
Cyberpunk System in Steven Universe

A teenager named Brandon's life is tragically cut short by the one and only Truck-Kun. As he floats in purgatory, a ROB comes by for some entertainment. What will happen to our protagonist? Authors note: There could be romance, I'm not sure yet, but I'd like feedback if possible.

Longnosehorse · Ti vi
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6 Chs

Hamburger Backpack

Sighing softly, I continued my walk towards the warp pad. As I was beginning to dread eating these strawberries, I noticed what seemed like the sun going down. As my eyes got heavier and heavier, I knew it was about time to set up camp somewhere. As I looked around for any sort of shelter, I saw a small cave, just the perfect fit for me, and easy to board up. Laying down with my eyes feeling heavy, I concluded my first day in this new world.

Feeling groggy as my eyes slowly opened I sat up and noticed a mysterious purple figure staring at me. "Hey, Steven! Wake up dude, he's up!"

Slightly confused at my predicament, I wiped my eyes to see a short purple woman with white hair wearing a black tank top and shorts; accompanied by a boy with ripped jean shorts, a red t-shirt with a star on it, ripped jean shorts, and a hamburger backpack.

Realizing that they were two of my favorite characters from the main cast of the show, it woke me right up. Right before I was going to explain my predicament, I was surprised with a flash of light along with being wrapped in a whip with thorns attached to it soon after.

"Amethyst, Wait! Can't we at least try to talk to him first?"

"Listen Steven, This guy could be sent by homeworld! So if we don't get him now, he could send word to the diamonds, or worse, Garnet will find out!

Suddenly remembering that I came crashing onto earth in a space pod, I wondered if I should let them take me, or fight back against him. Knowing my own strength, I'm not completely sure I could take Amethyst on, disregarding Steven. Sighing at the fact that I might have to fight the characters I put on a pedestal for years, Amethyst's next words solidified my decision.

"Listen dude, we're going to knock him out, take him to Garnet, and have her deal with him, okay?"

"Please, Amethyst! couldn't we at least try to talk to him??"

"No time, dude! Garnet could be back from her mission any second!"

As they took their attention off of me to bicker amongst themselves, I slightly struggled as I broke out from my restraints. Hearing the metal on my arms scrape against the thorns attached to her whip, Amethyst turned around and pulled away.

"Hey, you stop that right now, dude, or else!" Amethyst screamed.

"Listen, we don't have to fight, we can just talk about this, and smooth things over!"

Amethyst responded to my words with a crackle of her whip as she charged at me and sent her whip flying at my face. Not being able to react in time due to the sheer speed. Her whip wrapped around my face, blinding me, as she quickly closed the distance and sent a kick to my stomach.


Audibly in pain, I ripped the whip from my face, but before she could back up, I wrapped the whip around my hand to pull her closer as I punched her in the face with my other metal reinforced hand. It seemed as she underestimated me when I saw her surprised face as she went tumbling back against the cave wall.

She coughed when she hit the wall, as I walked closer and tried to reason, I felt a slimy sensation on the back of my head, I pulled the object out of my hair as I saw... a sandwich? As I turned around, I saw the young Steven tearing up.

"Hey! Get away from her, before I... uhh...."

"Steven, get out of here! Tell Garnet and Pearl! I could've swore he was much weaker when we first found him!"

"Listen, please!" I yelled, silencing both of them. "I have no clue where I am, I don't work for this "homeworld," and I'm just a normal human!"

Both Steven and Amethyst looked visibly confused after my statement. They had clearly came here only to recapture me, no questions asked. Once again sighing at my predicament, I began to explain.

  "I have no memory of before I crashed here, okay? I'm just as confused as you are as to how I am here." I decided that I wouldn't tell them about my past life, I wanted to put my past life behind me. 

  "Wait dude, so you're not from homeworld? And you're positive you have absolutely no memory of what happened before you crashed on Earth?"

Cringing at the fact that I have to lie my way out of this, I nodded yes. "So, do you think you could get me out of here, and maybe I could smooth it over with your friends?"

"I mean, I guess, dude, but no funny business, alright?"

"Sure, sure, no funny business."

Finally securing my escape from this planet, a wave of relief washed over me. I knew it would be hard to convince the likes of Garnet and Pearl of my innocence, but I could worry about those problems later.

"Hey! When we get back, I could give you a nice tour around beach city! I know all the best spots to hang out!" Steven exclaimed.

Chuckling at my favorite characters statement, I instantly agreed as we began our walk back to the warp pad.


Hearing my system notification, I mentally commanded my system to appear.



Main objective: Get out of this situation! You don't want to kick the bucket too early, you just got here!





Giddy in excitement at the thought of getting even more Cyberware and my level ups, I was even more pumped to see an unlock of perks. I mentally willed over to my new "SKILL TREE" tab.


(Authors note: the skill tree will be replacing his status, due to an earlier overlooking on how these would be put in)











Excited at my new skills, I mentally willed away my system, As I willed up my inventory, and was ready to open up my new Cyberware. When I pulled it up, I noticed the card was different, it had a rainbow gradient and luminated light. Without a second to waste I flipped over the card.

I almost bit my tongue as I read the description

[Militech "Falcon" Sandevistan: Slows time by 30% +2% damage while active. Can be activated for any amount of duration, overuse has drastic consequences. Special Cyberware that will grow with you.]

Fighting the urge to instantly equip it, I realized that this had to have been a gift from the ROB I had met. As I blankly stared at my new gear, I knew that things were looking up and that I would be okay from here on.

Authors note: Sorry for not posting, I adjusted some things with the stats and I wanted to thank you for nearly 300 collections, this is my first novel and I didn't expect it to gather this much attention. 

Word count: 1193