
D.E.M.O.N.S: Getting Summoned Weekly isn't so Bad

“Kat, you have a tail” said Lily “Look, Lily, it really isn’t that big of a concern” said Kat “You.Have.A.TAIL KAT” said Lily “How is this not a concern to you?” “Well, the dream I had was a bit weird as well, but if I’m honest, I’m mainly worried about the floating text that’s on fire” said Kat “THE What?” said Lily --------------------------------------------------- Join Kat on her dimension hopping adventures as she fullfills her demonic duty and answers the call of the summoner. Each week Kat will get involved with new strange situations and oppurtunites that await her. During the week she'll have her best friend Lily, and perhaps a little help from Sylvie to figure out what's she supposed to do with her life now that she's becoming a demon. Chapters releasing daily ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Artwork by CristianAC: https://www.deviantart.com/cristianac Story Discord: https://discord.gg/YzGgDHC

Vongrak · Kỳ huyễn
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1533 Chs

Chapter 972 Enter, the Titan Bodeir

As soon as Lily hit the floor Kat got to work double checking things. She was almost certain Lily was fine and just out of mana but it paid to double check this sort of thing. Kat only knew the most basic of first aid but she did what she could. First, Kat checked for Lily's breathing with a hand. It was steady… until Lily started to cough and Kat remembered all the damn dust in the air. Wincing at her own carelessness, Kat picked Lily up into a princess carry and dashed back to the house. 

Kat was able to open the door with her tail and then make her way to the bedroom they used the other day… only for Kat to realise that Lily is very much not immune to dust in the same way she was. Hmm… it seems I've just made more work for myself. Let me just… Kat brushed off Lily's hair quickly before grabbing one of the pillows and laying her girlfriend down on the floor.