
Chapter 1: The Beginning

**Sukuna POV**

I started to wake up something was off but I couldn't name it I looked around I was in a room it was very old school compared to those I saw while I was in Yuji's body but there was a decent sized library there were also toys and other children things around the room. I lifted my hands but instead of my normal hands What I saw was BABBBBYYY HANDSSS!!??!?! . I was a baby Me the great Sukuna was in the body of an infant. It was then I also realized that it wasn't a bed it was a crib. Then I heard the door open and entered a lady she had pink hair and was quite busty for a human girl she walked over to me and spoke "Hello my little Sukuna were you waiting for me" She started to pull down her shirt and It was only then I realized she came to feed me she started to move me to her left breastical I started to scream NO NO NO I The Great Sukuna will not be embarrassed by this mortal being. though my complaints were only heard as crying and whining which compelled her actions more after she was done embarrassing me. she started to rock I was falling asleep no no I won't go down this what is the magic this witch is using no no no I screamed as everything faded to black.

**time skip 3 years later**

It's been three years since my life of embarrassment and torment started. But I have learned a lot about this new world I live in Apparently monsters live throughout this world and there powerful to that's why these mortals need to borrow power from the gods that descended years ago those who get power from the gods are known as Adventurers and in return they join there fan clubs known as "Familias" there is an entire hierarchy to familias The strong ones live a fancy and easy lifestyle full of high classery while the weaker ones live to suffer in the slums I can understand that because after all there weak the weak deserve to die. on to the the next thing Orario the 1# place for adventurers and It's the world powerhouse due to it's unique building known as the dungeon apparently from what I understand it is the spawner of the monsters kind of like the monsters mother. now that I have knowledge of The world and a body though a toddler it still has enough body control to start learning how to use cursed energy then soon enough I will be back at my old godly state. at this moment my mother walked in my room "Sukuna kun are you ready" oh that's right todays the day we go visit my dirt bag dads grave my mom does this every week it's annoying why is she punishing me its not my punk ass dad was weak and died to a goblin a laughable level 1 goblin kicked his ass. we we're now arriving at his grave anything special just a grave stone with his name on it but to my mother it was a continent in her world. The moment we stood in front of his Grave my mom broke down in tears, all I have to say is that it is stupid why would something so miniscule like love be so important to a mortal or anybody in general. It was then I realized this was my chance to start my training after all where could there be more negative emotions than a goddamn graveyard. I took a breath in and focused in on my breathing my mother started to look at me like I was a weirdo, but I ignored it then I just let all of the emotions in it wasn't a hard process you just needed control of your emotions to much negative emotions at an uncontrolled rate can corrupt your mind and take over you and end up killing yourself and everything around you and me being dead can make my life troublesome as I don't have nearly enough cursed energy to make myself immortal in terms of strength right now I'm at 1/20th of one finger it's a pitiful amount but it's a start. my mother shook me asking me if I was alright then she informed me that we were heading back home I was slightly annoyed that I couldn't continue to absorb cursed energy but I had to calm down an panicked mind is a weak one. to add good news I heard my mother mention ramen for diner that got me moving real quick.

** 2 years later**

"it took far to long to get this far" said Sukuna It took me 2 years just to get 1 finger of Strength(*Author here to mention he's under playing his he's comparing himself to he old body but in the worlds perspective he's about the strength of an Advanced level 2 and the fact he's 5*) this body is so weak I can only use cleave 4 times before I pass out for a week and I can only hold my domain for 0.25 sec before I pass out for the same amount of time It's a pain in the and the worst thing is the graveyard is running out of Negative emotions I am happy I planned for this If I cant get negative emotions from the graveyard no more I guess I'll have to make some.

Hi Hi please commet let me know what you think what would you like to see what you think I advise for you to let me know what powers, familias, relationtions He should get

ThatOneWeirdKid_5423creators' thoughts