
Cyberpunk 2077: Maxtac Path

Male V with a different background and some custom cyberware. Jackie will survive but don’t expect this to be some wish fulfillment story. He’s strong at the start but that comes at the cost of some tough enemies. Cyberpunk 2077 is the opposite of wish fulfillment. V won’t be some all powerful cyborg messiah who solves everyone’s problems and prevents everyone from dying. If V is near and physically capable of taking action to prevent a scripted event he will, like Jackie’s death (I mean come on man. Jackie took one bullet to the side and bled out which, in a city where a dying V could use a damn vape pen to suddenly gain the strength to take on a band of Saka ninjas, makes no goddamn sense. he was scrapped in favor of more Keanu focused writing nothing more). But if there literally isn’t anything he could do without foresight, then that’s not gonna change, like scorpion’s death (no matter what V could never have reached the Kang Tao AV in time to save Scorpion and that Aldecaldo patrol). I’ll hit up phantom liberty too. Also Panam supremacy. also I don’t own the cover, cyberpunk 2077 or anything like that, which should be obvious but a lot of authors add these disclaimers and I assume there is a reason for that.

TheSnap · Trò chơi điện tử
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19 Chs

Hall of Warriors

I ring up Dex on the holo as I leave Lizzie's Bar.

"How did your meeting with the client go?" Dex asks me.

"She showed me a recording she got from Konpeki Plaza, a BD. I know where Yorinobu is keeping the relic. Flathead should work on the technical security there and besides that it's smooth sailing."

"Sounds perfect Mr. V. We'll talk more at the afterlife. Bring the flathead with you."

"You got it. I'll tell Jackie." Dex hangs up the call while I check my phone.

Jackie sent me a message while I was in the BD asking how long the meeting with Evelyn was gonna take.

I text him back: -All done. Got the location of the relic. Floor safe in the top suite of Konpeki Plaza.- V

-How we gonna get in there?- Jackie

-Dex has a plan. He'll tell us in person. We're gonna meet him at the Afterlife.- V

-Man, the Afterlife? Meet you there.- Jackie

Even though it's just a message, I can tell that Jackie is excited. Probably bragging to Misty or Mamma Welles as he rushes over. Don't wanna make him wait.


"Hey V! I've been waiting." Jackie calls out to me. We're standing just outside of the bar now.

"Jackie it's been 4 minutes."

"Which is too long when we're talking about the major leagues." His eyes are practically burning with ambition right now. In the time I've known him, I've never seen him this fired up. He's cracked skulls with less passion.

"Alright then Jackie. You got us the gig. Lead the way." I mean out of the two of us, I've been here before when I payed Rogue to help me get ammo for my cyberware but this means more to Jackie symbolically so I'll follow him.

The bouncer, Emerick(?), stops us at the door. "Never seen you before."

"Gonna be seeing me a lot from now on. We're here to see Dex." Jackie says.

Emerick's eyes light up as he receives confirmation from Dex. "Dex'll call you when he's ready."

With the door now open to us, Jackie and I make for the bar.

"This right here is the beating heart of Night City. Susan Bones, Boa Boa, Morgan Blackhand. All in one place. No where else like it on Earth, Mano."

"You know Jackie, there's something about the place that reminds me of something."

"Oh yeah? What's that?"

"So the Vikings had this idea that there was a special place that the souls of warriors went when they died. Called it Valhalla. Basically, just one giant bar where they could swap stories and drink till they passed out forever. Pretty sure it would look something like this place, minus the active crime."

"Hahah. Merc heaven. That's what I'm talking about V. And shit, that's Rogue over there. Queen of Fixers herself."

The bartender Claire walks up to us. "What can I getcha?"

"Just a shot of tequila for me. You Jackie?"

"Tequila old fashioned with a splash of cervezas and a chili garnish." Jackie orders at a speed too fast not to be practiced.

"Johnny Silverhand and a shot of tequila coming right up."

"Right on, Chica." Jackie says quite happily.

"Somebody did their homework." Claire says as she begins mixing Jackie's drink.

"So the drinks named after Silverhand, or based on him?"

"Little of both, supposedly it was his usual at the Atlantis back when it was still around."

"So how does someone make their way on the menu?"

"Snuff it. In mind blowingly spectacular fashion. Preferably mid-op."

"What a beaut of a tradition." Jackie chimes in.

"Well then, to Valhalla!" Jackie and I toast to the job.

"Oh and by the way, name's Jackie Welles. You wanna write down my recipe?"

"Sure thing."

"Nope Jackie. You give her the recipe and it's like your asking to die. Misty would kick you if she knew you were jinxing things like this." I interrupt.

"Aww come on V. It's a clean heist, what's the harm." Jackie pleads.

"I know a death flag when I see it. Not today hermano. Tell Claire your drink when we make it back."

"Heard Dex picked you two up for a job." Claire tells us what she's heard.

"Guess word travels fast in a bar."

"Oh you have no idea."

A bouncer looking type comes around the bar and stands behind Jackie and I.

"Mr. DeShawn will see you now."

"Come on Jackie, let's do this."



Little side note here. Next chapters gonna be pretty long. Not that it'll take that long, but expect longer wait between chapters after as that's when canon is gonna go a little off the rails. Still on a parallel path for now, but off the rails.

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