
Da Xuan Martial Saint

A thousand-year dynasty would inevitably face decay, and a hundred-year noble family would eventually return to dust. What in this world could last forever? Was it an Immortal Body, tempered a thousand times, or the Martial Arts will, in Heart Unity with heaven and earth? Chen Mu came to this world, his sword in hand, and when he turned back at dusk, countless heroes and millennium-old Demons had all turned to dust, leaving only one person on the road paved with yellow sand.

Night Wind Listener · Huyền huyễn
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126 Chs

Chapter 7 Patrol

"So that's how it is."

Chen Mu revealed a look of sudden realization.

In those days, any opportunity for advancement naturally led to fierce competition, with people practically breaking their heads over it. For older constables like Liu Song and Li Tie, who had grown in age, there might be less interest. With declining energy and strength, they didn't feel capable of making much progress in martial arts. However, younger ones naturally harbored dreams of soaring to the heavens and rising rapidly through the ranks.

However, Chen Mu wasn't very interested in this. On one hand, with the system, even the most skilled martial master couldn't compare. On the other hand, Ren Yan had only just begun learning himself, and what skill did he have to guide others? Even if he really had some skills, it's another matter whether he could teach others. Teaching others and practicing oneself were two different things after all.

Thinking that by fawning over Ren Yan, and seeking a few tips from him, one could master martial arts was nothing less than a pipe dream.

But in this world, as long as there was even a glimmer of hope, people would flock to it eagerly.

"Chen Er, with your age, if you could have a chance to practice the blade, maybe you could make something of it. We older folks don't have such aspirations anymore. Won't you go have a look?"

Li Tie said to Chen Mu with a smile.

Chen Mu shook his head and said, "Martial arts aren't that easy to learn. If not practiced well, it's no different than any common brawler."

Before, he didn't understand the true techniques of martial arts, but now that he had achieved Major Achievement in Blade Technique, he understood quite a bit. At least at the 'entrance' level, the difference between them and those who randomly chopped and hacked was not that big. Even if it was a bit stronger than the brawlers, in a real fight, with the blade blind to loyalty, a graze could cause injury, and life and death were still unpredictable.

At least, one had to achieve Minor Achievement to be considered somewhat proficient.

And achieving Minor Achievement generally required a year or two of effort. If one's talent were lesser, it could take many years. Although he wasn't sure about Ren Yan's talent, reaching that step was still a rather distant matter for the time being.

"Heh, indeed, martial arts aren't that easy to practice."

Liu Song also said with a chuckle. He was older and knew some people who had learned martial arts in the Inner City dojos. After one or two years of practice, they indeed developed some skill, but there were many among them who were slain by wild blades, the difference was not that great.

The conversation among the group was in low voices, inconspicuous in the noisy corner of the yard. However, Ren Yan, who was surrounded and flattered by everyone in the middle, had noticed Chen Mu as soon as he entered the yard.

Although distant, and unable to hear clearly what Chen Mu and Liu Song were specifically saying, the scattered words and lip shapes gave him enough to discern, and he felt somewhat displeased inside.

Chen Mu was the youngest in the Ninth District City Defense Division, besides him. Ren Yan had invited Chen Mu several times to drink together and each time, Chen Mu declined, never giving him face. This made him very upset, feeling that Chen Mu was belittling his youth.


fortune had smiled upon his house, presenting him with the opportunity to learn Blade Technique at the dojo, and after the news spread, all the constables in the yard sought to get close to him, flattering him. Even the older constables showed more smiles towards him, all except for Chen Mu. Upon entering the yard, he didn't come over and there was no respect in his gaze.

Ren Yan felt a wave of displeasure at that moment, but he kept a smile and took a few steps towards Chen Mu, saying, "Brother Chen thinks that without good practice, there's no difference from a common brawler. I just started learning not many days ago, how about Brother Chen gives me some pointers?"

Chen Mu naturally had no interest in competing with Ren Yan. Besides, Ren Yan was younger than him. To Chen Mu, who had lived two lifetimes, he was akin to a child, so he shook his head and said, "It was just some layman's jokes. For Brother Ren Yan to have such an opportunity, mastering a blade technique in the future will surely lead to a meteoric rise."

That sounded like a reasonable person.

Ren Yan's expression improved somewhat, and he nodded at Chen Mu before turning back to chat and laugh with the other constables.

In the future, he was to learn the Blade Technique and rise rapidly, aiming to become a Head Constable or even a Prefecture Chief. Indeed, it wasn't necessary for him to take a common constable like Chen Mu seriously. It was said that Chen Mu's family was very poor, and they wouldn't be on the same level in the future.

The constables in the yard didn't dwell much on the brief exchange between Chen Mu and Ren Yan, each only offering a smile. Only some younger constables glanced at Chen Mu, thinking he didn't understand the opportunity at hand, not taking the chance to get in Ren Yan's good graces now. When Ren Yan later rose to power and became a true Head Constable, where would he have the time for them?

But no one would remind Chen Mu of anything; after all, everyone had their own ambitions. If one preferred to spend a lifetime as an ordinary constable amongst the older folks, living each day at the bottom, there wasn't much to say.

Even Liu Song and Li Tie didn't say anything.

Both were slightly surprised since they knew Chen Mu well and were aware that he usually acted with caution, seemingly harboring some ambitions. Yet today his attitude was so indifferent. Perhaps he had encountered something that made him see the light, willing to live a mundane life from now on?

That was probably for the best.

If he had no great ambition, then he wouldn't engage in risky endeavors. Even if these lowly constables were living in poverty, they could still go about their days in peace, not lacking food, with a job they could do until old age.

"Alright, time to go on patrol, otherwise we'll catch an earful from Leader Qin if he sees us," Liu Song said after finishing his bitter tea and stood up to signal Chen Mu and Li Tie.


Chen Mu had drunk half his tea when he too stood up, joined by Li Tie and Liu Song as they left the courtyard to patrol.

With the three of them leading, the other constables in the yard quickly dispersed in small groups, though many shook their heads secretly as they watched Chen Mu's retreating figure.


The Ninth District was by no means small, particularly the bustling stretch of street, brimming with restaurants and teeming with noise.

The patrol led by Chen Mu, Liu Song, and Li Tie was mostly limited to the major thoroughfares, aimed merely at deterring local ruffians from causing trouble in broad daylight on the busy restaurant streets.

After all, aside from paying the local gangs, many restaurant streets also paid protection money to the City Defense Division. They weren't seeking protection so much as maintaining face.

Of course.

None of that money ended up in the hands of low-level constables like Chen Mu.

Most of it went to the Prefecture Chief, with the Head Constables taking their share of the remainder.

After a casual patrol, Liu Song, caught by a sudden whim, pulled Li Tie and Chen Mu into a restaurant for a drink. However, Chen Mu declined and they eventually settled for tea.

In the current times, it wasn't unusual for constables to openly have a couple of drinks in a tavern. Being caught by a Head Constable might at worst result in a scolding, and nothing more. But Chen Mu was always cautious, choosing to abstain rather than make a mistake that might give others leverage against him, especially if made an example of over a trivial matter.

Convinced by Chen Mu, Li Tie agreed, and Liu Song didn't press the matter. They arrived at a tavern and, with a bowing and scraping waiter attending them, sat down by the window. They ordered a pot of tea and some peanuts and fennel beans.

While chatting leisurely,

They heard a commotion outside.

Chen Mu looked out the window and saw a group of people fighting not far away, causing passersby to scatter.

One group was clearly outmatched and retreated in disarray, while some nearby vendors who had not packed up in time also suffered in the chaos, not knowing who was being attacked or robbed— it was a mess.

Despite this scene, neither Chen Mu, Liu Song, nor Li Tie—one constable after another—moved from their spot in the tavern, merely observing from a distance while sipping their tea.

Such incidents were all too common.

Usually, if the fighting didn't involve the roadside restaurants and markets, they would not intervene unless someone was killed in broad daylight, prompting the City Defense Division to step in.

Besides, both Chen Mu and Liu Song could tell at a glance that the brawlers belonged to gangs, and such disputes were even less likely to draw the attention of the City Defense Division's constables.

"Looks like the Black Snake Gang is in trouble,"

Liu Song squinted at the distant skirmish, identifying the retreating group.

"Oh? How come?"

Li Tie, popping a fennel bean into his mouth, looked over curiously and asked, "Wasn't it said that the Black Snake Gang had over a hundred people and a slew of formidable fighters? They've been thriving for nearly a year now."

Chen Mu also turned to Liu Song, waiting for more information.

He was familiar with the Black Snake Gang, a formidable gang in the Ninth District. Even the street where he lived, as well as several nearby alleys, were under their control, and they collected 'protection money' each month.

Of course, as a legitimate constable, the Black Snake Gang did not extort him, and their members nodded in recognition when they saw him.

"Heh, you guys don't know? The Black Snake Gang recently suffered a disaster. The Gang Leader was seriously injured along with several chiefs either killed or wounded. Now, it likely won't last much longer,"

"Those chasing after them, I believe they're called the Red Gold Gang—it wasn't known much a few months ago, but now, it's said to have taken a lot of territory from the Black Snake Gang. I reckon it won't be long before it completely replaces them,"

Liu Song chuckled and took a sip of his tea.

Li Tie, listening to Liu Song, was visibly moved and said, "So the Black Snake Gang is finished? Their Gang Leader was quite an extraordinary figure, known for his lethal and fierce spear technique, comparable to a venomous snake. He's a practitioner of Spear Momentum and once killed dozens single-handedly. Even in our City Defense Division, probably only the Prefecture Chief could surpass him."

Not just Li Tie, even Chen Mu remembered the Black Snake Gang Leader, who had once come to the City Defense Division to claim someone. At that time, the Head Constables were unable to restrain him, and it took the Prefecture Chief's personal intervention to resolve the issue.