
I - Lars Cervoj

*beep beep* *beep beep* *beep beep*

The electronic alarm clock was ringing 7M. Reaching his hand to stop the clock, he grumbled " Just let me sleep 5 more minutes.." as he goes back sleeping wrapping himself in the blanket. But his mum start calling him " Lars ! Come have breakfast ! You are going to be late !", sighing Lars get himself up. Heading to the bathroom, he removed his clothes and took a quick shower. Getting out, he dried himself and looked at the mirror. Lars wasn't ugly, but he was very handsome, just above average. His facial traits were a mix of Asian and European as his parents were French and Chinese. He got sharp facial trait he got from his French father but got black hairs, a light beige/white skin colour. His eyes were a bit special as he has heterochromia : one eye was silvery blue and the other one greenish blue. Despise his ordinary look, his physique was definitely remarkable : firmly defined chest muscles, 6 packs abs, strong arms. Lars goes regularly to the gym resulting in this physique. Overall, you can call Lars a chick magnet.

Dressing himself with a greyish jean and a Green lantern sweat, he went down. He saw his parents lovingly talking and hugging each other. His mother noticed Lars and told him to sit at the table as the breakfast was ready. Sitting down, his mother serves him an English breakfast.

" Erg.. beans.." thought Lars. knowing her son hate beans, his mother said

" You have to eat your beans Lars !", she said frowning

"...Yeah mum..", responded gloomily Lars

"Haha don't make that long face, give me your beans son."

"Thanks dad."

Finish his breakfast he goes out and head to school, on his way he meet his friend Vlad. Vlad was his only real friend, they were friends since their childhood. They used to live next door, they got to know each other because both their mothers were old classmate during their high school and college years. they were surprised to meet each other after so may years. as they catch up, their 2 sons begun to interact with one another. Lars first impression of Vlad was that He was energetic, funny and very confidant. Vlad on his side found Lars calm, a bit stoic but very talkative when talking about a subject he likes. Since then, those 2 hung out together, going to the same school all their schooling. They were close enough to even be called brothers.

On the way to college, Vlad gift him a pendant, a deer pendant. He said he found it in some flea market and he thought Lars may like it. Lars thanked him and promise he will buy a gift for him too. Vlad smilingly said it wasn't necessary, they are brothers and brothers give gifts. Lars smiled back but promise he will still buy something for him. They keep talking all the way. Once arrived, they part way because Lard major in biology and Vlad in History. He get in class, found an available place and sit down. The amphitheatre was getting full, a girl approached Lars and asked him if she could sit next to him. Facing the girl, Lars recognized the girl : she was Nora Ross the popular little miss of the Ross house. He was quite surprised by Nora's attempt to sit next to him, there were still some sits and she didn't have to sit next to him. Although he was quite happy by the fact that she was willing to sit next to him, he was quite puzzled by that action. Others may view Lars as some playboy because of his build but Lars wasn't really good with girls.

"Please", said Lars pointing the sit next to him

"Thank you", smiled back Nora

"Quiet ! We are going to start the class ! ", yelled the teacher entering the class

As the lesson goes on, Lars noticed that Nora periodically look at him. Intrigued by her action, Lars asked her why she was looking at him. She blushed a bit as he made it sound like she was interested in him. She answered that Lars'notes weren't written in English but in some strange symbols, it picked her curiosity. Understanding her curiosity, Lars explained that it was his own writing language

which he invented. It allows him to write quicker and save paper as it require less space. Widening her eyes and looking at Lars surprised, she complimented his ingenuity to come up with his own language. Thanking her, Lars asked her if she wanted to learn it.

"I would love to learn it, but I am afraid it may be too difficult to learn it..."

"Don't worry, I create it so I can write it quickly so it's not too complicate.", said Lars trying to comfort her

"I will write an introduction handbook and give it too you. I should be able to complete it tomorrow. If you have any questions just ask me."

"Thank you ! *scratching on a a piece of paper* Here, my phone number. Just give me a message when you complete the handbook and I'll come get it"

The lesson ended, they part ways. Lars received a text from Vlad saying he couldn't go home with him, he has to finish a group assignment. As Lars didn't had anything special to do, he went to the library to write the handbook he promise Nora. Founding a quiet place, he start writing the book. A few hours passed as he finished the book. Satisfy with his work, he got up and headed home as it was quite late. On the way, he took out the pendant Vlad gifted him to have a better look a the pendant. The deer wasn't any ordinary deer as it has 4 horns instead of 2, 2 big ones like other deer and 2 smaller ones in front of the others ones. It pose was a jumping pose. Passing his fingers behind the pendant, Lars felled some inscriptions on the back. Turning the pendant to get a better look at what was written, Lars read : [To my son, To protect you from harm]. Was it some kind of charm a parent gave their son ? Why would it be in a flea market then ? Wasn't it an important item ?

Lost in his questions, Lars heard a woman yelling "Help ! My daughter !". Turning his head in the voice direction, he saw a little girl ready to be hit by a truck. Without a second thought, Lars dashed to save the girl. Just as he was about to reach the girl, he blacked out. Opening his eyes, he was an the floor. Pain. That was all he could feel. Did he manage to save the girl ? Regaining a bit of clarity, a saw the mother kneeling in front of him : "Th-thank you ! *cries* Thank you for saving my daughter !". "I am happy that she is fine" smiled back Lars before closing his eyes. "Young man ! Don't close your eyes ! Young man !". But Lars couldn't hear her, as he was looking consciousness, he only regretted not keeping his promise to Vlad and leaving his parents in sadness. But he didn't regret anything. On this night Lars died smiling..