
Chapter 1073 Now, I Just Wanna Talk

Meng's in charge.


Meng waved her hand, the weaker qi signatures fluttered for a moment and all fell to the ground, their minds wrapped in illusions so tightly that they would be lucky to escape before the sun exploded. There were just two remaining. "Come on out, we can have a little chat. I'll even swear on the heavens not to attack you first!" shouted Meng. 

*If they agree that should help me buy Bing and Feng plenty of time to get away from here. I don't know if they have any others chasing us so far, but I doubt it. It's not like they have infinite manpower to throw around.* 

"I'll take your deal!" shouted the voice, Meng could vaguely recognise. "If you also promise not to trap is in illusions unless we attack as well,"