
Chapter 13: The Discussion

"You know you don't have to run away anytime you suspect something, this lifestyle of yours is affecting the social life of your boy, he needs friends." 

The nurse said. Mummy nurse had come to visit us, only to meet mom talking about leaving town. Thought of us leaving never went well with the woman.

"I know, but it's also for his good, Abuja is a nice place for the both of us, I'm even tired of running, we are going to settle down for good there, we can't spend our whole time in the village" 

My Mom said, in her pink flowery gown, the same gown I got her the gown as a gift during the last valentine, it has always been the both of us, just like two love birds we can't do without each other, on a precise note, I literally can't do without mom.

"But do you have to leave now? Before even making a plan for it? How can you just pack up your bags and leave only because you thought you got a hunch? You know I've come to take you as my own, it will hurt me to live with your absence." 

The nurse said.

"Mommy, we are also going to miss you, but this is not just an ordinary feeling, you know the circumstances surrounding his birth. You know I've always been scared of losing him to the water ever since you remember what the prophet said? He will turn into a fish and swim away the moment he touches any flowing water or any water that has a connection with the sea. And you know he has always had this attraction to the water, even though I have managed to instill fear in him against any flowing water, and Mommy you know there are many streams here, I'm just scared o, plus these dreams I told you I've been having."

 My mom tried to explain in her most quiet tone so that I won't hear what she was saying. Mom never knew until recently that I can hear things, no matter how silently spoken, I can even hear thoughts if I concentrate. A prophet in Lagos also known as the blind prophet had warned her against any contact with flowing water.

"A child will be born to you, a child of the waters, a demon child, but mind you, he could be a blessing to you, and he could also be a curse. Do your best to prevent him from going into any water. The day he makes any contact with flowing water, that day will be that day you lose him to the waters".

So the prophet had said, he was the one who made a prophecy of my birth, this prophecy was made before mom confirmed that she was pregnant with me. I'd was when mom and the nurse were discussing that they heard the noise from outside which caused them to pause and listen. It was the mad lady.