

what is more important, Power, gold, and glory, or a home to go

Rasyah_World · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

As Sir Robert and Lady Rose faced the enemy army in their final battle, they knew that the odds were against them. The enemy was powerful and relentless, their numbers far outnumbering Sir Robert's small band of soldiers.

But Sir Robert was determined to fight for what he truly loved, to resist the temptation of the sword's corrupting influence and protect Lady Rose at all costs. He knew that the sword would grant him great power, but he also knew that it came at a terrible cost.

As the battle raged on, Sir Robert fought with honor and bravery, his heart filled with love and determination. Lady Rose stood by his side, her heart breaking as she watched him fight for their survival.

Despite his best efforts, Sir Robert was no match for the enemy's might. He was outnumbered and outmatched, and he knew that he was facing certain defeat.

As he faced his final moments, Sir Robert was faced with a choice: succumb to the sword's corrupting influence and risk losing everything, or resist its temptation and fight for what he truly loved.

In the end, Sir Robert chose love. He resisted the temptation of the sword and fought for what he truly cared about, even as the enemy closed in around him.

As Sir Robert and Lady Rose stood on the battlefield, facing the enemy army that threatened to tear them apart, they knew that this was their final chance to fight for what they truly loved. Sir Robert was torn, knowing that the cursed sword would give him the power and strength he needed to emerge victorious, but also aware of the terrible cost that came with its use.

With Lady Rose by his side, Sir Robert made the difficult decision to resist the sword's corrupting influence. He knew that it would be a hard fight, and that he might not survive, but he was determined to go down fighting for what he truly loved.

As the battle raged on, Sir Robert fought with all his might, wielding the sword with honor and bravery. He was outnumbered and outmatched, but he refused to back down. He was driven by his love for Lady Rose and his determination to protect her at all costs.

Despite his best efforts, the enemy was too strong. Sir Robert was forced to the ground, his sword clutched tightly in his hand as the enemy closed in around him.

With a heavy heart, Sir Robert knew that his time was running out. But he was at peace, knowing that he had fought for what he truly loved and had given it his all.

As he lay on the battlefield, his vision growing dim, Sir Robert looked up to see Lady Rose standing over him. Tears streamed down her face as she looked at the man she loved, her heart breaking at the sight of his lifeless body.

With a fierce determination, Lady Rose refused to leave Sir Robert's side. She held his hand tightly, refusing to let go even as the enemy army closed in around them.

As the life faded from Sir Robert's eyes, Lady Rose knew that she had no chance of survival.

: )

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