
Chapter 1: Hellion's introduction

Ah yes, DoubleDagger, The one, The vigilante

He was a high schooler, At the day, He was a normal student, But at night he was the most feared gangster in his city...

He Uses 2 Daggers, You may be asking "Daggers? Just use guns!" You may be right, But he's different, He's a superhuman

He can easily slice bullets into two with ease, He can destroy the thickest walls with a single punch, He was very, very fast

Most of the time, DoubleDagger fights gangsters, criminals, etc

why does he do it?

his parents died at the hands of evil people

he doesn't want that same fate to happen to others.


The first day:

DoubleDagger encounters 2 criminals, 2 poor people who encounter DoubleDagger

they were trying to sexually assault a woman, DoubleDaggers Slices Criminal 1's

fingers off and gets alot of wounds, While Criminal 2 gets his spine broken, alot of wounds and gets his legs broken

I'll continue this :)

I'll continue this, upload schedule may be fucked up due to school, that's all :)

korzenncreators' thoughts