
Chapter 2: Death?! Too fast!!

DoubleDagger finds yet another victim

A man beating up an old lady

DoubleDagger seeing this

jumps of the roof where he's spying the man, the man hears him from behind, shoots him, but DoubleDagger is too fast.

DoubleDagger Slams him head against the concrete wall throws him into the ground and stomps on his leg, HARD.

DoubleDagger flees before the old woman can react

DoubleDagger finishes the math exam.

a girl comes up to him and says "Damn Jace, You're So Fast" in a seductive tone

DoubleDagger has never talked to the girl.

once again, it's night, there has been a gang fight between the "The Serpents" and the "Starving Tigers" many innocent people got involved with the fight, innocent childrens are dying because of the fight

DoubleDagger knew he had to stop this

He went to the area where the 2 gangs fought, he waited, and waited for the perfect time, once he had the chance, he took it, all of them were killed within minutes

one of the gang leader was in that area, DoubleDagger found him observing.

The leader of the "Starving Tigers" Said

"Well, you've impressed me, do yo-"

DoubleDagger swiftly picks up a gun and aims for the gang leader's head, he pulled the trigger which instantly kills him.

Another Night...

DoubleDagger has some competition recently, SteelStrike.

SteelStrike is just like DoubleDagger but SteelStrike uses a bat

They encountered each other.

DoubleDagger says "so you're my competition?"

SteelStrike answers " "

that's all for now :)

That's all for now! sorry for it being short :(

korzenncreators' thoughts