
Chapter One-Hundred And Twenty-Four: Saying Goodbye

From there Kat started the buggy back up and after shifting it into drive he reached over and took Katherine's hand in his as he drove down the small dirt road. This made her smile as her heart even leaped a bit at his touch that is before the sad truth sank back in and that was that she was only going to have two more days with him and now that they were going to be back at the compound she would have to go back to sharing him.

Once back at the the O'Hare estate Kat parked the buggy and lifted Katherine out before the two of them walked into the main compound while holding hands. That is until they were confronted by four very angry people with their hands on their hips glaring at the two of them.

"Where the hell have you two been!" snapped Vixi, "First some weird cat lady mentally tells Rebekah not to panic before a portal opens up and yanks Katherine through, yet that was almost twenty four hours ago!"