

Iris sat with the masters talking about ways to get the girl to talk. The mind trick doesn't work and Iris is starting to run out of patience. One of the maids came in the sitting room. "Miss your results came back. It appears that you and the clone do not share DNA. Can I do anything else for you miss?" She bows to them waiting for a response. "Did you run DNA on my father and myself?" Iris asked sipping on tea. "No miss I have not." She said now upright looking at Iris. "You can go do that then. You are dismissed for now." The maid ran out to do her task. "This will solve the problem once and for all. Now we know Rex and I don't share DNA." She said still annoyed by the situation.

"Dark side temps you my student." Iris looks at Yoda who is not far from the truth. "I know it does but I am not my grate grandfather. I will push threw this and be what this planet needs. So with a heavy heart I have to stay here and take my responsibilities as Queen. Yatoosa is also siding with the republic." She said knowing "Iris we need you on the battlefield. Can't you put someone in charge temporarily?" Anakin asked not wanting to let his friend go. "Ani as much as I want to help. My planet is in shambles and is in need of her leader. I have a responsibility to my people as Queen. I have to put them first there is no other option." Iris said this is hard for her too. "I think it is a good idea. This could be a rest point for Jedi and clones on their way to Coruscant." Windu said knowing what Iris means. "Sad day for me this is. A glorious one for Yatoosa however it is. The Jedi will always come to the aid of you your ladyship." Yoda said before standing. "May the force be with you and your people." Windu said "and also with all of you safe travels."Iris said now standing till a maid bursts in. "My Queen there gone!" the small girl yells. "What do you mean Gone?! Serch the castle and the planet! I want them found!" Iris yells causing the furniture to raise off the floor.