

“Nine demigods will seek revenge from the goddess who harmed They seek vengeance Make the goddess undo her crimes, They will travel, seek her out and make her pay A battle will happen that might bring their final day One might leave for someone new, betray them, come back when they are needed most Love will bloom between two it might be their downfall, If they fail all will die the goddess will win, hunt down their family and friends once and for all The world might end A battle, a goddess will kidnap the youngest, use them as leverage, they might die The women of sea shall die” *NOTE: PROPHECY WAS CREATED BY MY OLDER STEP-SIBLING! IM SHIPING THE CHARACTERS NOT THE CREATORS!*

aceof_spade · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

  As Techno looked down from the mountain that he stood upon he looked down to the valley below as people laughed and played, as people shot their arrows at their targets, as people flew through the sky on their pegasi, as people rode on their horses and walked through the woods. They all felt safe, sure the camp could protect the people on the inside, from the monsters on the outside, but it could not protect him from his monsters. His  monsters, they wait patiently for a reason to wake, take an overdue breath, and crawl into his ear.

  The voices that haunted him and will haunt him till his dying breath. The voices that always told him that he was a disappointment and failure no matter what his friends told him the voices screamed, cried and begged for blood, for death, for destruction and chaos but, he tried not to give in- he would never give in not since what happened on that day. But no matter what he did, no matter what Chiron told him, no matter how much Phil reassured him, the voices would never stop making him think that they never cared, and they never trusted him, and that everything was his fault. 

  He hated that feeling that his friends never cared and that he shouldn't trust them- he learned not to trust people from a very young age the only person that he thinks he trusts is Phil. Phil the man who never left him, the person who never thought of him as a monster, never treated him as a monster, an object and a thing- instead treated him like a friend, an ally, a son, a brother and the most trusted friend he had. He's close to trusting other people- Kristin- Phil's girlfriend. She was always nice to him and she treated him with respect and always gave him those pink flower crowns, and always reminded him that he wasn't a monster even though he might look like one- but in her eyes he didn't look like one. 

  He also trusted Tommy- he was like a little brother to him. Tommy was so annoying at times but also kinda sweet and kind- but still a pain in the ass. He was like a big brother to Tommy, and Tommy was like the annoying little brother he never had. He also kinda trusted Wilbur- Wilbur was nice to him, he remembered when Wilbur first came to camp, Wilbur was always nice to him. He thinks he trusts the rest of his friends but he's not sure if he trusts them. "Hey Techno!" Phil spoke

"Oh- hey Phil." He looked over to Phil 

"The voices bothering you again?" 

"Eh- not-" Techno sighed "Yeah- but it's nothing that I can't handle." He shrugged 

"We'll- race you down the hill!" 

"You're on old man!" He smiled and slid down the hill running and then sliding down running sliding the wind flowing through his hair. He made it down the hill and looked back up to surprisingly see Phil still speeding his way down. 

"Wait how the fuck!" Phil yelled as he landed right next to Techno

"I don't know man, just happened." He shrugged again, he then saw Tommy and ran over to them,

"What the fuck did I just witness!" He started as he then toppled over from his laughter "The old man with WINGS was fucking beat in a race DOWN HILL but Techno who DOESN'T HAVE WINGS and SHOULD be slower because of that!! Baha baha baha baha!!!" Wilbur came up to them next 

"Tommy give Phil a break. He's old and has disheveled bones, he'll disintegrate with one touch to his finger, he'll just disappear." And then Wilbur bursted out into laughter after saying that. Techno chuckled. Kristin flew down to right beside Phil, 

"Wilbur." She said with jokingly stern to her voice, "How about you give Phil a break. He's not that old." She smirks then she planted a kiss on Phil's forehead "Don't feel bad honey. He'll get old and then we'll make fun of him instead of you!" She clapped her hands and looked at Wilbur who had a look of fake disgust 

"How could you! I thought I could trust you!" Wilbur started jokingly 

"Well- it's true isn't it?" 

"I suppose you're right…" He grumbled, Techno snickered. 

<+…+…+…+ > 

  "Dinner!" They all heard Chiron yell from the dining pavilion. It was a cement floor with poles surrounding the entire thing, but no roof. It has a fire pit in the middle of it, with tables around it that hold each of the cabins people like in Athena cabin had their own table and so on. Techno looked at Tommy then to Phil, then to Wilbur, then to Kristin, and started to sprint not waiting for them.

"Techno wait up!" He heard Tommy's screech as he kept running forward, He finally made it to the dining pavilion and looked to the Ares table to look for Niki. She was another person he thinks he trusts. She was always so nice to him, alway treated him as a friend, never looked at him with disgust or the look that he was a monster. 

"Techno!" She lifted her head from talking to some other kid at the table

"Hi…" Niki scooted over so that Techno could sit down next to her

"So- Techno how was your day!? I didn't really get to see you that much today?" Niki asked

"Um- ok I guess…" He put his head down and loosened his ponytail letting some strands fall to his shoulders, she looked at him with some concern in her eyes. "It's fine- you don't need to worry." He smiled a bit. "Speaking of days, how was yours?" Techno questioned

"Well… I got to beat Eret in a fight today! They put up a good fight though! They don't give themself credit for how well they fight…" He then started to zone out.

  After 10 minutes of getting everyone from camp to the dining pavilion everyone got their meals and their drinks. Then one by one each of the tables got up to scrape some of their food into the Fire for their parents or whatever god they wanted guidance from. Soon it was Ares table turn and they all stood up and walked in a semi straight line. It was Techno's turn and he scraped part of his meal in, just a little more than he usually did but know one seemed to notice as he walked back to his seat keeping some space for Niki to sit when she got back from scraping her plate. 

"Techno I saw what you did." Niki remarked as she sat down 


"You need to eat Techno, you need energy." She simply told him with nothing afterwards as they ate in silence

<+…+…+…+ >

  It was almost time for dinner to be done. But Rachel looked weirdly pale and she eventually stood up and something started to come out of her mouth… The Oracle Delphi Techno thought as he looked in her direction and even other campers started to notice it too. Then she started to speak; "Nine demigods will seek revenge from the goddess who harmed~ 

They seek vengeance~

Make the goddess undo her crimes, They will travel, seek her out and make her pay~

A battle will happen that might bring their final day~

One might leave for someone new, betray them, come back when they are needed most~

Love will bloom between two it might be their downfall,~ 

If they fail all will die the goddess will win, hunt down their family and friends once and for all~

The world might end~

A battle, a goddess will kidnap the youngest, use them as leverage, they might die~

The women of sea shall die~" Everyone sat there. Stunned. Rachel's eyes became normal again, and she stumbled a bit. She looked over to Chiron and Mr. D, who had this look on their faces almost like: 'shit' 'this again' all three of them look at each other. Chiron and Mr. D exchanged glances then Chiron sighed and said 

"Karl, Phil, Kristin, Sapnap, Techno. We would like to speak with you five privately." He paused. "Now." He, Mr. D and Rachel all walked towards The Big House. Techno looked down as he stood up feeling his entire table look at him. He walked towards the big house, eventually falling next to Phil. 

"This is great." Sapnap says right behind them. Falling into stride with Techno on his right side with Phil being on his left. 

"It shouldn't be that bad- right?" Karl spoke next 

"We won't know till it happens." Kristin responded. Techno thought for a moment, wait- it said nine- there's only five of us! He kept the thought to himself,

  They made it to The Big house, it was like a farmhouse and was bigger than all of the other cabins that were there. It was where Mr. D Rachel and Chiron slept. They all entered The Big House and walked inside. He looked around and then Techno saw the medical wing. Don't freak out it's- it's fine He told himself.








Techno shook his head and continued to follow the other four. They walked into the room that they heard talking and noise from. When they got in they all took a seat at one of the chairs. Rachel spoke first: "You heard of Percy, Piper, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Hazel, Frank, Nico, Will and Reyna. Right?" 

"The Prophecy of Seven? Yeah." Kristin responded 

"The Orical just put another prophecy out-" Techno cut her off

"You think that it's us because we were all cursed. Also the prophecy said nine people and there's only five of us." He looked at her with a confused gaze the other four thought for a second and nodded their heads,

"About that- so you get to choose the extra people in your group. But just because this is a prophecy there's probably some rules that go with it so don't make any stupid decisions and choose people close to you." Chiron specified, "Who do you choose?" He questioned 

"Dream and George, Wilbur and Tommy." Phil spoke on behalf of the five, Mr. D nodded and then spoke:

"You all can go now if you don't have any questions." Techno got up and immediately left The Big House. Every time he was in it it made him panic.

  When he was out the door Niki was right next to Ranboo and they were talking. "Hi guys." He started and both of their heads turned 

"What was that about!?" Niki slightly screamed

"Just a prophecy, it's not that big of a deal." 



He held his head. Shut up! He muttered 

"Hey!" Niki clapped her hands in front of his face. He looked at her. "Not that big of a deal! It's a prophecy! And it also said that people are going to die!" 

"Like I said it's not that big of a deal it's just a prophecy some of the stuff could be changed. It's possible before you say anything more." He responded with a flat tone. And walked away to talk to Wilbur, Tommy, Dream, and George since he was chosen by the group to talk to them. "Wilbur, Tommy!" He semi shouted as he saw them chilling by the lake. They turned their heads.

"Oh! Hi Techno!" Tommy spoke enthusiastically 

"I need to talk to you about the prophecy…" He sat down next to them. 

"What about it?" Wilbur asked

"So you know how it said nine people and they only called five of us?" They both nodded. "Well they told us that we get to choose the others who get to go and we all agreed that it would be you two and then Dream and George." He explained. They gave him a look that was almost confused and excited in the same way. 

"Well- uh-" Wilbur responded 

"Yeah- I know it's a lot to take in. We have two days to get ready to leave and once we do we can talk about what we will do next. But right now I need to have a talk with Dream and George." He sat up and walked off to find Dream and George. 

  After like 6 minutes he caught a glimpse of George sitting on a table with Dream talking to him. "Hello guys." Techno spoke as he went around the table and stood in front of them. Dream jumped slightly at the sudden monotone voice. 

"Hi Tech!" Dream responded after looking to see that he was in front of them. "Is there something you want?" He asked

"Yeah. You know that prophecy that was just said right? And how they only called five of us and the prophecy needs nine?" They both nodded

"We, as in the five of us, decided that you two and then Wilbur and Tommy would be the other four that we needed since they told us that we could choose who would come with us." He continued. George's eyes widened


"Yes really. we have two days to get ready and once we leave we can talk about what we will do next with the entire group." Both of them nodded and Techno walked off to find Mr. D.

  He spotted him talking to Chiron. "Mr. D? I have a question?" Techno continued to walk closer. Mr. D's head flung around. 

"What is it?" He practically hissed at him. Rude. Techno muttered

"About the prophecy… Do you have any clue who the goddess could be? Like is there one missing and not on Olympus?" 

"Hera has been missing for a while. Like about one week… I think." He spoke with a confused hint to his tone, 

"All right that's all I needed-" Techno was cut off

"Why'd you need to know?" Chiron asked

"Just to get an idea about who we might be looking for." And he walked off back to his cabin. Well this is going to be fun~ he muttered sarcastically 


The voices were screaming at the top of their lungs if they had any Techno added and he walked into his cabin. Over to his bed. And crawled under the blankets waiting for sleep to take over.

<+…+…+…+ >

  Techno woke up the next morning by the shuffling of his cabin mates. Uhg- he gave a groan, and sat up with lidded eyes as he adjusted to the light now seeping into the cabin. "Morning Tech!" Niki spoke enthusiastically, Techno gave a nod and asked: 

"What time is it?" She looked quickly at the clock that's as out of sight from Techno

"It's thirty five past seven." 

"Alright…" He yawns and gets up taking a pair of clothes that he set out on his small dresser by his bed. 

"Coup de grâce I will win but never fight. That's the Art of War!" The music started blasting, Techno flinched then soon calmed down. Fucking hell- he shook his head and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and get dressed. 

  He got done in the bathroom and walked out in about 7 minutes knowing that they would inspect the cabin soon. So he started to pick up some of his stuff and organize it- by shoving it in drawers and making his bed quickly, making sure everything looked okay. With his hair still wet he walked outside trying to find Phil "Hiya mate!" Phil spoke cheerfully behind him. Guess I found him. He turned around and looked at the winged man, Phil's wings ruffled then Techno spoke,

"Morning." He smiled 

"How'd you sleep last night?" He asked

"Okay I guess…" He yawned again, Phil gave him a comforting smile and grabbed his hand. They started to walk towards the dining pavilion.

"Remember after breakfast we have to talk to Kristin, Tommy, Wilbur, Sapnap, Karl, Dream and George about the quest and we have to prepare and get ready because we leave tomorrow." He reminded Techno. 

"Mhm-" Techno responded not really paying attention, as he was looking off in the distance. 

"You good mate?" Phil had a worried look on his face and his wings dropped a bit, kinda coming closer to Techno almost to comfort him, to know that he's there and he's not alone even if he felt like he was. 

"Fine it's nothin' I can't handle." He deadpanned, trying to shut down the conversation 

"I'm always here if you need to talk-" He cut him off mid sentence

"I know," He half hissed, "I just don't want to talk about it." He took a pause "Sorry for snapping at you Phil.." One thing he appreciated about Phil was that he was very patient and knew when to stop when someone gives a hint 

"S'alright, you don't have to apologize, it was my problem for prying." He smiled and his wings moved so it would be right behind Techno like an arm would, "Now we have to go get breakfast it should be time once we get there if we take our time! I don't know about you but I'm starving!" He nodded

"I'm hungry- ish…" He muttered and started to walk to the dining pavilion with Phil right next to him.

  When they both got there- like Phil thought -it was time and they called everyone. Techno sat down next to Niki again, since she was the only one at his table who didn't treat him like a monster from the underworld or like a contagious disease. Instead she made him feel welcome. She smiled as she sat down next to him, "Hi Tech! I know we saw each other earlier but how was your couple minutes of awake time?" She paused after realizing she didn't understand what she said "You know what I mean right?" 

"Yeah. It was pretty good." He responded, he was so used to the stuff Tommy said and how he rambled so he could practically understand everything.

"Good! Mine was good too!" 

"That's good." he tried to sound enthusiastic but he was too tired. It was true he had slept but that didn't mean he didn't have bad dreams… and they were disrupted by the voices in his head. 

"You-" He stopped her 

"I don't need to talk about it. I would have told you if it was something you needed to know." He responded, she flashed him a look of sympathy and compassion, he ignored, sighed, then went on to his meal. 

  After they were done with their food Techno started to walk to the beach where they would talk about what they were going to do, where they would start, and what they knew so far. Techno was the first one to be there, soon George, Dream, Sapnap and Karl walked right next to each other. "Hi guys, do you know when the others will come?" He asked, looking at them when they got close enough

"They should be here soon according to what Kristin told us." Karl responded

"Alright thanks." Techno gave a smile, and continued to look out on the lake, what if this doesn't go as planned… What if everyone dies! He tried to get the thought out of his head but it wouldn't go away.

Everyone will die

It will be all your fault

Like everything else

They'll leave you to die and you know it

Leave them

Kill them

They kill you if you don't first!

SHUT UP! He yelled at them- of course not out loud, but in his head. Dream saw the discomfort in his face and walked closer and hugged him in a warm embrace. "You didn't have to do that.." Techno somewhat hissed "You know I'm not a fan of hugs." He stated blankly

"I know it just looked like you needed to calm down so I thought-" Dream tried to get out of the hug but Techno held him closer

"You thought right…" He muttered and kept him in the hug. He soon heard Wilbur and Tommy fighting and Phil and Kristin trying to tell them something. He let Dream out of the hug. And Dream smiled at him, and Techno smiled back. 

"Ok- so when we do leave, what's the first thing we'll do?" Wilbur asked, after jabbing his elbow into Tommy's side to hint that they had to be serious now, and he stopped trying to beat up Wilbur. 

"Ok I had a talk with Mr. D yesterday and he said that Hera is missing.. so I was thinking if she's missing, maybe she's the one we have to look for but even if not we still should look for her for help because it would still be helpful if she knew something." Techno spoke first

"That would be helpful but since we have no clue we're she could be, I was thinking maybe we could go to New Rome and see if they know anything or seen anything." Sapnap spoke next, they all thought about it for a second and then Kristin added on wings ruffling in the wind,

"Sapnap I agree with you. We should go to New Rome and see if they've seen anything or have hints. But when we do go we should keep a look out for Hera." They all nodded

"How would we get there? We have nothing to take us there. I mean we have Kristin and Phil with their wings but that wouldn't be enough to carry us, all of us. We would need a boat or something like that." Karl brought up a good point, they did after all have nothing to take them to where they wanted to go. 

"We could ask if they have a boat or something? Or we would have to make it." George listed some options 

"OR we could go to a dock or something and borrow a boat." Phil suggested and they all looked at him

"Yeah I think that's probably a good idea if they don't already have one.." George backtracked and scratched the back of his head, 

"What do you think Tommy, Wilbur?" Dream asked the two

"I agree with Phil we should borrow a boat if they don't have one and like Kristin said 'We should go to New Rome and see if they've seen anything or have hints'." He responded and looked at Tommy who nodded,

"I agree!" 

"Ok so then it settled? We go to New Rome and see if they saw anything then we go on from there?" Techno confirmed with everyone, they all nodded. He nodded back.

"We should probably get back to do chores or whatever you all have next. Bye see some of you later and the rest tomorrow!" Karl spoke and grabbed Sapnap by the wrist and Dream and George followed. Techno got up 

"Come on Wil we have battle training." He held out his hand to help Wilbur up

"Alright-" Wilbur sighed and walked after Techno to the Battle arena.

  When they got there Aiden was there, he was the instructor or teacher whatever you might call it, but he was new and has only been doing it for 3 days now.

"Wilbur, Techno.. welcome you were a bit late but only by one minute, so I'll let it slide." Wilbur nodded and walked up to stand in the line that had been formed, Techno followed. "Ok so today we're just going to be practicing all the stuff we've learned so far, I need a volunteer so that if you need a reminder me and them can show you." He looks down the line of people, which none of whom want to be chosen. "Techno, how about you?" He speaks at last and everyone turns their heads at Techno,

"Uh- sure?.." Techno responded. He was pretty sure what the other people were thinking, "he chose the wrong person", "he's going to die", "look at the monster" shit like that. And he then walked up to Aiden,

"Ok! Good. Now does anyone need a refresh or should we just go through what you should be practicing?" One kid raised their hand, Aiden nodded and looked at them

"Sorry I forgot the name of it but it was the one where if you get your weapon knocked out of your hands and you like- swing them to the ground or something like that?" The kid asked and Aiden nodded and spoke

"Yeah I know what you're talking about, do you?" He asked Techno


"Okay you do the flinging to the ground part. Kay?" Aiden asked

"Alright." He dropped his sword and swiftly moves to the back of Aiden and secures him in a regular waist lock, lifts and throws him backwards and sideways. 

"Ugh-" He heard a grunt. Techno turned around to see Aiden on his back trying to get up, but he then went over to him and placed himself on Aiden's back (kinda) and lifted his head up so he could get his arm under his neck. Then he 'choked him' from behind. Techno then got up and looked back at the line of people, then to Aiden who he saw struggling to get up. 

"Damn- you have a strong throw- do you mind?-" Techno held out his hand and pulled him up. 

"Sorry- I knew I shouldn't have thrown you that hard.." He tried to apologize 

"Nah- it's fine!" Aiden reassured him, and smiled at Techno. They both walked back to the group of people,

"Is that all?" Aiden asked, the group shook their heads "Alright then you all practice!" He waved them off and Techno walked back to Wilbur, and they practiced everything they had to.

  The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Nothing out of the ordinary. Everyone ate, they did chores, you know, all of the good stuff. Now it was free time before their curfew and that was the nines time to pack for their long journey. 

  Techno walked to his cabin and started to look through his draws to find all of the stuff he wanted to bring. He packed most of his shirts, pants, underwear- you know the usual shit that you would need. Then he packed his weapons, his axe and his dagger. His hair brush and shampoo, conditioner. Once he was done packing he decided it was time for him to finally get some sleep since it was only 10:30, and he knew he needed the extra sleep. He got into his more comfortable clothes and got into his bed, he sat there for a little bit and eventually drifted off.