
Chapter 1 : Rain

Inside a villa , two college students are getting ready to leave for school . " Ikuta , wake up ! We're gonna leave for school . " Louis shouted . Ikuta was laying in a bed bigger than a king-sized bed .

His room was very spacious his bed was filled to the brim with pillows and fences surrounding the mattress . Ikuta got up rubbing his eyes and yawning while out .

" What's for breakfast ? " Ikuta asked while walking down the stairs the two students already left " mm at least tell me . " Ikuta rubbed his eyes and took his breakfast to the living room .

Watching cartoons while eating his food , he finishes his meal , walks outside to breathe some fresh air , and stares at the pond . ' Cute fishes ' ''' Nothing is interesting the world is too quiet nothing political or extraordinary . ''' ( Note : His real self is projected with this ''' while his fake self is a personality is he acted in to prevent any suspicion of him being the mastermind behind deaths ) Ikuta throws feed to the fish looking happy .

Ikuta has clones to establish his network all around the world they each have special identities from beggars to top 1 in a field . These clones have different appearances and are programmed to act according to their lives can be controlled anytime Ikuta desires . His current body is the one that he originally owns and received the most comfortable life .

Ikuta went back in because he had been homeschooled he made time to make his plans . Rain slowly poured in the morning " Oh no the clothes . " Ikuta ran outside and brought the clothes inside . He closed and locked all the doors and windows .

For a while , the rain was slowly getting heavier until thunderstruck , frightened by it Ikuta hid under a blanket on the couch . ' Why is there thunder ? It's scarier when I'm alone . ' Ikuta kept his eyes on the glass door outside hoping it would stop raining .

Lightning strike harder making an even brighter light which flashed a shadow ''' What ! Are they kidnappers ? ''' " Ahh ! " ''' Why is there a kidnapper this early in the morning what are the security guards doing ? How could they let someone in ? ''' he ran and hid inside a locked bathroom .

" please don't find me, please don't find me " Ikuta whispered , staying in the bathroom , hugging his knees and waiting for the kidnapper to leave . Hearing no noise outside Ikuta connected himself to a camera . Spotting no one but a shadow as thunder roared .

''' What is that ? Is it a kidnapper ? ''' Ikuta connected to another camera and saw a ghost outside the glass door . It was a figure with wet black hair with water dripping from it and a white dress is worn . ''' Why is a kidnapper acting like a ghost are they trying to scare me ? Then it's best to hand it to the police . ''' Ikuta left the bathroom and sneaked to the kitchen without looking at the glass door .

The ghost spotted Ikuta and turned into water squeezing into the door's gap . Ikuta was going to reach the telephone but the ghost grabbed his leg and drag him down " AAAAAAH ! " Ikuta grabbed a cup and threw it spilling the hot oil . He burned his feet but also burned the ghost's hands making it back off giving Ikuta some time .

" AAh hot hot . " Ikuta wiped his feet and burned his hands ''' What the hell is that !? ''' . The ghost returned and chased Ikuta ''' This thing is water so the best solution is to dilute something to turn it into a solid-state . ''' " AAAAAH don't come here ! " Ikuta ran to the living room . The ghost chased after Ikuta in its water form .

The ghost threw its body up but was absorbed by the carpet ''' Now I need to beat it up . ''' Ikuta bumps to the table and knocks down a bag of cocoa powder on the ghost .

Although the ghost escaped the carpet its next obstacle was now the pile of powder and because it left some of its body absorbed by the carpet it has less volume of water now . Water can be squeezed out by force from cloth , but the same can't be said for powder .

Ikuta grabs an umbrella and hits the ghost " Get away ! Get away ! " the ghost in a slightly solid state is more vulnerable to physical attacks .

''' How the hell do I kill a ghost ? ''' he bashed the ghost with an umbrella as fast as he could the ghost couldn't concentrate on getting out of its current state , there was a carpet under it , it was stuck because of the cocoa and a boy bashing it endlessly .

It was starting to lose consciousness Ikuta bashed it too much while thinking of a solution . Even when the ghost isn't moving anymore he kept hitting it .

He realizes that the ghost stopped moving ''' It's not moving ... is it dead !? But how ? ''' Ikuta poked the muddy lump and a little scared " Is it dead " he was met with a black screen " Ahh another ghost ! " ''' First a ghost in the morning and now a black game screen . '''

[ You have become the temporal host of the Witcher system ]

''' ??? ''' " Ahh what is this ? "startled by the screen and he backed away from it . But the screen followed Ikuta ignoring what had happened .

[ This is the Witcher system where the host fight against a supernatural entity attracted by the malison in your body . ]

''' Doesn't that mean curse ? ''' " What's a malison ? " Ikuta asked with a shaky voice ''' I should test this thing first . and it can read my mind but not the real ones . '''

[ Malison , meaning curse . The host has been afflicted with a very powerful curse that has a will of its own . ]

''' !?! WHAT !? Should I destroy my body before the curse kills me I don't want to be killed by something I don't understand . ''' " Wait ? What's a curse ? " he was still shaking from the ghost then a red prompt appeared in front of him .

[ Host ! Stick this talisman on their body or else the curse will kill you !!! ]

''' Talisman !? ''' he calmed down a little " EEEh !? " Ikuta was a little shocked at the prompt . " Wait what does a curse mean ? "

[ Please be a little aware of your situation ]

Ikuta pouted and apologized " I'm sorry okay I don't know a lot of words I never learned them . " ''' Screw it I'll just kill myself I hate it when someone is always watching my every move . ''' he intently devised the plan to kill his body when another red prompt appeared .

[ HOST use the talisman quickly . ]

" EEEH ? What !? " Ikuta got a little caught up with his acting and then he received a green prompt .

[ False alarm the cursed creature has subsided ]

''' Is this thing playing with me ? forget it , need to think this through how come this "cursed creature" keeps wanting to kill my body but it just retracted its decision . ''' " So umm what is a curse ? "

[ A curse is something that can cause bad things and right now you have one ] ( It has learned to speak with Ikuta a little . )

" Ah so that's why it rained so hard today it's because I have a curse . " he suddenly "remembered" the ghost that was haunting him " Ahh ! What about the ghost !? The ghost ? Is it still here ? "

[ No the host has defeated the ghost . ]

" Umm , what's a host ? " Ikuta looked at the screen dumbfounded .

[ You are the host and because of having a curse you have been selected by the Witcher system to be one . ]

''' The intervals are too short for it to always take the initiative to kill me , from that thing's (system) reaction it could somehow predict its intention . I never heard of any supernatural occurrence around me or around the globe . ''' Ikuta was thinking while acting to trick the system

" Wait then there is something inside me that will do bad things to me ? " ''' ARGH !!! Nothing I can't think of anything . '''

[ Yes , the creature will keep attracting ghosts because it wants to hurt you . ]

" Eeeh a ghost will hurt me !? " ''' You know what I may as well kill my body I can still use the other clones but I will have to say goodbye to my comfortable life . '''

[ Host use the talisman now . ]

" But I don't know how . " ''' Is this bastard trying to save me again well too bad I already plan to kill my body . '''

[ Host you need to hurry or else the creature will hurt you . ]

He saw a rare occurrence the screen was shaking instead of just staying still ''' Why is this thing !!? ''' " Uh uh why are you shaking ? " he asked in a shaky voice .

[ Host the creature has set to hurt you . Hurry and use the talisman . ] the screen shook more and turned very red .

''' Hurt me !? But this thing is giving off the fear of death ? ''' he took the time to assess the situation " You haven't told me how to use a talisman . I don't even know what a talisman is . "

''' Calm down why would the creature try to hurt this thing in the first place ? The curse was on me . '''

[ False alarm the host doesn't need to worry the creature has subsided on its own . ]

Ikuta stared at the screen a little mad at the system " Hey , you keep telling me to use a talisman but I don't even know how . "

[ The creature has subsided so stick this talisman to your body . ] " Why !? I can't take candy from a stranger . "

[ Don't worry the talisman is just a sticker that can calm the creature and it won't hurt you . ]

''' And now this thing is commanding me I really would kill it if I could . ''' he saw the screen shaking with a red prompt .

[ Host please put this talisman on you . The creature wants to hurt you . ]

''' Wait !? This thing's reaction and the timing . ''' Ikuta retracted his anger " EEEEEEH !!! " ''' This ? the cursed creature is it me ? ... I can't believe this ... but what made this thing think like that ? ''' and now he wanted to kill it but quickly withdrew his decision " Where do I put it ? "

[ Sorry false alarm again . ] the talisman was returned to the screen .

''' It couldn't accurately predict my thoughts so I'll let it go . ''' Ikuta puffed his cheeks and got a little angry like he was pranked with the same prank " You keep telling me but it still hasn't hurt me are you sure there is a curse in me ? "

He sat on the sofa and turned his attention to the mud he made " The ghost " ' What do I do there is a ghost in here . "

[ Host the ghost is already dead its essence is now absorbed by the umbrella . Your umbrella has obtained the ghost's power . ]

" Hmm ah , it's like the game brother played . " ''' Good thing I have plenty of excuses lying around . ''' " But ... what does the ghost do ? "

[ When equipped the host can control water as he wishes . ]

" Control water ..!? Then I can play with the fish outside . " ''' I need to see this . ''' Ikuta ran out with the umbrella in the light rain weather and controlled the water letting it out watching the loo fish swim .

" Wow it's beautiful " " Host let it go now ! " the system shouted scaring Ikuta dropping the water . He look around and thought of the black screen " You can talk ? "

" Host are you okay ? " " I'm fine . Why ? " ''' Why are you asking me if I'm okay shouldn't you tell me not to use my powers in here ? ''' " Don't you feel tired in any way ? "

" No ? " ''' Why should I be ? ''' " Doesn't your head hurt ? " " Ah yes it hurt while I was finishing the homework but it doesn't hurt now . " Ikuta said confidently .

[ Host don't use the power every time you may attract the attention of bad people . ] the system has finally learned to speak in a language Ikuta understands .

''' I guess there's no danger to getting back to normal life for now . ''' " Ahh since it's lightly raining then I can play . " Ikuta went in and watched cartoons on the TV with earphones to not disturb anyone around when a gold screen appeared behind him .

" Hey what do you think you're doing to my host !? " Ikuta can't hear the system talking but he used a camera to listen to the conversation .

" Shut it bastard I can take him as a host and it's none of your business . " " You shut up , he already is my host I found a very strong cursed creature attracting ghosts and I am not letting you take him . "

" Curse , think you can trick me this kid has a lot of good luck . How can he be cursed ? " a short pause of silence came in ' Huh so that's why he is still alive even after a long time . ' " Well too bad he is already my host . " the golden screen system smirked " Really well he is also my host . "

''' I guess that explains why I can hear both of them . ''' he relaxed a bit " wait did you hear that ? " " What is it golden turd do you think I want to lose my host now that I found a good one ? " " Shhh shut up I hear something ominous . " it looked in the direction of the feeling it felt , staring at the camera Ikuta is watching from .

''' Then it's clear I am the cursed creature ... but the other thing can hear me let's test it out . ''' he moved back to his body taking off the earphones . " Hmm , why are there two now ? " Ikuta stared at the two screens one is gold-colored while the other was the familiar black screen .

[ Hello host I am the Fortune system because the host has a lot of good luck you have been selected to be my host . ]

" I don't need more brother taught me not to be greedy " Ikuta got curious about the two systems " But what do you do ? "

[ The Witcher system assists the host in getting stronger by defeating supernatural creatures . and you can obtain witcher points every time you defeat supernatural monsters . ]

[ The Fortune system will trade with your good luck for special items . Good luck can be easily obtained by doing good things that benefited others . ]

' Isn't doing good things better than fighting monsters . ' ''' Both of them can view my body's thoughts it's a good thing my fake self is a normal and innocent child . ''' reading Ikuta's mind the Exorcist system responded .

" Wait ! The host you can save people with me cause , unlike this golden board which will only help you be trading good luck , if you defeat monsters you can help other people so take me instead of this . " ' Since this turd said he has a lot of good luck then this will be a very suitable host I won't have to worry about the cursed creature . '

''' If the golden plate sees my body having a lot of luck but the other thing says that my real self is the cursed creature ... doesn't it look like I am bad luck while my fake self has good luck . ''' ( when Ikuta talks about their real self he means the time when he killed people and caused harm generating more experience in killing intents . While his fake self is the one that helped people around . And take note that the real self and fake self are just a concept HE is a single person with incredibly good acting . )

" Umm can you take out the curse in me . " Ikuta faced the golden screen [ no ] " Then what can you do ? " " Host please choose me I can trade with you a lot of things that can help you stop the curse . " ''' These two are trying their best to make me their host . '''

' Ikuta you shouldn't listen to strangers okay . ' a memory replayed in Ikuta's head while he thought of a decision . The two systems heard this and were frightened that a good host like Ikuta would reject them .

Since the two were low-ranking systems they can only provide a temporal bind with a host they aren't the ones with the final decision and can't make force the host to do anything . So if the host is as innocent as a child it will be easier to ask them to be the host without losing too much .

''' Hey you , make him accept you . ''' Ikuta made his decision to forcefully accept the Fortune system since it can hear his thoughts ' The cursed creature that resides in his body is real so that black bastard wasn't lying . ' it was a little frightened

" Host don't worry my prices are cheap in fact . " ''' You can hear me , don't you ? Don't you dare try to cheat on Ikuta or else I'll come out to purge you ' not that I know how to? ' ''' the golden screen shivered a little " Why are you shaking too ? "

' The cursed creature noticed me but it doesn't seem to harm the host . ' " You see host this thing is very useless it is even shaking for no reason . " Ikuta faced the black screen as if it was the dumbest thing " umm weren't you also shaking back then ? " this made the Witcher deny what happened before .

' This bastard if it could also hear what I'm hearing then it'll be more terrified than I am . ' ''' Hey do whatever you can to make Ikuta accept you and make sure you are a complete slave to him . ''' Ikuta liked how the Fortune is shaking from fear after arrogantly claiming it could help Ikuta .

Right now Ikuta formed himself an identity to the fortune system where the real self is the cursed creature and the fake self is a suitable host for the two systems .

' How do I make this host accept me ? ' ' I need this kind of host if he becomes my host I can get my rank higher and beat this golden turd . ' " Umm why are you fighting ? "

" No we're not fighting I just want you to accept me to be your system . " " Ehh but why ? " " Host I can let you give others your good luck . " " Really !? How ? " Ikuta gave the gold screen sparkling eyes of curiosity .

" But first you need to be my proper host . You have to press the yes button first and then leave the rest to me . " the golden screen changed to a different text now with a yes or no button .

[ Would you like to be a proper host ? ]

[ yes/no] Ikuta clicked the button and the golden screen disappeared and then the black screen appeared

[ Would you like to be a proper host ? ]

[ yes/no] " Um why ? " " Host I can help you get more power other than the ghost so you can have fun with those powers . "

In Ikuta's mind , he thought of the scene where he makes fish fly in the air and a lot of child-like imagination " That will be fun . " he clicked the yes button and now the two are assimilating with Ikuta as the host .

''' This will be good I can strengthen my horizons if I learn more about the supernatural world . ''' Ikuta look around and saw the mess he made " Sister will probably be mad at me for this mess and brother will just keep saying that ghosts don't exist . "

''' But I need to find any supernatural entities first . ''' Ikuta stared at the umbrella beside the door and approach it ' I can use water to clean this place . ' he opened the faucet and used the water to gather the powder .

''' This is a strange feeling but it isn't as vague as I thought it would be . ''' while his body was cleaning he tried to use the power by using the cameras outside overviewing the pond .

''' Let's see I think this and that should be the same feeling I think . ''' some water rose from the pond ''' As expected it is not that hard even without a vessel like that umbrella but I'll need it to disguise my abilities . '''

He returned to his body and thought of what the Witcher system said ''' Since I am the curse living in my body I think I leave a part of myself on the body after all no chip programs this body . '''

He tried to split his mind like he would when he used the cameras ''' I do feel the same I have an extra set of eyes and head . ''' then he contacted a clone and felt his body ''' Still the same feeling ... How does that system detect my so-called cursed creature ? '''

Ikuta sat down on the sofa and finished his homework ''' How come the systems are taking too long to finish their business ? ''' ' I wonder what's for lunch ' Ikuta opened the fridge and look for any microwaveable dishes .

" Hey host what are you doing . " a voice spooked Ikuta " AAAH ghost " the cup swung in the direction of the voice hitting the system . Ikuta stumbles and the cup noodles on top of the fridge fall.

" Host NOO " the cup noodles hit Ikuta's head " itai " Ikuta rubbed his head ' Thank goodness he's alright . ' " Host are you okay ? " Ikuta stared at the black screen " You scared me " " Sorry host ' Why am I apologizing ? ' " Ikuta got up and look at the cup noodles ' I want to eat these ' .

Sensing his thoughts the system displayed its store to Ikuta " Host why don't you try buying my goods I have a few things you can buy . " it sensed Ikuta's hunger and hoped that its tempting products can be sold .

A screen changed to a few panels and showed 20 points on the top right corner " Host you have 20 points from the ghost . So the Items displayed are all that you can purchase . " ''' This is expensive but what if I make that fortune system do some work for me . ''' " What is this for ? "

Ding [ Binding success ] a gold screen appeared beside the black panels ''' Good timing , hurry up and present Ikuta some special discount . ''' ' Yes sir ' " Host would you like to take a look at what you can buy ? " Ikuta stared at the scrollable panels with gleaming eyes .

" Umm , good luck in getting to school !? getting work charm ? " " Host there are meanings of the items if you don't understand " " Oh Okay " Ikuta kept staring at the golden screen while the Witcher system was slowly forgotten .

" Host please take a look at the items you can buy from me " the Witcher made a pleading tone of expressing ''' This system might even be more useful compared to this guy . ''' Ikuta checked at the items .

[ Spirit enhancing pill - 5 pts ] - Enhances the spiritual body ''' Might reveal my real identity pass . '''

[ Supernatural radar - 5 pts ] - Detects ghosts ''' I can use the cameras to spot the ghost but I can't seem to see them I'll take note . '''

[ Basics of spiritual senses - 20 pts ] - Learn to sense spiritual phenomenon such as ghosts or curses and blessings ''' Now this is useful , buy '''

" I want this " Ikuta picked the skill book and starts reading it with curious eyes ''' Done ''' he tested it out and looked around sensing seeing the beings of the two systems . One had long pointy ears and sharp teeth , the other had riches and wore a cape and pants only both were very short and fascinated Ikuta but he wanted to surprise them .

''' What would I look like then . ''' Ikuta walked to a mirror and looked at himself " Wow " ''' Wow ! '''

His fake self used a portion of the total skill while Ikuta went deeper into the contents of the book . Ikuta saw himself as a child with a very bright light the light was very blinding but it still showed Ikuta's body .

But his real vision could see a black gust at the shape of his body this black gust seems to be the curse and surrounding it was pure bad luck . The good deeds he did was just something to prevent others from suspecting him as the mastermind behind the accidents .

''' If I look in a different direction I was seen as a curse which is like killing intent and the bad luck seems to merge with the curse which might be because my killing methods are to cause accidents . So what if I suppressed my killing intent ? ''' Ikuta calmed down and look back at the mirror and only saw his body surrounded by blinding lights ''' Welp I have control over that cursed form at least . '''

[ Identity ??? ] - Many fake identities around the world for him to control .

[ Cursed form ] - a curse that is filled with a lot of bad luck from causing harm to others also his form during astral projection .

[ Spiritual senses ] - Sense any related spiritual phenomenon .

{ Umbrella that killed the ghost } - Has the powers of controlling water .