
Custom Made Despair Emperor

Custom Made Despair Emperor is a tale of power and darkness in a fantastical realm. In a world where despair reigns supreme. But what makes this story unique is that this MC isn't made by his destiny. Instead, he is custom-made, a creation of his own design. The story follows the journey of our protagonist, who, through a series of dark and tragic events, decides to embrace despair as a means to achieve ultimate power. In a world where despair is the currency of strength, he engineers his own ascent to power, meticulously crafting his path to domination.

Zopeee · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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9 Chs

6. Revitalized by Despair Amidst Mysterious Chaos

After a grueling battle that left him battered and fatigued, Azurael finally found a moment of respite. He landed on a rocky outcrop overlooking the blood-red beach, his tattered wings of despair drooping from exhaustion. The cacophony of the newborn Despair Demons' cries had receded into the distance, giving him a brief reprieve.

Seated amidst the desolation, Azurael knew that he needed to assess his condition and explore the potential of the Custom Made Despair Emperor system. He had collected a significant amount of low-level despair from the slaughter he had unleashed, and he hoped it might hold the key to healing his battered body.

With a sense of grim determination, Azurael delved into the system, his thoughts focused on utilizing the despair he had gathered for his own benefit. The eerie glow of the purple moon cast an otherworldly light upon him as he navigated the system's interface.

As he examined his attributes, Azurael couldn't help but marvel at the power of despair. It had granted him strength, but now he sought to harness it for healing.

Azurael tapped into the Custom Made Despair Emperor system, his gaze fixed on a particular function—Despair Creation. Within the system, he began to craft a unique object, a fruit-like creation with remarkable attributes. This fruit glowed with a faint, ethereal light as he envisioned it, setting its attribute to healing wounds and regenerating magical power.

With a determined focus, Azurael committed 63 units of his hard-earned Despair, drawn from the 237 he had managed to gather, into this creation. The energy surged, and the fruit began to take form, its essence infused with the collected despair.

Azurael held the finished creation in his hands, its otherworldly radiance pulsing with the promise of healing and rejuvenation.

Azurael brought the glowing, ethereal fruit to his lips, his heart pounding with anticipation as he took a cautious bite. The moment the fruit's essence touched his tongue, he felt a surge of vitality coursing through him. It was as if every cell in his body awakened, invigorated by the healing properties of the fruit.

As he chewed and swallowed, a warmth spread from his stomach, radiating outward to every corner of his being. His battered body began to slowly mend, wounds closing and bruises fading away. The pain he had endured from the relentless battle started to ebb, replaced by a sense of renewed strength.

As Azurael contemplated the enigmatic nature of despair, his thoughts harkened back to the beginning of the frenzied battle. He had noticed that at times, he acquired traces of despair even without directly taking a life, and the amounts seemed to fluctuate depending on how the demons reacted to their impending demise.

As Azurael continued to explore the desolate landscape of his new world, he couldn't help but reflect on the brutal battle he had recently endured. The relentless onslaught of newborn Despair Demons had tested his abilities and his stamina to the limit.

It became abundantly clear that his attributes—his strength, agility, and endurance—were of paramount importance if he wished to prolong his fights and emerge victorious. The battles he would face in this harsh realm would be unforgiving, and the enemies he encountered would be relentless.

Satisfied with the results of his first creation, Azurael focused on the Custom Made Despair Emperor system once more. This time, he aimed to craft a second fruit, one that would enhance his attributes. However, he decided to exclude the magical power attribute, reasoning that he could harness souls for that purpose, saving his precious Despair.

With a thoughtful expression, he allocated 157 units of his Despair, leaving him with only 17 remaining, to construct the attribute-enhancing fruit. It took careful manipulation and experimentation, but eventually, the fruit took shape, glowing with a different kind of energy.

After consuming this second creation, Azurael could feel the changes occurring within him. His physical attributes—strength, agility, and endurance—were subtly but noticeably amplified. It was a significant improvement, one that would serve him well in future battles.

With his Despair now nearly depleted, Azurael turned his attention to another essential task. He utilized the Custom Made Despair Emperor system to forge a simple spear, fashioning it from lightweight but durable materials. It was a weapon suited to his current state—sturdy and flexible, though not exceptionally powerful.

By the time he completed his makeshift weapon, he was left with just 2 units of Despair, a meager amount compared to what he had gathered.

As Azurael continued to explore the desolate landscape and engage in numerous battles with the fledgling demons, he made a striking realization. Despite the demons not being particularly formidable opponents, his slender spear showed signs of considerable wear and tear. It surprised him how the creatures, despite their seemingly frail forms, could inflict such damage.

However, the battles also brought about a transformation in Azurael. With each skirmish, his strength grew significantly, surpassing the limitations of his initial frailty. He discovered that he could now take on multiple larger fledgling demons simultaneously and emerge victorious, not solely due to his combat experience but primarily because of his newfound physical prowess. His body had adapted to this world, becoming more resilient and powerful, allowing him to excel in combat even without relying on his past life's combat knowledge.

After even more battles and much experimentation, Azurael came to a significant revelation regarding the use of despair. He had pondered whether to allocate his despair towards magical power or continue relying on the souls he collected. Ultimately, he decided to test both methods.

Azurael had a moment of recollection, remembering something about the system's currency being used to harness his powers more efficiently. However, after a series of careful experiments and considerations, he concluded that, for him, utilizing souls as a source of energy was the superior choice.

With this insight, Azurael chose to consume the souls he had collected. As he devoured them, he sensed a profound surge of strength coursing through him. His body grew slightly larger, and his appearance underwent subtle changes. His skin took on a deeper, richer shade, and his eyes glowed with an intensified inner fire. In his system, he discovered that he had advanced to the lower low rank of demons, a clear indicator of his newfound strength and power.

Bolstered by this transformation, Azurael continued to engage in battles with the fledgling demons. However, his focus was disrupted when he heard distant gunshots echoing through the desolation. Curiosity piqued, he turned his attention in the direction of the sound, contemplating whether to investigate the source of the commotion.

As Azurael delved deeper into his memories, he couldn't help but recall an intriguing detail from the novel he had read. In the story, the protagonist, Roy, had managed to bypass the early stages of the low rank with a certain method or power. The implications of this discovery filled him with curiosity, and he was about to explore this train of thought further when a sudden and violent earthquake shook the ground beneath him, interrupting his contemplation. The sound accompanying the quake added an eerie sense of foreboding to the already chaotic situation.