
Daiki Sarutobi: A leaf village story

A part-time anime watcher is reincarnated into the world of Naruto as the last son of the third Hokage. Daiki Sarutobi inherited his father's talent and even his nickname, he became the pride and joy of the entire Sarutobi clan and the leaf village, watch as he lives his second life to the fullest while protecting those that he loves.

New_Author · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs


( Hokage Office )

"So....?" Hiruzen asked.

" Team seven is alright." Says Daiki as he stands looking out of the office window at the village's lights.

" That's all?"

" What do you want me to say???"

"Nothing I guess, team seven doesn't seem to have caught your interest."

" Of course not, team ten is far more interesting." Say Daiki.

" Oh... that's good, seems like they will shoulder the weight of the next generation." Hiruzen says standing from his seat coming to Daiki's side.

" The younger generation needs to grow and not be turned into mindless killing machines." Daiki says.


Hiruzen didn't respond as he stood next to Daiki in silence as if he didn't hear what he said.

" You know me well enough, you should know when I become Hokage Danzo and the other two will be dealt with in the manner befitting all the things they have done over the years." Says Daiki.

" Mhmm, I expect nothing else, you have made it clear your thoughts and tolerances are different than my own, when you become Hokage you can exercise that power as you see fit." Hiruzen says in an indifferent tone as if the people he was talking about had nothing to do with him.

Daiki turned and looked Hiruzen in his eyes.

" Do you regret it?" Daiki asked.

" Of course, killing off the Uchiha was the result of years of planning made by Danzo and I, but I regretted it the moment it was done, we forced them to the point that they thought of rebellion, and by doing so and killing them off because of the fear of their potential I did something that a Hokage must never do."

" I have come to terms with the mistakes I've made, and the immense damage they have caused to the village, the only thing I can say is that I thought my actions were correct in the moment I carried them out."

" And now they haunt my every dream."

" But I know you won't have the same problem as me, maybe helping you raise as the fifth will be my biggest achievement and gift to the village."

" I will make it so." Says Daiki.

" So don't go dying to early you need to see the greatness that will be produced by your decision." Says Daiki.

' You may have made many mistakes that caused this village to suffer, but at the end of the day you are my father I won't break down what you've built even if it's a lie." Thinks Daiki.

The father and son stood looking down at the village taking in the beautiful sight in silence.

( Training ground)

" Alright brats, training can begin once again, I'm sure you all learnt something in your fight against team seven and that's good but today real training begins." Says Daiki looking at his highly motivated students.

" The first step is to test your chakra natures, and then decide exactly what kind of shinobi you want to be." Says Daiki.

" Testing chakra nature? What's that? And how do we test it Daiki- sensei?" Choji asks.

" And what exactly do you mean by the kind of shinobi we want to be?" Shikamaru adds on.

" All good questions. Firstly chakra nature is divided into fire, wind, earth, water, lightning, yang, and yin. Chakra nature shows a shinobi where his talents are strongest when it comes to ninjutsu, as for how it's tested...." Daiki stops and digs in his pocket and pulls out three square pieces of paper.

" By using these."

"Huh!?" the three genin looked confused.

"Don't worry, you will find out soon enough."

"Now the next question, there are different types of ninjas from medical, tracking, sensory, etc..." says Daiki.

"But before we go on to that, run your chakra into the piece of paper and we will know your chakra nature, before you ask how this is chakra paper it reacts differently depending on the chakra nature injected into it, the chakra paper reactions are as follows: fire the paper will catch on fire and turn into ash, wind the paper will split in half, lightning the paper will wrinkle, earth the paper will turn to dirt and crumble away, water the paper will become damp." says Daiki as he passes out the paper.

"Daiki sensei you listed more natures than reactions." says Ino.

"I know, ill explain after you all are done."

Hearing this the three simply looked at the chakra paper in their hands and ran their chakra through it.

In Choji's hand the paper half of the paper lit and burned to ash, the other half turned to dirt and crumbled away.

In Ino's hand, the paper half turned to dirt and crumbled away, the other half became damp.

Lastly, Shikamaru, half of the paper lit and burned to ash, the other half turned to dirt and crumbled away.

"Now, that we know your chakra natures, I'll tell you about the remaining two, yang and yin release."

"Shikamaru your clan jutsu is yin release in action as well as the Yamanaka clan, while the Akamichi clan jutsu is yang release, they do not appear on the chakra paper."

" Enough of that for now, I'll explain to you the process of your new training."

" Stage two will see you all training both alone and together, first you all will continue chakra control training by keeping at least four leaves stuck to you at all times using your chakra, second you all will fight a clone of mine with the strength of a chunin only using taijutsu, third you will learn the ninjutsu I think necessary for each of you while diving into your individual clan jutsu and making improvements, and assigning your roles in the team and teach you what you would need to fulfil them."

" Those three are just to start, you all will grow quickly before the chunin exams are held, oh and don't forget we will be carrying out missions as well every week to test the results of your training." says Daiki.

"Shadow clone jutsu."

Daiki created three clones and as he was about to send them away with his students Shikamaru interrupted.

"Daiki- sensei can I talk to you alone?" Shikamaru asked.


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