
Cursed Girl

In the millennia that passed since Kaizer's disappearance, Sanguine City underwent a remarkable transformation into a technological marvel fueled by Blood Technology. Kaizer's memory faded into obscurity, forgotten by Vampire Society. The populace of New Sanguine City, now dominated in numbers by Ascended Vampires, and ruled by the original Noble Vampires, saw unprecedented power and prosperity through the transformative capabilities of Blood Tech. Humans, once prey, now live within a secure compound, leading relatively ordinary lives during daylight hours as essential members of the city's workforce. In the sequel to "Shadows of Sanguine," the Vampire princess Darcia embarks on a perilous journey haunted by a Curse, a consequence of her grief over the loss of Kaizer, the Lost Child of Nocturnastra. Bound by a mechanical muzzle that evokes a skeletal grin and cursed with hair turned white and eyes ablaze with fiery red, Darcia's constant pain is a testament to her refusal to feed. Her power wanes, and the only hope for salvation lies in reuniting with her lost love. As Darcia navigates the streets and alleys of New Sanguine City, she seeks to uncover the truth behind Blood Technology, for she finds it peculiar how the advent of Blood Tech severed the traditional link between Vampires and their primal need for Human blood, and it came almost right after Kaizer's disappearance. Darcia becomes the linchpin of a secretive resistance group known as "The Kaizer Project." Led by the rebel princess, the group seeks to unveil the mysteries shrouding the technological advancements in Vampire Society and discover Kaizer Anderson's whereabouts. Darcia faces a dual challenge as a looming threat emerges from the Underworld. Alessia, concealed in the depths of Acheron, stirs with a strengthening Curse. Meanwhile, Isyra's prophecy predicts an apocalypse, fueled by the fear of Alessia's potential escape. Darcia's path is fraught with peril as she confronts not only the supernatural forces within New Sanguine City but also the relentless pursuit of her mother, Queen Hundred, the Noble families, Elites, and The Cauldron. Exiled from Vampire Society and branded a wanted criminal, Darcia must navigate her operations with utmost discretion, with every move calculated to avoid the watchful eyes of those who would see her destroyed. Leading the "Kaizer Project", she grapples with immediate challenges in New Sanguine City while contending with cosmic forces that threaten chaos against Sanguine and the Overworld as well. Amidst the struggle for truth and the quest for Kaizer, the characters navigate a perilous landscape of Vampires, prophecies, and the supernatural, facing an uncertain future. With her fate entwined with Kaizer's, Darcia faces a race against time, battling not only the formidable challenges of the Vampire hierarchy but also the debilitating effects of her Curse. Can she overcome the shadows of her past, break the Curse, and reunite with Kaizer to alter the destiny of Sanguine forever? The sequel unveils a gripping narrative of love, rebellion, and the quest for truth in the mysterious depths of the Vampire underworld. Asher, an Ascended Vampire residing in the gritty corners of Sanguine City's ghetto, dreams of escaping the shadows and ascending to Elite status. Living in a cramped apartment with his sassy roommate, Celeste, a dark fairy, Asher works as a mercenary, taking on dangerous assignments for Nobles and Elites in hopes of climbing the social ladder. Despite his lethal skills, Asher finds himself stuck in the underbelly of Sanguine society, struggling to earn the coveted ascension in rank. His mundane life takes an unexpected turn when his boss, a member of the secretive Cauldron organization, assigns him a mission to capture individuals associated with the Kaizer Project.

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37 Chs

The Kaizer Project

The hospital doors slid open with a soft hiss, and Lucius guided me out into the crisp night air. Isyra was waiting in the sleek black car, her snakelike eyes glinting in the dim light.

"Look who's finally joining the land of the living," Isyra teased, her reptilian grin widening.

I managed a weak smile. "Feels good to be back, I suppose."

Lucius opened the back door, and I eased myself onto the seat, wincing at the lingering soreness. Isyra took the driver's seat, her snake tail flicking in anticipation.

"Where to?" Isyra asked, turning to face us.

Lucius slid into the passenger seat and glanced at me. "Home, I suppose. Unless Darcia has other plans."

The term "home" felt foreign, considering I'd been absent for centuries. "Home sounds good," I replied, leaning back in the seat, my eyes scanning the transformed cityscape.

Isyra revved the engine, and the car glided into the night, lifting off into the sky.

I was baffled, taking in the interior of the vehicle. "What exactly is this thing?" I asked, my eyes darting around.

Lucius, with a playful smile, responded, "It's a car. Oh, and this..." He revealed a rectangular device. "Is a phone. It gives us a way to communicate from anywhere. Pretty nifty, huh?"

Speechless, I stared at the small marvel in his hands.

"A phone," I repeated, testing the word on my lips.

Lucius grinned, holding the phone out to me. "Here, give it a try. Just press the screen and swipe up."

I hesitated but followed his instructions, and the screen illuminated with an array of icons. Lucius continued his explanation, "You can use it to call, send messages, and even access information from the internet. It's a handy little gadget."

"In-ter-net?" I repeated.

Isyra, still focused on her steering, interjected with a smirk. "He's been glued to that thing ever since he got it. The wonders of the modern age, I suppose."

I managed a small smile, overwhelmed. "It's incredible. The world has truly changed."

Lucius chuckled, sensing my amazement. "You'll get used to it. When we get to my house, all three of us can catch up." The prospect of catching up on 500 years of history, both personal and worldly, made me want to go back to sleep right then and there.

Lucius's house was perched on the outskirts of New Sanguine City, surrounded by lush greenery that contrasted sharply with the urban sprawl. Its design was a fusion of modern architecture and ancient elegance, with towering spires and sleek surfaces harmonizing with nature. The structure stood on a hill, providing a commanding view of the city below.

As we approached, I couldn't help but admire the blend of contemporary aesthetics and natural beauty. The car pulled into a driveway bordered by flourishing gardens, and I marveled at the serene atmosphere. I had never seen such abundant greenery in Sanguine City.

Isyra landed the car on the driveway and hopped out, stretching her scaly limbs. Lucius turned to me, a hint of excitement in his crimson eyes. "Welcome to my humble abode."

Lucius's house exuded a subtle luxury. The living room held cozy furniture in soft colors, complemented by tasteful artwork on the walls. In the kitchen, Lucius offered refreshments with an apologetic tone. "Would you like something to eat? Oh, right... sorry, Darcia."

I shook my head reassuringly. "No, it's okay. This... thing... is something I have to get used to as well." My fingers brushed against the mask.

Lucius turned to Isyra, extending his hospitality. "What about you, Isyra? Want anything?"

Isyra's smile conveyed gratitude. "A Serpent's Jewel would be great. Thank you, Lucius."

With a playful smirk, Lucius fetched the requested fruits from the refrigerator. The vibrant green hues of the Serpent's Jewels stirred memories of a time when life's sweetness felt more tangible, a time when Kaizer was still part of our world.

Lucius led the way to the living room, and Isyra and I followed, settling into the plush comfort of a couch surrounding a table.

A large, black rectangle adorned the wall, catching my attention. I pointed at it. "What's that?"

Lucius smirked. "That's a television. Or, a T.V. We watch stuff on it. Weird, right? Books have become a thing of the past."

I nodded. "That is weird."

Isyra giggled, and Lucius smiled, taking a bite of his fruit.

"So, Darcia, I want to know... how did you get that mask on your face?" Isyra asked, her curiosity matching Lucius's.

I struggled to find the words. "Well... I don't know, really. I just woke up, and it was on my face. I can't get it off..."

Lucius nodded knowingly, swallowing. "I think I know what it is. It's a Curse. Just like Alessia." He looked at Isyra. "Now we really have to find Kaizer... I'm starting to get why your people called him the 'Lost Child,' Isyra."

Suddenly, the realization struck me that Isyra was far from Serpentara. Why was she here, living among Vampires?

"Isyra... what happened to Serpentara?"

Isyra fell silent, and her gaze shifted to the floor. Her eyes turned cold as she said, "I am the last Serpentine. The day that Kaizer was taken, the day Queen Hundred came to the island... everyone on the island was killed. The only reason my life was spared is because Lucius begged his father to let me live..."

I gasped, and my heart sank into my stomach. "Isyra... I'm so sorry, I... there's no excuse for it. My mother is evil."

Lucius placed a hand on Isyra's scaly hand, and she offered a sheepish smile. "I'm okay. Lucius lets me stay here with him, and I have everything I need. I'm just glad you're okay, Darcia."

There was a moment of silence, and the sadness of Isyra's tone hung in the air like a cloud.

Lucius broke the silence, "We've been trying to find Kaizer for a while now. We've looked all over Sanguine, and no one's even heard of him. I even asked a few Vampires who went to school with us, and not one had a clue who I was talking about."

My eyebrows furrowed. "How is that possible? Kaizer was practically a celebrity at the Academy."

Lucius nodded. "Strange, right? I thought so too. However, we did manage to find a few people who still remembered Kaizer. Do you remember Iris? The silver-haired girl?"

I thought for a moment... I didn't recall any Vampires named Iris. "No, I can't say I do."

Lucius nodded. "She was a First Year with Kaizer, said she was in the same Blood Magic Fundamentals class with him. And she's not all - we're in contact with a Mix-blood named Zachary. He claims to remember Kaizer too. You probably don't know him, but I do. He was once a Necessary. Kaizer and I met him on prom night, and he showed us the secret dungeon where they kept the Humans used for food."

The gravity of Lucius's words settled in, and my eyes fluttered. "Okay, so... where is this going?"

Lucius smirked. "While you were in that canyon wallowing in your grief, we started a little group. We call it, 'The Kaizer Project.' It's our secret organization, and our mission is to find Kaizer."

I blinked as his words processed, and a smirk crept across my lips, though they couldn't see it.

"Lucius..." Was all I managed to get out behind the strong lump in my throat. I felt like I was about to cry.

Lucius nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Don't thank me. This is just what friends do. Trust me, we know that your pain was unbearable, and you needed to take that hibernation. But Darcia... you're not alone. We all feel the pain of his absence. That's why we're gonna get him back. That, and I still owe the guy for buying me those cargo pants."

Isyra let out a giggle, and snorted.

Tears flowed freely from my eyes, cascading over my mask.. "Still. Thank you, Lucius, Isyra. I couldn't ask..." I sniffled. "For better friends."

Lucius and Isyra enveloped me in a comforting embrace as I released the pent-up grief of 500 years in a torrent of sobs. The echoes of my cries resonated within Lucius's house, a cathartic release that seemed to last an eternity. When the storm of emotions finally subsided, Lucius handed me a phone.

"Here, take it. We've added you to the group chat. You can contact us anytime, and we'll keep you updated on everything," he said.

I nodded, wiping away the tears and taking the phone.

Isyra's smile conveyed warmth as she spoke, "You're not alone anymore, Darcia. We got you, girl."

I read the messages on the phone:

Lucius: Darcia's joined us. Let's make her feel welcome; this is Kaizer's future wife after all. 😊

Iris: I can't wait to meet you, Darcia! I've heard many good things about you! Welcome to The Kaizer Project!

Zachary: Well, well, well, the plot thickens. Pleasure to have you joining us, Darcia. 😎

I typed a message in response:

Darcia: Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm ready to do whatever it takes to find Kaizer. Let's bring him home. 💖