
Dabria - An angel of death.

There's a drumming in my ears, it sounds like a heartbeat, but as if it is dying. The sound begins to go quiet, becoming harder to hear like there's water surrounding it, a lot of water until it becomes nothing but a muffle of sound waves. It's changing pitch, it sounds like a murderous, pleading scream, as if someone is about to end up dead and they're begging for mercy, or they were shot and are shrieking out in pain. My heart skips a few beats as it becomes louder and louder and louder. I feel my hands coming to my ears to cover it, but I stumble back and let out a shriek when the screaming of agony became louder. Yet, I soon realized no sound came out and water began flooding my mouth as a pair of hands latch themselves around my throat and squeeze tightly, my own hands grip onto their wrists, clawing at them to let go. My vision is becoming blurry, all I can hear is ringing, clapping, cheering and then cries and screams of pain. I'm beginning to give up hope until my body is let go and left to sink down to the depths of my new cage of water. My eyes close and a sinking thought comes through my mind, 'It's the end, I guess.'

Dont_Scream · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

4). Did you sleep with someone?!


Akiro's POV


I wake up to the sound of his steady, calm breathing, the warmth of said breath hitting my neck gently. I look down to meet his closed eyes and silently kiss his forehead, shoving the blankets off and sitting up. He squirms, shifting and pulling over back onto himself and snuggling into it. I feel a smile creep upon my face and I get up, stretching and yawning loudly.

"Ah. . . Be quiet." I hear him mumble and turn to face him, smirking.

"Oh, did Mr.Let me sleep get woken up?" He huffs, looking up at me without an answer and I kneel down by him, take him by the chin and pull him up to face me, our eyes locking almost immediately. I notice how his cheeks turn a rosy pink while his beautiful red eyes shimmer from confusion and shock. He flinches, pushing me away so I get shoved onto my ass and huff loudly.

"Don't do that." He mumbles, crossing his arms and looking away, the blush remaining there while he seems to avert my gaze. I sigh loudly, crossing my legs and leaning my chin into my hand silently.

"Alright, I'm sorry." I mumble after spending 5 minutes in silence. I get up sorting out my uniform and glancing back at him, nodding at how he is still averting my gaze completely. I exhale softly, turning and going to the door to find it was unlocked now. "The door is unlocked." I loudly say, trying to catch his eyes, but he never looks up. "Alright, bye then." I mutter, gripping the handle and pushing the door aside so it slid into it's compartment and locked in. I walk down the hall, a hand in my pocket while I use the other to sort out my hair. I pause at someone yelling and then wince in pain at someone hitting me on the head abruptly.

"Akiro! Where were you!" Yells a feminine, recognizable voice in my ear. I turn to look at her, holding my head, glaring down at the smaller being.

"Akira, we talked about you hitting my head." She glared back at me with a pout on her face, crossing her arms and huffing a black smoke into my face. It makes me sneeze almost immediately as I whack it away, growling at her. "I told you to stop doing that."

"And I told you to stop getting in trouble with teachers!" She grumpily answers, then pauses and I notice her eyes light up brightly and she squeals. "Did you sleep with someone?! You smell different, big brother!" She squeals loudly, and I feel my face become hot with embarrassment and I grab her face with one hand and push her away.

"Just shut up."

Chapters will be small and I may post more than once a week, but we'll have to see. Gradually the chapters will get bigger, but I need to get back into writing first; I've been drawing for the past month non-stop.

Dont_Screamcreators' thoughts