
Cyborg Supreme

This is a story im working on, about a cowboy bounty hunter set in a dystopian western cyberpunk world.

Zauna · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

1850 A Cowboy Story

Somewhere in a parallel universe in 1850…

Arthur Kane, a young lawless cowboy, waits inside his house holding a double-barrel shotgun.

There had been Knocks on the door… Two men stood outside armed and angry.

The first gang member says, "Hey you little shit I know you're in there, why don't you come out and we can have a chat."

It was only silence that answered him. You could hear the wind tip toeing around the house, whistling as it went by.

The first Gang member then raises his voice and says "Alright you asshat. You got about 5 seconds before I come in there…huh?"

Just before he could finish his sentence two bullets engulfed in flames shoot through the door, blowing the gang member's head clean off his shoulders.

The first gang member was walking about, stumbling without his head. He then fell onto his back and died. Truly a chilling moment.

Silence once again fell over the setting.

Arthur quickly reloads the shotgun and says

"One down one to go."

Arthur slowly looks out the window to scout out more Gang members only to find one. Fleeing for his life.

Arthur without any hesitation shouts out to him

"hey get back here," Arthur said.

And proceeded to chase after him. Slowly but surely Arthur catches up to him and shoots him in the back of the leg.

Gang member 2: ahhhhhhhh!!!! Fuuuuucccckkkk! Myyyyy lleeeeggggg.

A clean shot left a smaller-sized soccer ball hole in the back of his hamstring.

You could almost see the bone of the gang member's leg. The flesh was torn apart and blood poured out of his leg like a mini waterfall.

Coughing and wheezing the gang member turns around to reach into his pocket

A pulls out two needles full of orange liquid.

Before Arthur could react the gang member moves he ejects himself with the needles into the neck and begins to transform.

Arthur Kane: "how the fuck did you get your hands on those? You know I been looking for a new pair of vials myself."

As the gang member gets up he is remarkably bigger than before at least 8 feet tall. Arms and legs are three times the size of regular humans.

The now mutant gang member walks over to Arthur slowly with a murderous look in his eyes.

Arthur points the shotgun toward the gang member and fires two shots to his chest.

The bullets do nothing but leave a bruise on his skin, barely piercing his flesh. The gang member laughs and says

"HaHaHa, You're gonna have to use more than just bullets to hurt me shitbag! Get ready for hell, I'm putting a hole in you as you did to my friend.

With a lung forward faster than the average eye could see, the gang member punches Arthur directly in the face, sending him flying into the side of a house.

Arthur sits himself up onto the house holding his face Arthur says

"fuck my face! Everything is spinning. Fuck!Fuck! fuck! I gotta stop this guy before he kills me."

Just as Arthur proceeds to adjust himself to get up, the Gang member lands another blow to Arthur's chest with lightning speed.

CRACK! Arthur had broken some bones along his ribs.

But one thing the gang member didn't know. Arthur was resilient and a quick thinker. Just as Arthur got his chest punched in he grabbed out his knife and stabbed the gang member's forearm.

The gang member laughs and says "hahaha. That's it? It tickles!"

Admits the laughter Arthur mutters under his wheezing breath.

"You talk too much."

And pulls the knife towards his body slicing the gang member's forearm in half all the way down to where his middle finger and ring finger meet.

Gang member 2: Aaagggghhhhhh! My arm. You just don't know when to say when eh?

Now extremely upset, the gang member screams at the top of his lungs sounding out a roar that parted the clouds.

Arthur smiles and says

"Stop crying you, big baby! Haha. Your monster serum doesn't work anymore, huh? Is that it? Pfft! Fucking pathetic."

"And you say I talk too much. Geez." Gang member 2 replied.

Then slowly the gang members' forearm which had just been sliced down the middle begins to morph back together.

The gang member now fully healed leaps onto Arthur picks him up and tosses him 30 feet in the air.

Arthur Kane: "oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!"

The gang member jumps in the air, catches Arthur, and throws him to the ground. Causing a massive blast.

Boom! Arthur crashes into a house through the roof.

Silence yet again fell over the setting.The dust from the ground had been kicked up into the air, making big golden brown clouds of dust behind. Then the gang member says

"What is that all you got? Big Bad Arthur Kane, more like Big Fat Bitch Kane, ha ha ha."

A sudden presence fell upon the Gang member. I presence that sends chills down one's spine… overwhelmed with panic the Gang member says

Gang member 2: Arthur!!!!!

The roar sent a shockwave throughout the desert land. Clearing the dust from the air.

A few moments earlier…

Arthur now looks death in the face once again, Arthur whose body has been broken. His right arm 3 clean breaks. Both legs has been broken.

3-4 broken ribs. And a spinal fracture.

As Arthur seems to be ready to enter death's door, he reaches with his left arm into his jacket pocket…

"fuuuuucccccckkkkk!!? Uuggghhh."

Arthur Kane thinking: I didn't want to have to use these today, but this guy is PIISSING MEEEE THHEE FUUUCK OFFFF!

What was in his jacket pocket was vile, with 24 or so Tablets inside it. On the lid is said

"Only and Only use these for the recommended dose.

Ps: take half a tablet a day. Only take one full one if you need to. But do not go over that or there will be another hell you'll face. "

Arthur shakes the vile into his mouth swallowing 2 pills. One over the recommended dose.

A sudden call for Arthur shocks Arthur into what seemed to be the beginning of the end.

Back to the present day…

The gang member walks towards the destroyed building he threw Arthur in.

Gang member 2: ohhh Arthur!!! Where's the big bad Arthur Kane?!! Hahahahaha"

The gang member mocks Arthur.

Admits the disrespect the Gang member was too distracted by his own ego and was too nieve.

You see, this Gang member-only made one mistake. Always keep your eyes on the prize.

A gust of wind knocked over the Gang Member.

He looks back to where Arthur was but he was gone.

Panic quickly filled his mind. Looking around for Arthur. Until he saw a man who looked like Arthur. He called out

" There you are, you little shit. What you play hide and go seek. Pussy."

The man started to walk toward the Gang member.

Again the sudden presence filled the space which each step the man took he got bigger, faster, stronger.

It was like having 1000 lbs on your back.

Now only ten steps away from the Gang member the man stops.

Dead silence. With a slight sound of a machine running. Similar to the start-up of a modern-day PC.

The man says to the mutant gangster. " You know Arthur?

Gang member 2: "yeah so what. Who are you?

The man: You seem to not understand whos in front of you.

The man's voice was robotic and deep, while speaking you could see the smoke trail out of his cheeks.

Gang member 2: huh?

The man says to him, "I am a man of many names, some know me as me the boogie man, a devil, even a demon. There was a young girl who came up with the most fascinating name for me, Cyborg Supreme, haha Such a stupid name. Oh, how I miss her.

The gang member quickly tries to punch the man in the face but in 0.5 seconds vanishes.

Confused, the Gang member turns around only to find the man standing behind him.

The man: "you know it's rude to interrupt. Try that shit on me again you might die."

The gang member speed blitzes to the man trying to land a crazy punch.

The man, quicker than light itself, grabs the gang member's head and slams him to the ground making a small Crater on the floor.

The man then jumps onto the gangster's back picks up the gang member arms and begins to pull.

The man: "As I was saying… My Actual name is Kane, not Arthur! He's ahhhh asleep right now. But to you Scum… I. AM. GOD."

He quickly tears off the gang members.

In Agony

In pain

The gang members howels a cry for help. Crying from the feeling of his skull cracked all over.

Gang member 2: woohoo are you?

Arthur Kane: I told you already my name is Kane.

Kane had grabbed the shotgun. Squats down over just the Gang member's chest. Points the same shotgun used to kill his best friend, right into his mouth and says.

but we're best known as… "ARTHUR KILLER KANNNEE". He screeches in his face and…

shoots the shotgun, blowing his head clean off. Blood and bits of the brain flew everywhere. The gang member's head was now painted on a canvas.

As Kane gets up after leaving the gang members' brains as fertilizer for the rough desert soil. He gets up, stands straight up, and slowly starts to transform back into who we know as Arthur.

Arthur falls onto his back unconscious after overdosing on the tablets he took earlier.

Laying there bloody, bruised, and beaten to the brink of death, three men in black, brown, and blue suits appear before Arthur.

Blue suit: geez what a trooper. Is he alive?

Brown suit: so this is the famous Arthur KilLer Kane!? What a joke, could barely kill this low-grade scum.

The man in the black suit bends down towards Arthur; he reaches into his jacket pocket and sees the vile.

Black suit: hmmm? He's alive but Barely. Call up the medics and get him to the nearest hospital. We'll go over the question we need to answer for when he gets up. But until then clean up the area and remove the two bodies we don't want to alert any more people who have passed by.

Brown suit: ok boss? Are you sure you wanna spend the resources on this scumbag, we can always find millions of guys like him who are way more…

Before he could finish the man in the black suit interrupts.

Black suit: no questions this time, please. Just do as I say.

And so they did. The gentleman in the suits sent Arthur to the hospital, removed the remaining bodies, and left.

A few days later…

At the hospital, Arthur is in recovery. He had just gotten back his medical chart from the nurse. In total, he had broken 75 bones and had severe blood loss.

Arthur Kane: damn he really fucked me up huh?

Nurse: yeah you were beaten pretty bad. I know that it's against policy to ask how you got like this but…what in the hell happened to you.

Arthur laughs and says

Arthur Kane: just a disagreement with an old pal that's all.

Nurse: an old pal? Old pals don't do this to their friends. So what really happened Mr. Kane?

Arthur looks down and repeats himself, and asks the nurse if she could get him a glass of water.

Just as the nurse walks out the three men in the suits walk into the room.

Black suit: it's ok nurse we brought him the water, thanks for being a doll. We got it from here.

The three men circle Arthur's hospital bed. The blue suit on the left, the brown suit on the right, and the black suit at the foot of the bed.

Arthur gets tense and grabs a butter knife that he had taken from the hospital meals from earlier and clutches it tight.

Brown suit: I'd put the knife down if I were you. Acting all suspicious like that will put you in a body bag.

Blue suit: Be nice, he just woke up not too long ago.

Take it easy alright we're not here to hurt you. We just wanna talk.

Arthur Kane says: And I'm supposed to trust you? You do know how many people have tried to kill me using that line before right! Asshole.

Blue suit: what did you say!? You little shit why I.

Black suit: take it easy.

So Mr. Kane

The man in the black suit pulls up a chair and sits down and takes his jacket off. The others follow the lead.

Black suit: my name is Eric Moon. The blue suit over here is Bobby Wood, and the brown suit is Spencer Wilds.

We are a part of the world league of bounty hunters, and we have a warrant out for your head.

Arthur Kane: warrant? What kind of warrant?

Bobby Wood: yeah we've been tracking you for a while now, and I have to say you are a major problem.

Arthur Kane: What do you mean by "problem"?

Spencer wilds: problem as In wanted for the death of the supreme council member John H. Scott. Have you heard of him?

Arthur Kane: Yeah I know of him. He's the guy that created the faction bill right?

Eric Moon: Precisely!

Arthur Kane: What does that have to do with me tho? I have never met that man a day in my life.

Suddenly Eric Moon signals Bobby to close the door and lock it.

Arthur, now in a state of sudden panic prepares for the worst.

Arthur Kane: Again what does this have to do with me?

Eric moon: Well you tell me Arthur, and just be honest with me alright.

Did you Kill John H. Scott?

The moment Eric's sentence finished a pressure-filled the room, and a dark scary aura secreted from Eric.

Arthur couldn't move or speak. His fear had taken over his body.

Eric Moon: Again Arthur Kane. Did. You. Kill. John H. Scott?

Arthur finally mustered up enough courage to say

Arthur Kane: No. That wasn't me.

Spencer Wilds: I don't believe you. And we can prove it.

Arthur Kane: prove it? Ha, don't make me laugh you power jockey.

Bobby wood pulls a hologram out of his pocket and the hologram begins playing.

It shows a figure dressed as Arthur Sneaking into John's house.