The maid went to get the med droid. My head was spinning over the fact that my mom did that. Rex was still asleep and it bothered me. If Jango is my father then that would make the clones and I....Siblings.... The med droid came in to examine me. With a few tests I was cleared as healthy. I asked for the droid to swob Rex and my mouth. I needed to know if it were true. I prayed for it not to be true. "I will know in a few days of the results." The Droid said before leaving. "Will there be anything you need ma lady?" The maid said bowing. "Yes from now on call me Iris. I don't need you being formal with me. Tell the rest of the staff as well. " I said before dismissing her. I stood up in my night dress. It was a lavender silk spaghetti strap. It had a flurry of white roses embroidery around the bust and bottom of the gown. It softly dragged the floor as I made my way to Rex. When I touched his cheek two golden eyes flutter open to look at me. "Iris your ok thank the force" he said taking me into his lap. "I was worried you wouldn't make it." I shudder a bit from the thought of this man could potentially be my brother. Then more thought ran threw my mind. We had done so much and seen more than we should have....Oh force I beg of you let this not be true. "Lady Iris Master Rex some of the Jedi Council members are here. Shall I send them in or will you meet them in the rose room?" One of the maids asked. "Oh um...we shall meet them in the rose room. Thank you for informing us." I said gently the poor girl was just that a girl.
Walking in the rose room we were met by Anakin,Windu,Yoda,and Obi-Wan. "Queen Iris forgive us for the unscathed visit." Windu said. I laughed at the sound of my title coming from his mouth. "Please Master Windu do not call me queen. I am still the same person." I said making them relax. "Iris we feel if you stay danger will befall you. It will never be safe for you till Dooku is caught." Obi-Wan was sayinh till I held up a hand and force choked and pulled the unfamiliar maid out from behind the far curtain. "Hello dear we have some questions for you. You will answer them." I said making her glare at me. "Why...should....I.....answer to you...?" She struggles to say. I smirk standing up. "Because your queen demands it." I said before calling the guards.
(Hello I thank you for your reading thus far. I know it is slow but next chapter things will pick up. please continue to support and gently force pushed the vote and collection button. If you are a sith than force choke it. I hope you have a fantastic day and I will see you all next time.)