
Custom Made Demon Queen: "Why am I a white imp?!"

[Contains Mature Content! NSFW|SMUT|Depravity|Fetishes|Gore|Violence, and more...] Additional Tags: #Female Lead #StraightMC #No Yuri #SlightRomance #Non-Human #Shapeshifting #WorldTravel #DemonicContracts #OP MC _________________ The story begins with an old woman who has lived a long and unfulfilled life. She passes away with a heavy heart, regretting all the things she could have done in her younger years, but never did. However, her death marks the beginning of a new journey as she is reincarnated in a world called Custom Made Demon King. Join our protagonist as she navigates this new world, full of danger, intrigue, and wonder -one altar at a time. Experience the thrill of her journey as she discovers new powers, allies, and enemies along the way. Will she succumb to the darkness that beckons her, or will she find a way to redeem herself and rise above it all? ======== Note: English is my third language. All referenced pictures used here belong to their respective owners and are used for entertainment purposes only; not for any monetary gain...

JuicyGrape · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

G-virus transformation...

+Announcement/info at the end+


As I contemplated the implications of my newfound ability to absorb vitality, I couldn't help but draw parallels to the infamous succubi, notorious for draining men dry by casting illusions through dreams and performing indecent acts to siphon their vitality...

"What exactly is vitality used for, anyway?" I mused aloud, the question lingering in the cavernous depths of my thoughts.

Considering the broader demon hierarchy where devouring souls reign supreme, the idea of harnessing vitality as a source of strength seemed plausible but also a bit too much hassle compared to the straightforward option of killing for souls...

"But then again, most of my information comes from myths and various media..." I thought with a hint of skepticism as I pondered this strange talent.

Reflecting on my observations, I found that I didn't need to engage in intimate activities with demons to siphon their vitality like commonly depicted. This led me to wonder if this trait was unique to me or if it was shared among others with similar abilities like succubi.

"Maybe they just use sex as an excuse for their amusement..." I mused.

After wrestling with this idea for a while, I ultimately gave up and pushed the thought aside.

Letting out a resigned sigh, I summoned my status panel, eager to see the changes in my body.


𖤐──Custom Made Demon Queen──𖤐



[Image here]



『Create & Edit: <Skills > <Items > <Morphology > <Special Effects>


[Name: Eve]

[Race: Demon]

[Bloodline: At least six types...]

[Hierarchy: Arch-level 『Low Rank Demon』]

[Alignment: N/A]

[Form: Adult]

[Title: 『Reincarnator』 『First Born of the Batch』 『Angel of the Abyss』 {NEW} 『Archdemon of the Upper Abyss』]

[Demon Name: Ikapati Enos Asklepios Ishthrax Baphomet Manalmon Eve...]

[Attribute: 『Dark』 『Light』]

[MP: 3150/3150]

[Strength: 2-> 20]

[Defense: 4-> 40]

[Mind: 63-> 315]

[Agility: 8-> 38]

[Dexterity: 20-> 52]

[Stamina: 34-> 67]

[Charisma: 97-> 485]

[Vitality: 700 years worth...]

『Racial Skills:

<Soul Peer> <Demon Blood> <Soul Devouring Addiction> <Contract >


Talent: 『Psychic Magic: <Greater Psychokinesis>』 『Absorption』 『Greater Heal』 


Skill: 『Soul Weapon』 『Silk Production』 『Lesser Mimic』 {NEW}『Greater Regeneration』 {NEW} 『Cell Mutation』 {NEW}『Greater Fertility』


[Items: 『Prism Necklace』]

[Soul in Possession: 666 Low-quality souls | 137 Medium-quality souls]




I stood frozen, staring at the changes in my status panel, my breath catching in my throat as I realized the extent of what had transpired.

"I used up six thousand souls..." I whispered, the words heavy with disbelief.

A shiver ran down my spine as I absorbed the magnitude of this revelation. I had created and modified the G-virus without paying much attention to the cost of the souls, but I never anticipated using up such a staggering amount...

For a moment, I was lost in a daze, grappling with the weight of my actions. All those souls, all those demons I had killed, depleted in one fell swoop by a seemingly simple modification...



With a resigned sigh, I shook off the lingering shock, reminding myself that dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything.

"Whatever," I muttered to myself, the bitterness evident in my tone. "There's no use crying over spilled milk."

And to think, I had been contemplating ways to invest in myself with those souls.

'Doesn't matter, let's just focus on the positives first!' I thought, attempting to shift my mindset as I began to digest the changes one by one...


As I looked at the changes closely, it appeared that the G-virus had indeed worked as intended.

It enhanced my existing qualities, significantly boosting my strength and defense. While it brought about remarkable improvements in my dominant traits, such as my intellect and charm, catapulting them to new heights!

"The rate of enhancement is different," I observed, noting the varying degrees of improvement across my attributes. It appeared that everything aligned with the virus's definition of enhancing already existing qualities...


The transformation not only enabled me to attain my adult form but also elevated my status to that of an "Arch" level demon, garnering recognition from the upper abyss in the form of a title...

Within the hierarchy of the abyss, "most" demons were traditionally categorized into low, middle, and high-ranking demons, each tier further subdivided into levels of low, mid, and top. However, on rare occasions, certain exceptional demons would transcend their peers, ascending in power to rival even higher-ranking counterparts. These extraordinary individuals were bestowed with the prestigious prefix "Arch," signifying their unparalleled superiority among peers of the same rank... As for information on the categories beyond high-rank demons, it was still blurry for some reason...

Despite my enhanced abilities, my physical constitution is most likely comparable with that of mid-level, low-rank demons. Nevertheless, when coupled with my heightened mind and charm, it should suffice to fend off any threats in the upper abyss...

"I feel more and more like a succubus," I mumbled to myself with an odd sense of realization. Relying on charm and cunning to combat adversaries felt oddly reminiscent of succubi tactics. They often utilized their allure and some form of charm magic to ensnare demons more powerful than them, manipulating their minds and leveraging their strengths to their advantage by making stronger demons their "partners."; a backing of sorts...

Not that I was one to judge though... "I would have probably done the same if the enemy was too powerful or was handsome enough~" I joked, giggling at the thought.

"Too bad all the demons here are malformed and ugly," I thought wistfully, my mind drifting to the idea of handsome men—a fleeting thought that caught me off guard.

I wasn't exactly a saint, and I do have the desire to bed handsome men, but it wasn't like I was obsessed with the idea. However, during the modification process, I seemed to be particularly preoccupied with it.

Searching for some sort of explanation, I turned to my status panel. There, a line caught my eye: "Greater fertility...?" A bolt of realization struck me, and my face darkened as I read the words. I vaguely recalled hearing somewhere that the G-virus had a similar side effect. Unlike the T-virus, which rendered its host sterile, the G-virus, on the other hand, was specialized in proliferation, causing the host's fertility to skyrocket to facilitate faster spread and infection...

I wasn't particularly scared of what this would do, considering I had put modifiers on the virus itself... However, this situation was worrisome... When I added the modification to negate the negative side effects, I had assumed that "this" was also among those to be removed...

"It seems having great fertility wasn't seen as a negative side effect," I mumbled dejectedly, feeling a sense of frustration.


"Okay, let's focus on the positives here," I told myself, trying to maintain a sense of optimism. "At least I have a high mind stat to keep this 'desire' in check... The high mind stat does not only function as the source of my power but also my strong will... I think..."

"But just in case..."

With that thought in mind, I accessed the system and envisioned the image of a dragon-like tail—long, powerful, and flexible. After adding some specifications and definitions, I immediately implemented it.

[Ovipositor {Body Modification}:

-This "tail," resembling a dragon's tail, is actually an ovipositor! Allows the user to reproduce like an insect. Be warned, this tail has a retractable stinger that is sharp and tough, facilitating stinging and planting of eggs. The stinger is also malleable and can be opened like a clamp to facilitate egg-laying for both small and large eggs!~

Modifier 1: Facilitates egg production...]

In truth, this was a "simple" modification inspired by a particular ant queen in an anime about two boys embarking on adventures as a hunter—with one boy in green garnering the attention of a clown with a borderline shotacon inclination. 

However, despite my characterization of it as "simple," the system apparently disagreed. It directly deducted six-hundred sixty souls from my possession.

[Soul in Possession: 6 Low-quality souls | 137 Medium-quality souls]

"...(T^T)..." I sighed heavily, feeling a pang of regret at the steep cost of my seemingly innocuous modification...

"I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing that this system bases the product according to my memories and imagination," I pondered aloud, reflecting on the unpredictable outcomes of my rushed creations. "But every time I do things hurriedly, the skill or item I make just becomes a black hole for souls..."

"However, I think this is okay for now," I reassured myself, considering my remaining supply of medium-quality souls. "I don't really know how potent they are compared to the low-quality ones, but they should be good enough to leave as emergency stock before I can replenish my low-quality souls..."

Taking a moment to contemplate, I continued, "Hmm... there are also the other perks for the G-virus like greater regeneration and cell mutation... As for the extent of their performance though, only time can tell..."

Another noticeable change dawned on me—my primary method of attack had evolved. In the demon nursery and during what felt like months of hunting in the upper abyss, I had predominantly used mind slash and telekinesis. However, with the significant leap in my mind stat, coupled with the enhancement from the G-virus that bestowed me with supernatural abilities, these two skills had melded into a singular, more powerful skill—greater psychokinesis...


A humanoid demoness gracefully floated through the depths of the upper abyss, striking provocative poses as she wreaked havoc on unsuspecting demonic beasts and low-rank demons in her path—it was Eve...


I struck some poses midair, reveling in my newfound beauty. 

'When I was first reborn, I didn't pay much mind to my appearance even if I looked like a balding old man despite being female. But as it turned out, being beautiful was always better than not being!~' I thought happily, savoring the familiarity of my newly acquired form...

Earlier, I had ventured out from my secluded cave, eager to test the limits of greater psychokinesis, and I must say, it's incredibly convenient now. Before, when it was still telekinesis, I had to focus my mind and perform gestures like waving my hands or slashing motions to execute a mind slash. But now, I simply need to will it, and it happens effortlessly before my eyes...

This newfound ability allows me to spread my awareness more freely, rather than being tethered to a single task.

However, that's not the only interesting feature I discovered...

Amidst the crowd of low-rank demons growling and hissing at my presence as they mindlessly rushed towards me, only to be crushed by an invisible force within a fifteen-meter radius around me—similar to a gravity field—there was one demon that stood out...

Its appearance was as hideous as many of the others, but what set it apart was its intelligence... Unlike the others who charged recklessly into danger, this demon maintained a safe distance, warily observing the unfolding battle.

Upon noticing this, I seized the demon in a viselike grip using my psychokinetic abilities to prevent any resistance. Once in front of me, I locked eyes with it as mine began to glow red...

At that moment, various snippets of information flooded my mind like scenes from a film, I was sifting through the memories of the demon—this was the other feature of greater psychokinesis— the ability to delve into, plunder, and manipulate the memories of others...


A few moments passed, and my eyes returned to their normal state as I once again observed the smart demon in front of me—or what used to be a smart demon. However, its demeanor had drastically changed. The once-intelligent creature now had a vacant stare, its tongue hanging out dumbly like that of a dog—it had become stupid...

"I guess I'll need more practice so that doesn't happen again..." I mumbled to myself as I swiftly dispatched of the demon, putting an end to its altered state.

As I processed the memories I had gleaned from the demon, filtering out the important from the trivial, a sudden grin of curiosity and surprise crept onto my face.

"Interesting... an Altar?~" I mused aloud, intrigued by the unexpected discovery...



Gimme stones, they serve as my motivation!~

AN: The first few worlds may or may not be a childhood cartoon world as well as anime with a more "mature" outlook... Our first few worlds should be Steven Universe, Star VS The Forces Of Evil, Gravity Falls, Solo Leveling, Tensura, and more... This is in no specific order though and is still being outlined...