

what is more important, Power, gold, and glory, or a home to go

Rasyah_World · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

Lady Rose sat at her dressing table, staring at the letter in her hands. It had been weeks since she had received any news from Sir Robert, and she was desperate for any update on his well-being. But as she read the letter, Lady Rose couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. The words seemed unfamiliar, almost as if they were not written by the man she knew and loved. Sir Robert's letters had always been filled with love and devotion, but this one was cold and distant.

Lady Rose's heart ached with worry and fear. She couldn't help but wonder if Sir Robert was being consumed by the sword's corrupting influence, if the weapon was changing him in ways that she couldn't understand. She knew that she had to do something, to find a way to save Sir Robert from the sword's grasp. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not when they had already lost so much.

With a determination in her heart, Lady Rose began to consider her options. She knew that it would not be easy, but she was willing to do whatever it took to save her husband and bring him home. She thought back to the stories she had heard of the sorcerer who had given Sir Robert the sword, and she wondered if he held the key to her husband's salvation. Perhaps he could reverse the weapon's influence, or offer a way to break its hold on Sir Robert.

Lady Rose's decision to journey to the front lines of the war was not made lightly. She knew that it would be a dangerous and difficult journey, but she couldn't stand by and do nothing while Sir Robert was in danger. She had to act, to find a way to bring Sir Robert home and save him from the sword's grasp.

She set out under the cover of darkness, taking back roads and avoiding any towns or villages that might draw attention to her. She had a few gold coins in her pocket, enough to bribe anyone who might ask too many questions.

As she traveled, Lady Rose couldn't shake the feeling of worry and fear that weighed heavy on her heart. She knew that she was taking a great risk, that she could be captured or killed if she was discovered. But she couldn't turn back, not when Sir Robert was in danger. She had to find a way to save him, to break the sword's hold on him and bring him home.

Days of travel passed as Lady Rose journeyed towards the front lines of the war, praying that she would be able to find the sorcerer and plead with him to reverse the weapon's influence on Sir Robert. She knew it was a long shot, but it was the only chance she had to save her husband and bring him home. Exhausted, hungry, and dirty, Lady Rose arrived at the front lines determined to find the sorcerer and plead for his help. She knew it wouldn't be easy, as the sorcerer was a powerful and unpredictable man, but she was desperate and willing to do whatever it took to save Sir Robert and bring him home.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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