after death. Without you any, life is miserable." I said to her and she kept chuckling,  I can only imagine how much blush she must have been blushing. We were still talking when her mom came back and she quickly hind the call with a word kiss.

"Mom is back, Kisses baby's, love you."

She said so quickly and she droped the call.