
Daily Life With A Lilim

Stanley Berkowitz is your average vertically challenged nerd with an abrasive attitude living in recluse from the outside world when his life inexplicably changes when a dimensionally displaced Succubus princess that looks eerily familiar fell through a portal and landed in his back yard. Advance chapters available on my Patreon at 'Streggaeworks'

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118 Chs

23.4 Ezraphel Meets Natalie

"You came back" were the first words out of Natalie's mouth when he stepped into the room.

She tried not to show it but he could tell she was surprised. After ripping into him like she did the old Stan wouldn't have come back. He would have felt too guilty, sad and bitter to face her again so soon. As he is now however Stan was much stronger than his present self in all aspects. This caught her off guard since he's sure if she expected his return she would have put more effort into cleaning herself up. 

'Looks like I'm not the only one who was crying like a bitch.'

He kept that observation to himself and instead approached her bed.

"About what I said before" began Natalie awkwardly.

"You're right" he interrupted.


"Look let's not pretend I'm not an asshole here Nat" he said with a huff "I am very self aware of my faults and I'm not gonna use that as an excuse." 

It's one thing to ignore the indifferent world but another thing to ignore one of the few people who genuinely cared about him.

"I'm a piece of shit, a shitty brother and I promise to be better."

And as he said this he kept her gaze with a resolute expression to deepen and legitimize his words.

"Uh…" once again Natalie found herself taken off guard by his admission and promise. So surprised she was that she didn't even know what to say for a long while.

Eventually she clicked her tongue and nodded with a very Mr. Mackey-esque "hmm'kay apology accepted I guess" then with a shake of her head and clap of her hands she gave him a pointed look "now back to the matter at hand. What's with the new look and did you say you were on a date before coming here."

"I was on my way to a date yes" he answered "and as for my new look, blame her" then he turned to the side "you can come in now."

Natalie's gaze shifted at the sound of heels and as Ezraphel stepped into the room her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. Standing at over 6ft tall with perfect clear skin, pouty red lips, luscious blonde locks tied into a low ponytail and wearing a blue low cut dress that was practically painted onto her body showing off every contour of her curves and black thigh high boots.

"Whoa" the bedridden woman breathed.

Stanley sidled up to the woman his head coming to press against the side of her chest as he wrapped an arm around her while she did the same.

"Nat this is my girlfriend Ezraphel. Ez this is my sister Natalie."

That had Natalie tear her eyes away from the incredibly tall, beautiful and gorgeous woman to boggle at her brother "girlfriend?"

Ignoring her outburst Ezraphel stepped forward to lean directly over her bed in an almost looming fashion with a bright smile that sent butterfly down the woman's stomach. That's not even mentioning the fact that her ample cleavage was practically shoved in her face.

"Hello Natalie, it's nice to meet you Stanley has told me much about you."

Forcing herself to keep her eyes above the neckline Natalie swallowed "d-did he now?"

"No I jest" Ezraphel answered "the truth is I only knew of your existence a few short hours ago."

Her answer brought Natalie back to the moment with a blink. Ezraphel still maintained her cheery demeanor although now it had become just a bit more strain as she laid an accusatory gaze at Stanley. For his part Stanley was pinching the bridge of his nose in mild aggravation.

Natalie also looked to her brother with a raised brow "yeah that sounds like our Stanley for sure."

"Don't you fucking start" he warned.

Natalie only scoffed before turning back to Ezraphel "he hates when people call him that even though it's his name" she emphasized "Stanley Matteo Berkowitz."

This had Ezraphel turned to Stanley "Matteo?"

"I swear to all the Gods Nat I will end you faster than that cancer ever will if you don't shut the fuck up!" he growled without really thinking.

"Stanley!" Ezraphel yelled in admonishment sending him a glare.

That caused the man to flinch then blanch after realizing what he just said "shit! I don't…I mean…"

While he sputtered Natalie gave a sardonic smile as she regarded Ezraphel "as you can see our dear Stanley has the habit of putting his foot in his mouth when he loses his temper."

Ezraphel nodded "so I have noticed."

"On behalf of the Berkowitz family I am so sorry you had to deal with him all by yourself" Natalie said solemnly "it must have been hell."

Ezraphel nodded waved her concern "I admit there were many, many trying times. Stanley has proven himself to be every bit as stubborn as he is uncouth." 

Natalie nodded in agreement "tell me about it. He wasn't always like this you know. He used to be a really sweet kid."

"Oh?" she now had Ezraphel full attention.

A young, innocent, child Stanley?

Yes please.

That was where the man in question drew the line "enough! There will be none of that. I didn't introduce you two so you can conspire against me."

"Well then you're not very bright then are you Stanley? What else am I supposed to do after you introduce your first girlfriend to me" Natalie replied as if it were an obvious thing.

Ezraphel coughed into her fist "first and only" she emphasized.

Natalie raised a brow looking to her brother "only huh?"

"Don't read into it" he shook his head.

"I'm sorry but could you elaborate on that for me?"

"I am Stanley's first and only romantic partner" Ezraphel clarified before her eyes narrowed a bit "there won't be another."

"God fucking dammit" Stanley's groan went ignored.

Natalie gave the other woman an appraising look as her countenance became serious "bold of you to proclaim that. How long have you two been together?"

"Seven months" Ezraphel answered promptly before Stanley could get a word in.

Natalie whistled at the number "wow lil bro you managed to hang onto her for seven months?" 

"More like she hung onto me" he grumbled but it was ignored.

"Impressive" Natalie nodded before her eyes narrowed imperceptibly. 

There was an unsaid "and very suspicious" at the end.

Stanley sighed "she's not an escort or some gold digging bitch and I'm not her simp-"

Bull. Shit.

"…or her pay pig" he finished with only the tiniest twitch of his eyelid.

Eeh~ technically you kinda are.

'Shut. The Fuck. Up!'

At his words however both women looked to him with degrees of mild surprise and exasperation before Natalie cleared her throat "well I'm glad you cleared that up Stan. Though would it kill you not to be so tactless."

"What's the point?" he argued with a scoff "you thought I bit the bullet and decide to actually hire a prostitute or was being taken advantage of by some big tittied bimbo."

By the end of his sentence both women could only stare at him with unreadable expressions before sharing a deadpan look.

"So seven months huh?" began Natalie.

"That is correct" Ezraphel answered "give or take a few weeks."

"Once again I sincerely apologize for him."


"Oh shut up Stanley the women are talking" Natalie waved him off with a shooing motion as she directed her full attention to "So Ezraphel?"


"I take it you're the one responsible for my brother's makeover" she gave Stanley a once over "very impressive work." 

She meant it too. 

Stan looked so different that she genuinely didn't recognize him when she first saw him. His skin was now devoid of blemishes or imperfections lacking the acne caused by his total lack of care. His skin was also now a healthy shade lacking paleness brought on by his constantly being indoors under air conditioning. His hair lacked the greasiness and his facial hair (lacking as it was) was no longer unkempt. The pudginess that had stayed with him his whole life was finally gone giving him a leaner frame.

'Is it me or is he taller?' she wondered to herself.

Adding to the disconnect of what she remembered of his general appearance last year to now was his style. At some point Stan stopped caring about how he presented himself to others choosing convenience over effort and only putting the bare minimum when urged to. It's why his wardrobe is lacking in both quantity and quality and don't even get her started on his taste in fashion or lack thereof. Yet now his hair was sharply cut, his facial hair well groomed, his clothes looked trendy yet functional enough to show off his fit figure. 

Overall Natalie approved.

"It's no small feat turning an incel into a himbo."

"The fuck you just call me?"

"Actually it was super easy" Ezraphel waved off with a bashful smile "barely an inconvenience." 

At that Natalie looked from the smiling woman to her brother who looked as if he was regretting his life.


The woman made a so-so gesture "Stanley was a bit stubborn in the beginning but I eventually won him over."

"Not many women would go that far for him."

Natalie didn't think any woman in their right mind would. Sad to say but the only thing that could entice a woman to go for someone like Stan would be his money. Even then his caustic personality would make it difficult for them to keep up the pursuit. Worse Stan was too smart to not figure out their angle and he was vehemently against gold diggers and their ilk. From there it would game over for any thot who thought he was an easy mark.

The type of woman who can break through the layers of Stanley's personality quirks, stick with him and actually get him to change is a woman worthy of the highest respect. 

"I'm not many women" Ezraphel answered her earlier comment with an inflection in her voice and Natalie could have sworn she saw something flash in her eyes.

'She's either a saint or someone incredibly dangerous.'

Just then the topic of their conversation reintegrated himself this time coming to stand by Ezraphel.

"As much as I'd love to stand here and watch you two talk about me while ignoring my presence I've just been told that visitation period is almost over."

"That late already?" Natalie questioned as she looked at the clock "time flies when you're in a coma I guess."

Stanley snorted "we'll pick you up tomorrow and swing by your apartment to pick up stuff after."

Natalie perked up "excuse me?" 

"What you think I'm letting you live by yourself after you fainted in public?" he shook his head. 

"Stan, "you don't have to do that."

"I don't want to hear it" he growled glaring "you're staying with me Nat."

"…you know I can't stay with you forever."

He scoffed "course not, I'm kicking your ass out after a month."

'If I make it that long' she thought with creeping uncertainty, anxiety and despair.

Natalie is abruptly brought out of her thoughts when Stanley grabbed both sides of her face "Nat look at me…look at me. You're not going to die."


"Shut up!" he snapped "fuck your leukemia. You aren't going to die, do you understand?" his teeth clenched as he gritted out "I'm not letting you die."

"I-" Natalie didn't know what to say not that she could with emotional she was getting "thank you."

"Don't thank me yet" he replied letting her go and walking away 

Before she could say anything Ezraphel spoke "it is very nice to meet you Natalie."

"You too Ezraphel" she paused for a moment "take care of him will you."

"That's the idea!" then she leaned in closer "I hope to get to know you over the course of your stay with us."

Natalie felt her heart skip a beat for some reason "uh y-yeah sure"

"Let's go Ez" Stanley called out and with a cheery closed eye smile the woman left with Natalie watching the sway of her hips the entire time.


Meanwhile outside Stanley and Ezraphel entered the car and upon starting it the former turned to the latter with anticipation.


At this Ezraphel winced apologetically "I'm sorry Stanley."

The small hope Stanley felt began to wilt "what's wrong?"

"Her blood is infected with the ailment" she began "I don't have the expertise to treat such a malady by myself."

Ezraphel didn't have enough confidence with cancer to begin with but having it infect the blood is by far one of the worst case scenarios.

In response Stanley trembled and Ezraphel placed a comforting hand over his. The moment didn't last as Stanley mastered himself with a shake of his head.

"Fuck it" he growled putting the car in drive "we're going with Plan B then."

~To Be Continued~