
Chapter 1265 The Flying Snake-thing is no Problem

--- Nixilei ---

Nixilei frowned. The odd popping noise the pair had dismissed as an issue was getting louder again as they approached those massive trees that continued to reach up into the sky. Nixilei frowned and said, "You can hear that noise getting louder right? Any idea what it is?" 

Asteodia shook her head and answered "I agree it's getting louder but I've got no idea what it could be. I'm guessing it's a monster, if only because I don't know of any spell that would make that noise and provide flight. With these contraptions being quite new as well… I can't think of anything else it would be," 

"So what, it's a 'popping dragon' or something?" asked Nixilei. 

"What is a popping dragon?" asked Asteodia with some confusion.