
Chapter 5

It's been 4 days since the Christmas party. Kim didn't remember what had happened in the party, or more specifically, in the game. But I do. I do remember everything. Still I pretended like I don't. But my friends. Those brats keep smirked at us every now and then. Kim got so confused with their looks. And I pretended like I was confused too.

I didn't have guts to tell him about that kiss. Moreover, I was not sure that the kiss was just a drunk one or I really had feeling.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise what I was doing and even where I am, until....

"You aren't dead, right?" Kim shook my hand and pointed towards Jack, who pointed towards Brad, who was directly staring at my soul. What the hell was going on? They all are possessed or what.

"Why are y'all staring at me?" I asked.

"You guys kissed at the party?" Brad raised an eyebrow at me. I choked on my drink while they all were looking at me.

"Wh-what are you even saying." I started.

"No. Nothing happened in the party."

"But I saw you both. And I'm sure you guys were kissing." Joe was a bit doubtful about that.

"You were drunk, Joe. Maybe that was just an illusion. Stop thinking about that and move to the classes." I sighed in relief. He was about to say something but everybody started picking their belongings and leave for their classes.


"Hey, Brad." He was on his way to the classroom with Mark. I called him from behind. Mark and Brad both turned to see me. I ran towards them. I wanted to talk to him. It was needed.

"What?" They both said in unison.

"Umm Brad...actually." Mark understood that I need Brad to talk. So, he left his boyfriend to talk with me. I took Brad to the terrace where there will be no one.

"Okay, now stop with this suspense and tell me what you want to talk about him?" Brad asked.


"I'm 2 years older than you. And also have a successful relationship. And you chose me for a reason. So just tell me what's the matter with Kim, Rick." He explained in a most satisfying way. He was right. I actually needed to talk about Kim, and I chose him because he was like a mother for all of us. He always took care of us and helped us in every point of time. He gave us advices for everything. He gave literally dumb advices but somehow they all were effective.

"Come out of your dream land and speak. I have a date tonight."

"Oh yeah! Umm..." I didn't have exact words.

"You like Kim, right?" He said without thinking twice.

"N-no what...what are you even saying. N-no."

"Rick, look I saw you both when you guys were talking. You both are like in love with eachother but can't say. Because you think that this will ruin your friendship or something like that, right?" I hate it when he's right.

"Yeah, I m-mean I don't know. I'm not sure if I have feelings for him or not."

"Oh is it?" He smirked. "Okay, tell me how you feel whenever he looks at you. Whenever he talks with you. Whenever he's around you."

"It feels..... It feels like I'm complete. Just by looking at him, I feel like everything is right. Even when I want to cry, I just call him and he was always there to support me, to help me. He never scold me for midnight calls, my mood swings and tantrums. He always supported me. He lets me cheat from his paper. He behaves childish around me just to make me happy. I can't even look straight at his eyes, it made me a shivering mess. But whenever I look at him or holding his hand, I feel something different. It's a different and euphoric feeling. I felt butterflies in my stomach, when we kissed-"

"WHAT!?" He screamed at the top of his lungs by the mention of kiss. It almost damaged my eardrums. "You guys kissed. Like for real. And you remember that kiss yet you were trying defend yourself."

"Yeah we kissed and I do remember. But I was defending him, I thought he might felt uncomfortable. But the amazing part was, he didn't. He was actually neutral about that, as if he himself wanted it."

"Ofcourse he wanted that kiss, dumb. The conversation we are having right now is completely deja vu for me. You want to know why?" He smirked. And I could clearly felt that he was going to tell me something for which I wasn't ready.

"Why?" I asked.

"He likes you back, bitch." He said with a straight face.

"W-what? Brad you know that this is not the time for your stupid jokes, right?" I was so fuvking shocked with that sudden indirect confession.

"I'm not joking, dumbass. He likes you. We had this conversation on the very next day of Christmas party. He called me and invite to his house for some 'important conversation'. I went to his house. He said that he wanted to talk about you. And I was sure what he wanted to talk. Then he started. He wasn't sure about the kiss, but he had some blur images of that. So, yeah. He confessed that he has feelings. For you. For real." I was just standing there, totally numb. I tried to digest all this information. I just wanted Kim right now. I wanted to confess him, to hold his hand, to kiss him right now.

"Stop your perverted thoughts here." He said.


"You were thinking about Kim and you wanted to kiss him right now, right?"

"Are you a mind reader or what?" I rolled my eyes at him. He started laughing his signature laugh. Windshield laugh. That's what we called. Because he sounded like a wiper screeching on a glass, when he laugh.

"Go get your lover boy, Rick. He's waiting for you." I started running to meet Kim and confess. But I stopped and turned around.

"What if I confessed to him on New Year?"

"Huh?" He asked me with a confused look on his face.

"What if. I confessed. My feelings. To Kim. On New year's Eve. That is after 2 days." I said. Tried to make it more specific for that poor guy who was very confused.

"That would be great. I remember how Mark confessed me on last new year. We will share same anniversary with different year. Just like bros." He make a fist and wanted a fist bump. I completely ignored that and hugged him. He hugged me back. He was like a saviour to me, at this moment.