
Chapter 105: A Hidden Discovery

                  ***HIDDEN DISCOVERY***

"Mom, you didn't lock the door?"

So I said as I opened the door. Mom had always worked against not locking the door whether someone is in or out, so, I actually saw no reason why she will not keep to her own rules. So, when I went inside I noticed that mom was sitting before the center table with the Merman statue on the table. Mom must have found her way into my box during her cleanup routine, why the fuck will she even go to my box? She won't usually go through my things, what must have motivated her into doing that? Instantly as I saw this I felt vulnerable, I dont even know if I should run back to where I just came from or what to do.

"What is the meaning of this Damian? What is this going in your box of clothing?"

She asked as she slowly brought her face up to expose her eyes which seemed swollen from an extensive cry, there were still lines of dried tears on her face and the eye still cloudy threatening a heavy downpour.

"I said what is this? Damian! I am asking you, what is this?"

She asked again looking so disappointed, confused, and scared, I can see her visibly shaking, she was anxiously anticipating a response from me, but too bad, I don't even know what to say.

"For goodness sake, talk to me, Damian! Tell me that this thing is doing in your box."

She shouted.

"I... It. It is... I picked... I picked it on my way to s... On my way to school, yes, I found it last... yesterday, I found it yesterday." 

So I said as I dug through my scanty head in search of the right word.

"For the sake of God Damian. You and I know that you can't lie, you had never known how to lie, so why try to start now? And for the love of God, your name is on this... This godforsaken thing. Why is your name crested on this statue? Why Damian? What am I missing? Talk to me, young man."

She asked trying to comprehend what happened. Now I just don't know what to say, before now, I felt like I was becoming a good liar, but right now I sought for lies but they all straddled the fence of my mind. At the moment I just stood there looking at mom with little or nothing to say to the poor woman who seeks a response so urgently.

"Talk to me Damie, why is Damian the Mermam written boldly on this Merman's Statue? What is the meaning of this? Talk to me before I break down... If you know you love me please tell me the truth I beg of you, please don't tell me you picked it because the lie is to obviously a lie to be true. And how can you even think of telling me that you picked it? Is this not the name of your school on this statue? Damian, what have you done? Why do you want to leave me? What have I not done for you? Are you tired of staying with me?"

So she said as tributaries of tears run down her eyes. Looking at her in this mood, I could help but come to her and hold her, I joined her to cry and it reminds me of my body reaction and how I might really die. I feel so sad for myself, I regretted my actions now more than ever.

"I'm sorry mom, I tried to resist it, but I'm too weak, I swam mom, I swam and that was the trophy I got for winning the swim."

I blurted out, instead of helping matters I even made it worse, Mom now threw herself to grown crying and shouting like I'm already dead, this became so scary. 

"Why baby? Why? You know you are not supposed to, I made it clear to... Why do you want to leave me? And for God's sake, where did they find a river here?

Mom asked still crying.

"It is a swimming pool, there is a pool in the school, and I never knew that water is addictive."

I added

"What have I done? What kind of mistake have I done? How comes I did not see the pool the first day? Have you been feeling anyhow lately? Any fishy thing? Talk to me Damie! Any fish tale?"

She asked, now it's obvious that the scales were the symptom of the allergy mom told me about.

"Mom! Fishtail? It's just scales, I've been itchy then the other day I noticed that the rashes I told you about had all grown to scales.."

As soon as I said the word Scales, mom rushed to me, zapped out my shirt to find the disgusting scales all over me, it has even gotten torse, the whole of my back was filled with thick scales. Immediately she saw this, she shouted the blood of Jesus and then turn back to saying her usual chants;

"You a human not a fish!"