
Custodian (Extended Version)

"You are different, Daisy; I don't pity you... "I just want to protect you at all costs," says Edward Leo softly.  "The moment you saved me was the moment I knew you were the one; you are my custodian," says Daisy Rose through teary Daisy admires from a distance, whereas Edward loves in silence. But an unacceptable encounter can change many things. What will happen when Edward suddenly approaches her and their relationship blossoms from that of strangers to something more?  Will the introverts be able to hold onto their soft and poetic sides and let the love bloom?  eyes.

_writer_min · Thành thị
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20 Chs

My Teddy

As days turned into weeks and their connection deepened, Edward found himself content in the blossoming relationship with Daisy. The transition from mere classmates sitting beside each other to spending time together beyond the classroom had been gradual yet significant. They had become companions in the truest sense.

Daisy's anxiety, once a heavy cloud over her interactions, had lifted considerably. Edward's presence seemed to act as a soothing balm, gradually erasing the fears that had once haunted her. Her doctor, who was closely monitoring her progress, shared in the satisfaction. Daisy's growth was evident, her strides toward overcoming her social anxiety both commendable and heartwarming.

The evenings they shared were becoming cherished moments. Edward found solace in their companionship, his once-isolated world expanding to include someone who truly understood him. Their conversations flowed naturally, laughter becoming a familiar tune in their interactions.

One such evening, Edward had been looking forward to spending time with Daisy. Yet, as life's responsibilities sometimes demanded, Daisy found herself caught up in household tasks, delaying their planned time together. Her mischievous intentions remained a secret to Edward, who was yet to discover the playful side she often concealed.

As Daisy juggled chores, she decided to call Edward to let him know about the change in plans. "Hey, Edward," she began, her voice a mixture of apology and sincerity, "I'm really sorry, but I've got some unexpected housework to take care of. I won't be able to make it tonight."

Edward's voice was understanding as he replied, "No problem, Daisy. Life happens, and chores can't be ignored."

Daisy felt a pang of guilt, knowing she was altering their plans. But her playful side got the best of her as she added mischievously, "You know, you're missing out on my top-notch cooking skills tonight."

Edward chuckled on the other end, a hint of amusement coloring his words, "Oh really? Well, I'll have to take a rain check on that, won't I?"

Daisy's heart warmed at his response, the ease with which they interacted still a marvel to her. "Definitely. Next time, I promise you a feast," she replied with a smile that he couldn't see.

Edward's voice was light and friendly as he said, "I'll be holding you to that promise, Daisy."

As they wrapped up their conversation, Daisy couldn't help but feel grateful for Edward's understanding. He might not know about her playful plans, but he did know about her mood swings. She knew that Edward's acceptance of all sides of her, even the ones she didn't openly display, was a testament to the depth of their connection.

As the call ended, Daisy carried on with her chores, her thoughts lingering on the person who had become an integral part of her life. Edward, on the other hand, was left with a sense of contentment, reassured by the steady growth of their friendship. And as he settled into the evening, he couldn't help but wonder about the surprises Daisy had in store for their next rendezvous.

Daisy had a playful glint in her eyes as she dialed Edward's number. She was about to attempt a little trick, a gentle prank that she hoped would bring a smile to his face. As the call connected, she cleared her throat and spoke with feigned regret, "Hey, Edward. Sorry, but I won't be able to hang out today. I've been swamped with house chores, and I was really looking forward to heading to the new carnival. I heard they have this huge teddy bear I wanted to win, but I guess that'll have to wait for another six months or so."

On the other end of the line, Edward's lips curved into a knowing smile. Daisy's attempts at deception, though innocent, were not lost on him. "Oh, really?" he replied, his voice laced with amusement.

Daisy could practically hear the playful twinkle in his eyes. She let her smile show through her voice as she responded, "Yeah, you know, big teddy bear and all."

Edward continued in a teasing tone, "So now little one wants a teddy bear, huh?"

Caught off guard by the term of endearment, Daisy's cheeks warmed. "Yeah," she admitted, her voice a touch shy.

Edward's playful demeanor persisted as he remarked, "But little one might have to wait for that teddy bear, you know..."

Before he could finish, Daisy huffed in mock exasperation, her playfulness mixing with a hint of mock irritation. "Fine then, I'm going. Chat with you later."

"Goodbye, Daisy," Edward responded, his voice still carrying that playful edge.

As the call ended, Daisy couldn't help but chuckle. Edward had caught onto her little act, and she was glad he played along. She quickly set her phone aside and went about getting ready for the evening.

Daisy decided to surprise Edward in person later that day. After a refreshing shower, she chose a cheerful floral skirt and a simple white button-up shirt. With her hair down and a newfound excitement, she sought the approval of her mother and sister for her chosen outfit. Their smiles and encouraging words gave her the confidence she needed.

With her heart racing in anticipation, Daisy set off for the carnival. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the scene. The carnival was abuzz with activity, vibrant lights, and the sounds of laughter and music.

Daisy spotted the game where the coveted teddy bear was displayed as the prize. She felt a surge of excitement, knowing that Edward might be there, playing on her behalf. As she drew closer, she saw him engaged in the game, a determined expression on his face.

She watched as he focused, his movements calculated and precise. And then, as if on cue, the carnival worker handed him the huge teddy bear, a grin stretching across his face. Daisy's heart swelled with appreciation and fondness for the thoughtful gesture. She waited for him to turn around, anticipation building within her.

When he finally did, their eyes met, and a shared moment of understanding and connection passed between them. Daisy's smile was radiant, her gratitude evident as she approached him. Edward's smile was equally warm, a silent affirmation of the bond they had forged.

In that moment, amidst the carnival's vibrant chaos, Daisy and Edward shared a world all their own. One that was built on friendship, understanding, and the playful dynamics that had woven them together. And as they stood side by side, with the big teddy bear between them, Daisy couldn't help but feel that this was just the beginning of their adventures together.

**Daisy's Perspective:**

Daisy walked through the carnival with a smile tugging at her lips. It was heartwarming to know that Edward had picked up on her playful hint and followed through by coming to the carnival. She wanted to catch him off guard, to surprise him just as he had surprised her. But deep down, there was a small whisper of hope, a longing for something more than just friendship. She couldn't help but wish that he saw her as more than just a pal.

**Edward's Perspective:**

Edward strolled through the carnival, a mix of emotions swirling within him. They had navigated into the realm of friendship, but the connection they shared was anything but ordinary. Daisy had an uncanny ability to turn his world upside down, with her pranks and her genuine presence. It sometimes felt like he was in a relationship with a mischievous girlfriend who delighted in keeping him on his toes. And he found that he didn't mind it at all; in fact, he relished every moment.

As they both entered the bustling carnival grounds, they remained oblivious to each other's presence. Daisy, being Daisy, made her way to a food cart and purchased a steaming bowl of ramen, her favorite. On the other hand, Edward, in his signature fashion, headed straight for the teddy bear stall. It didn't take him long to win the coveted prize on his third attempt.

Unbeknownst to Edward, Daisy was observing from a distance. She saw him expertly aiming and hitting the balloons, and a mischievous idea formed in her mind. She moved stealthily, positioning herself behind a nearby tree, and called out to him, her voice carrying a playful tone.

"Hey, Edward! How's it going?" Daisy's words had an air of importance, though her attempt to suppress a chuckle gave away her true intent.

Edward's eyebrows furrowed in concern as he replied, "Is everything alright, Daisy?"

Her response was mock seriousness, "I'll be there soon. Just tell me, what happened?"

Edward's worry deepened, "Why? What's going on? Tell me, Daisy."

Daisy's playful façade cracked as she let out a genuine laugh, causing Edward to freeze in his tracks. Confusion etched across his features as he spun around to find Daisy standing there, her eyes dancing with amusement. She held up her phone, which was recording him.

"Dais... stop, no," he protested, trying to halt her from capturing his antics on camera.

However, her laughter was contagious, and it was a sound he couldn't resist. It made him take a step back, realizing just how stunning she looked and how her presence had the power to calm his racing heart. A soft blush dusted his cheeks as he handed her the teddy bear, which she had referred to as "My Teddy."

Daisy took it with a charming smile, hugging the teddy to her chest affectionately. Edward couldn't help himself; he pulled out his phone and started taking pictures of her. Each snapshot was labeled in his mind as "My Teddy" because in that moment, she had become a cherished part of his world.

Daisy couldn't help but notice Edward taking candid pictures of her, and she curiously questioned, "Hey, what are you doing?"

Edward's response was simple yet cryptic, "Nothing, just taking something that needs to be mine."

Daisy nodded, her heart racing at his words, and she offered a bright smile. "Hmm, okay," she replied, her stomach doing a flip of its own as Edward's gaze lingered on her.

He gently inquired, "What do you want to do now?" His voice was warm and inviting.

Daisy's enthusiasm bubbled over as she answered, "Uh, I want to go on the ride."

Edward's worry became evident as he asked, "Isn't that one too high?"

Daisy's eyes sparkled mischievously, and she shook her head. "Nope, it's not, and since you're here with me, it doesn't matter." With that, she took hold of Edward's arm, startling him ever so slightly.

They walked towards the ride, Daisy clutching onto Edward's wrist as they moved forward. Edward suggested, "Here, give me your Teddy; I'll hold it for you."

Daisy gladly handed over the teddy bear, and soon they were at the top of the ride, ready to board. The guard took the teddy from Edward, and they settled into their seats. Daisy's excitement was palpable as she looked around, marking her surroundings with a joyful chuckle.

Edward's gaze never left Daisy as the roller coaster climbed to its highest point. But to his surprise, instead of screams, he heard her laughter echoing through the air. Daisy threw her hands up, her eyes closed, and a gleeful "yayyy" escaped her lips as the ride plummeted and sped along the tracks.

"Daisy, hold onto the bars," Edward urged, his concern evident.

"Try it too, Edward. It's very calming." With a tug, she lifted his hand, and he found himself unable to resist her infectious spirit.

Caught up in the moment, Edward found himself raising his other hand, fingers slowly intertwining with Daisy's. It was as if he had been waiting for this moment forever, and his grip on her hand tightened ever so slightly, conveying emotions he couldn't yet put into words.

Amidst the exhilarating ride, Edward finally acknowledged what his heart had known all along: his feelings for Daisy ran deep. He looked at her, her face glowing with pure joy, and he couldn't help but smile in response. His feelings were officially out in the open, and the weight that had been on his chest for so long had been lifted.

As the ride came to a stop, Daisy slowly opened her eyes, her grin bright as ever. "Wow, that was fantastic. Did Edward like it?" she asked, turning to him, her gaze full of curiosity and something more.

Edward had already been looking at her, his gaze softening as she spoke. He nodded, a gentle smile playing on his lips, and then he looked down at their intertwined hands. It was a moment he had longed for, and now it felt utterly perfect.

The guard's voice broke through their shared moment, announcing, "Here's your Teddy, ma'am." Daisy blushed slightly at the attention, turning to Edward who seemed ready to say something.

Without a word, she took his hand, and they stood up. With a final glance towards the roller coaster, they moved towards the Ferris wheel, their hands still intertwined.

Blushing and overwhelmed, both Daisy and Edward were caught in a whirlwind of emotions. Their hearts raced, their thoughts raced even faster. But deep down, they both knew that something special was blossoming between them, and they were eager to see where their journey would lead.

While reading this Chapter, I recommend you to listen, "Fairytale " by Alexander Rybak.

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