
Cyborgian Chronicles: The battle for technological ascendency

Cyron, the arch emperor of Planet Hexa, began to rule over his creations, creating more Sentiments and bots called Weaponries; their duty is to protect the Cyborgians of Hexa. Each aeons passed by, the great civilization became more advanced than any other galaxies. As news of the successful creations spread across the galaxies of both cyberspace and averages, empires scrambled to acquire their own Cyber technologies. The Cyborgians of Hexa conquered many hundreds of digital worlds and completely took dominion over them and inhabited the seized planets. Cyron had become more powerful, no Emperor of any known realms could not conquer him.

EmporiumCity · Khoa huyễn
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4 Chs

The Resistance

There were scattered commotions all around the planet Hexa, The innumerable fleet of the Titans of the Averages had completely surrounded the planet, as thin visible red lights indicating their vengeful presence were all over the blue skies of the planet,

  "You are completely surrounded, surrender the target or face your doom."

An echoing voiceover from among the Titan fleet sounded threateningly as massive blasts of blue lights dashed down from the warships, razing blue fires, destroying the spectacular buildings of the Cyborgians. The remnant Weaponries marched out in uniform force, blasting their formidable light beams at the warships which exploded after each incognitive shot at them above as the blazIng ships descended unto the ground in a loud boom. Trails of missles soared all across the blue skies above, wrecking most of the wondrous structures of the realm, Human Fighters flew speedily in loud buzzing sounds as they shot out their destructive lasers at the heavily secured barriers formed by the Weaponries, 

Captain Rodha's blue pagers which was securely fitted behind her reptilian ears, beeped shortly,

  "Captain, our lines of defenses are disassembled, we need a more higher Backup security protocol."

"Take up defenses at the Northern division," 

Captain Rodha turned as she signalled to the standby gaurds, armed to the teeth with highly enhanced weapons, they turned about while marching behind Captain Rodha, 

  "Don't back out, a new reservoir of defense is soon to be delivered."

 A short beep,

  "Affirmative, Captain."

The dialogue ended with a sharp and short blip, Captain Rodha clutching her Lightsaber beside her Electro belt, walking heroically towards the hatch that led to the outside worlds, where many civilians are all running for their safety. 

Captain Lexah had secretly manhandled the Techno guardians at the Entrance Vault, limiting the Battle Force of the Insides in favour of the Rebels, She silently walked behind one of a standby gaurd, skillfully manovured herself in combat as she deactivated the power line of the gaurd which made a low droning sound as the gaurd collapsed harshly in a dull thud before Lexah's mechanical feet...

What could possibly make Captain Lexah and General Kobb rebel against the Intellect Elites of Hexa??

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