

Seswak pov

Walking along side a Jedi master as an equal. This is a dream come true for me. Master Tanooki is nice little bit on the childish side but nice. I see the care and love she has for her squad. "Hey mom who's the kid?" How dare he address her like that. "Oh hello Zephyr this is my Padawan Seswak Lousha and your new brother. " She answered him. "Hey kid welcome aboard." He said calmly. I keep looking forward. He is just a clone nothing more than that. Iris swots me on the backs of the head. "I'm putting an end to that before it starts. The 707th is a family unit. We look out for one another. Now lets try that again shall we." She looked angry,but why is she angry? "Hello its nice to meet you to Zephyr. I apologize for my rudeness." I said he shrugs. "No harm don kid. You should keep on your toes though. Mom is a tough teacher." He said patting me on my back. "As he will soon learn. Now lets get this place cleaned up, tend the wounded and count the dead." She said with a warm smile.

Time skip four hours

By the time I hit my bunk everything hurt. I have never used so much energy in my life.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by master Iris wrapping my feet in a warm cloth. "You didn't need to do that Master." She looked up at me. "You stop that no one is master of anything here. Well accepted Anakin he is the master of getting captured." She joked I tilt my head. "What do I call you then?" I asked confused. "Call me Iris or if you want mom. Every one in the 707th seems to call me that." She said messaging my feet an legs. The stiffness went away after a few moments. She had me sit up so she can work on my arms and shoulders. "There we go nice and loose. I will see you bright an early in the courtyard." She said walking to the door. "Good night Seswak." She said gently before leaving the room. What is this feeling why is it so familiar?

I hear screaming and see many Togruta running

'Run Seswak!' A scared Ahsoka yelled dragging me along. "What's going on? Why are we running?" I asked knowing this was a dream. "The clones they are killing Jedi." She said I feel the sorrow emanating off her. A flash of white clouds my vision, When it passes I am standing in a soft grassy meadow. "Ahsoka?" I asked looking for her. I took one step and the green lush grass turned red and lying on the ground were Ahsoka and my Master.

With a jult I sit up screaming panting looking around. A cold swet dripping from me. The next thing I knew my door swung open revealing a worried Iris. With on look at me she was at my side in an instant. Her arms wrap around me in a comforting way. I look up to see the clone Captain from the 501st watching us. He nods and leaves us be. I wrapped my arms around her. I clung to her like a child who was frightened. "Shhhh it's ok we are safe. No one is going to get you. " she repeated rubbing my back. After some time and I was calm I explained to her the dream I had. Her eyes widened in shock. "What you saw was the future. Seswak you need to keep this to yourself for now. I will do some digging and see what turns up. Try and get some sleep ok." She said gently laying me down and rubbing my head. I soon fell asleep calmly.