Mc was reincarnated as a weak demon in the first chapter. Then Mc was very Op
Grayfia: "So he's the boy you're talking about Shuri."
Venelana: "Without a doubt, he's a very cute boy, fufu~".
Mio: "So beautiful!"
Looking up I could see two women with large breasts and a child, I immediately recognized those two as Grayfia and Venelana while the child with them surprised me quite a bit.
'Mio in Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha this is interesting but I wonder if Zest is in this world'
"What's your name?" Venelana asked while looking at me.
Grayfia: "So he's the boy you're talking about Shuri."
Venelana: "Without a doubt, he's a very cute boy, fufu~".
Mio: "So beautiful!"
Looking up I could see two women with large breasts and a child, I immediately recognized those two as Grayfia and Venelana while the child with them surprised me quite a bit.
'Mio in Shinmai Maou no Keiyakusha this is interesting but I wonder if Zest is in this world'
"What's your name?" Venelana asked while looking at me.
"Nice to meet you, my name is Shane but before I continue..... Can you let me stand up Shuri" when she finished Shuri reluctantly stood up from my body.
Venelana: "Fufu~ nice to meet Shane-kun, Shuri told many interesting things about you."
I hope she didn't count the number of times I ended up licking her breasts and doing more with her.
"My name is Venelana Bael, nice to meet you" she then pointed to the person standing next to Akeno "she is my daughter Rias Gremory" then pointed to the person standing next to Greyfia "this is my youngest daughter Mio Gremory. "
Rias and Mio: "H-Hello...."
Shane: 'Her last name is Bael instead of Gremory, Rias and Mio are shy unlike in the anime'
Grayfia: "Similarly, nice to meet you, I'm Grayfia Lucifuge, Queen of Demon King Sapphire Lucifer."
Shane: 'Wait, you said Maou sirzechs were replaced by Mio's aunt, what else in this world has changed.'
[There are still a few things that have been changed but I think you should discover that for yourself.]
Shane: 'ahh, okay'
"Nice to meet you, Venelana-san, Grayfia-san, Rias-chan and Mio-chan." I greeted the women with a smile and then a magic circle appeared in front of us, from which appeared a beautiful woman with flaming red hair with two horns on her head.
"Rias-tan Mio-tan, Onee-chan has come.....!" The woman said and then stared at me for a while and blinked a few times.
Sapphire: "So cute ..... tell me who are you drop cute girl?".
"My .... my name .... is .... Shane." I couldn't give a coherent answer because Sapphire pressed me to her large breasts, I think I'm grateful that sirzechs have been replaced with Sapphire.
Sapphire: "Kya, that's so name is Sapphire, Shane-kun!"
Venelana: "D-daughter, you better let her go or you'll suffocate her."
Grayfia: "Your mother is right Sapphire, we know it's cute but put it down."
Sapphire pouted and reluctantly stopped pressing me between her soft breasts and I was finally able to breathe normally again.
"Nice to meet you.....Sapphire onee-chan~". I said it in a ghostly voice and smiled in the cutest way possible and next thing I knew, there was no response to my greeting.
'Huh? What's the matter, why isn't anyone replying to my greetings? ' with those thoughts, I opened my eyes and I could see how Greyfia and Sapphire were bleeding from their noses. In the case of Shuri and Venelana, they were licking their lips and looking at me with lustful expressions, while Akeno, Rias, and Mio were fuming with smoke on their heads and their faces were red.
But what they all have in common is .... they are all frozen and their faces are red, even though I don't know that inside they are starting to have thoughts that are not "sane" to me.
"I'll try not to use that expression too often" I thought as I looked at all the women in the courtyard of the Gremory mansion and that's how I met the women of House Gremory.