
Cursed. {Against The Gods Fan-Fic.}

This is the story of a man who lived an unfulfilling life on earth being reincarnated as a "cursed" being in the world of cultivation. "As a result of the power you wishes for, you will be cursed. Nothing will be given to you in this life. Everything you gain must be earned, taken."

ItsCalmBru_ · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 4 - Wei Yu.

'Ah! Who are you? Wait...could you be the voice of that strange baby?'

Miss Wei was a bit startled at first but after the number of unprecedented events that happened today, she quickly regained her senses. Only that baby, the one responsible for these events, could do this.

The owner of the voice chuckled as he responded, "Strange baby hm? Yes, that's me. But I would prefer it if you would call me Tian. Xue Tian."

The woman was surprised when he mentioned his surname. "Xue" was the surname of the young madam's family, which was his mother. How could he have known that and he was just born?

'After I suddenly appear in your mind, that's what's bothering you?'

Xue Tian's question caught Miss Wei off guard as a small smile appeared on her face.

'Ha, that was a bit embarrassing. It's not easy to get used to someone else in your mind.'

Xue Tian, of course, understood her plight.

'It's no issue. But, you haven't answered my qu-'

'Ah, I'm sorry. My age must be catching up with me. My name is Wei Yu, but most of the townspeople call me Miss Wei.'

When he heard her name, Xue Tian immediately came to a realization.

'Oh! So you're the one who was responsible for delivering me! Thank you!'

There was a heavy tone of respect in Xue Tian's voice as he said this. While his probability of survival wasn't dependent on whether or not she did her job correctly, she helped him avoid a lot of problems by doing so.

'Oh? You recognized me! Then you're welcome! Although...are you really alive? How-'

Xue Tian quickly interrupted her as he said, 'It's simple, really. My body isn't dead but, it exists in a state of 'darkness'.'

An expression of utter confusion appeared on Wei Yu's face as she heard this. What did a state of darkness mean?

'What does it mean? Simple. I was born with no senses. That's also why I want your help.'

Wei Yu gasped in shock when she heard this response. A baby born with no senses?

'Wait, how could he be a newborn with the ability to speak so well?'

So many questions appeared in her mind the more she thought about her present situation. But in the end, she didn't ask them. The boy must have some secrets he planned to keep to himself.

'Good decision, Wei Yu. Now, will you help me, or not?'

Although he sounded a bit rude as he asked her, Xue Tian didn't worry about it too much. To him, she had already signed her death warrant the minute she touched him. Which was a bit regrettable.

After all, she seemed to be a kind lady.

'I would but...'

She chuckled as he continued, 'As you can see, my body has been past its prime for years now. So I can't help you there. As for familial influence, heh, the Wei family can barely even be remembered in Floating Cloud City.'

Xue Tian had some inkling of how the familial structure worked in the city so he knew that she was indeed telling the truth. But these things didn't matter to him. As long as she agreed, all these things could be changed.

'Have you already forgotten the transformation that my mother went through before delivering me?'

The old woman quickly retorted, 'I haven't. But I also remember her end.'

Xue Tian went quiet for a bit when he heard this. Wei Yu wasn't wrong. While his mother had in fact gained a lot of benefits, they were not without drawbacks.

In a solemn tone, he replied, 'Regretfully, her time was up as soon as I started forming inside of her. It wasn't something I could control. That's why I took her last name as a sign of respect. There's not anything else I can do about that. To tell you the truth...'

Xue Tian paused a bit before continuing, 'You're already set to follow the same path as her. From the moment you delivered me, your fate was also sealed. There was someone else who touched me after you, but I've yet to contact him.'

Contrary to what he expected, Wei Yu wasn't that surprised. She looked up at the night sky littered with stars as she responded with a small smile, 'After what I've been through tonight, the idea of death no longer gives me fear. I've lived long enough anyway. Eight decades is more than enough time for anyone to live a complete life.'

A deep feeling of sadness pervaded her consciousness as she thought about her uneventful life. The many regrets that she had accumulated over time.

'Then let me suggest an alternative.'

If Wei Yu could see Xue Tian's face right now, she would feel like she had been played like a fiddle.

'Instead of just dying after your life has been used up, why don't you become an official...well...helper of mine?'

'Hm, you mean subordinate?'

Xue Tian laughed and responded, 'More or less. I need you to be my eyes and ears. Of course, you wouldn't be subject to the same fate as everyone else who came in contact with me anymore. The benefits will be permanent. The only thing I need from you is your loyalty.'

Wei Yu was taken aback by his request. After all, what could an old decrepit woman like her do? But she still gave it a lot of thought.

This could be the start of a new life for her.

It was only after thinking about it for a few minutes that Wei Yu realized something. This wasn't much of a request at all.

Although she wasn't currently afraid of death, it was either joining him willingly and living or she still joins him then she dies. It wasn't even a guarantee if she would live past tonight if she said no.

This was an ultimatum.

'Heh, you're a shrewd one, but...I agree with your proposal. I'll be loyal to you as long as you don't throw me away when you're done.'

Xue Tian quickly comforted her concerns when she said this. There was no reason for her to fear.

'Good. Now just wait in a safe place for a few hours. Your body and soul will be transformed completely after that. Don't forget to keep my body with you too.'

Wei Yu acknowledged his words and just like that Xue Tian disappeared out of her mind as suddenly as he appeared.

'Heh, I wonder how she would feel if she knew that even if she wanted to betray me, she couldn't. It doesn't matter anyway, that part of the plan has started. Information is what I need. Only having the memories of my mother in this world is limiting. I need to find some way to gather more...'


A/N: Sorry for the heavy dialogue chapter fellas. Promise we're gonna get into some action real soon after all this buildup.