

Zephyr pov

"Zephyr put into action formation Indigo." Iris said threw the comlinc. "You heard her boys go go go!" I yelled soon enough Obi-Wan and Iris arrived to aid us. I took a few hours but the enemy retreated on our end. "Anakin how are we lookin on your end." She asked "not good a quarter of my men are gone, and the rest of us are pinned in the north tower. We could use some hepl." He said the sound of blasters in the background. "On our way Anakin." She said before looking at Obi-Wan. "Looks like we are saving him today." He chuckled "Don't we always?" She smirks looking at me with a nod. "Alright boys lets move the 501st need some help." Runing to the north tower however was not easy. They were not kidding about being pinned. Iris and Obi-Wan were slicing threw Clankers while we deployed droid poppers. The death tole for us kept growing. This was making Iris more agitated. Thats mom for you though don't mess with her sons.

Anakin pov

Rex myself and some troopers were keeping the enemy at bay. "Iris Obi-Wan could use your help right about now." I said in the comlinc. What came out made my blood run cold. "We are working on it." Souded like a demon of some sort a pissed off one at that. "Thats Iris she will be here soon." Rex said unfazed because we aren't her target. "I see why you like her now." I joked but Rex glares at me because I could endanger both of them. "Sir Iris and I aren't like that." He said not knowing I know. I laugh it was cute "If you say so." I said only to see droid poppers being deployed and droid parts flying. Obi-Wan, Iris and the trooper were covered in oil. "Thats twice now Anakin." She said panting her hands on her knees. "I told you to slow down Iris." Obi-Wan said with a slight I told you so tone. "When have I ever listened to you?" She countered making me chuckle a bit. "Point taken but at least I am not bent over." Iris smirks "You were last night. Anakin gave me quite the picture." She laughed. "Hey don't drag me into this." I said only to see a gun ship land. Iris straighten up. "Looks like our reinforcements and Obi-Wan and my Padawan's are here." Iris said with a smile. "Well looks like you will be slowed down Iris. No more late night visit." She said glares at me. "There is always a way Anakin." She laughed. The hatch opened and two Toguta's stepped out. A male that was a splash darker than the female with similar face markings. He looked to be a bit older than her as well. He only wore white robe pants. I guess he doesn't like shirts. His green eyes found Iris and lit up. He stopped infront of her and bows. "It is an honor to serve under you master Tanooki. My name is Seswak Lousha." Iris giggles and bows to him "the honor is all mine. Lets work together to help you flourish." She said gently.

(We all know how Ahsoka introduced herself. She was very disrespectful and cocky. But still one of my favorite Characters by far.)

Iris chuckles "Oh look at that Obi another Anakin. Aren't you a lucky guy. Its the female version this go round." She said her elbow on Obi-Wan shoulder. "I demanded we switch Padawans. I can't do this again." He groaned. "With all due respect but I was assigned to be Master Skywalker's Palawan." The young female Togruta said pointing at Anakin. "Oh this is precious." Iris laughed "There has to be a mix up. I didn't ask for a Padawan." I said annoyed.

"Face it your stuck with me sky guy." Rex laughed Iris and Obi-Wan were no more good. "I love her already." Iris said whipping away a tear. "Oh she is perfect for you Ani one hundred percent." She said before walking with her Padawan next to her. She may look and act sweet but Iris is mean. "Rex will show you the ropes." I said stalking off.