
Chapter 140: Success Turns Failure

"My king, may your reign be long, look up above, do any of them look familiar to you? Look them deep, look closer, because I think that boy is your son, look at him, this was just you when you were still younger, but why is he up there?"

It was only now that my dad looked up and saw mom, he recognized her, he knew that was the lady with whom he had a one night stand with, he wanted to swim up but the Old one held him back, saying.

"No my King, you cant, let them be, you want to bring him down here by now, that will be the worst mistake of your life."

So he said. And immediately Dad called on all the mermaids and mermen, fishes and reptiles and all the creatures that live beneath the sea, he called them all and made them see that he has an heir, so no one will use that as an edge to bully him out of his throne. So, the was a call for celebration, as all the creatures celebrated, except for one, aunty Salamander. Only her was the one with a bitter face. 

So it happened that as we all were happy that we have been free from the hands of the mermaids they also were happy that we had brought before them their Aqua prince. So that night we slept very well and peacefully, no dreams no feelings of fear, just the feeling of accomplishment. So, the next morning when we woke, something strange happened in the hotel, the hotel people made mom and I look like some kind of people, mom woke me up to go and shower, she went to the door of the prophet to wake him up as she often does to me whenever we were to go to somewhere very early. So she went to his door and knocked, and someone opened the door, but it was not the mad-looking prophet, it was another man. Mom asked him about the man who was there last night, and the man claimed that he had been in that room for almost a month, so how is it possible that someone was there.

Mom quickly rushed back and asked me of the number of the room of the prophet, I told her, and that was the same room. Now mom and I came down to the reception and laid our complaint, before them, we told him about a man we came with us, but now it happens that same room to someone else."

Mom asked the receptionist who was seriously fighting sleep, the poor lady had been on duty throughout the night, and im not sure if she got any sleep at all.

"Madam, if I heard you right, you said that the next person whom you came with? Was it not just the both of you that came here yesterday?".

The lady asked.

"Like seriously? Is this how short your memory is? We were three that came here. And you were the same person who booked us in... Please we are going back today, we are from Abuja and our flight is leaving this morning, we do not have time for jokes pleas, because I have come to see that you guys have planned to start a joke this morning."

Mom said.

And the lady receptionist suggested that she will check her book to know when we checked in. The was an Idea that mom-approved, so, the lady brought out her book and ran through the list of names and the time which they all checked in. So it happened that when the lady opened the and probes the book, she found our name, but could not grind another person at that same time. 

"Madam, you are the Chibuzor's, right?."

"Yes it is us"

Mom responder to the question.

"Madam I don't know if this third person you are talking about. But it could help me if you tell me his name so that I can know where I am searching from, and who I am searching for."

The lady asked.

"His name... Hmmm... Damie love, please can you recall the prophet's name?

Mom asked me. Now I tried to recall, but it was just not that clear, all I could remember was his first name, and that is John, but there were a lot of johns there in the list, but none of them matched with the time we checked in. After the young lady had checked the book over and over again without any reasonable thing to say, she quickly called on the security to take us to the CCTV house, where we will meet the "eyes of the hotel", that was what the lady called it.

So the security came and took us to a room where there were technical people who were responsible for all the information that security will need.

We explained everything to the man, and he had to take back the hands of time to the time we arrive so that he can know if we came with a third person as we claimed. But to our surprise again, the CCTV also confirms the claim of the receptionist. In the CCTV, there was no trace of the prophet, It was just the both of us that was noticed in the camera, the man was nowhere to be found, this was something that mom could never accept. She quickly ran to the room, and I followed her, She bright out her phone so fast and she called the man who helped us to book the ticket in Abuja, she asked him if he saw any person number three with us when we arrived at the airport, but the man also confirmed that he only saw the two of us. Mom was shocked, she asked him how many tickets he bought for her, and he said that it was only two tickets that he got.

"Seriously, are you also kidding me, I sent you money for three, what are u saying?"

Mom said.

"My dear, you paid for only two and I got it for you. Please check your bank transaction details again"

So the man said. Now, mom could not think right, as she tried to ascertain what was truly happening, and it was quite bad that the most were not April, rather it was November.