
Aoba Suzukaze

"Why is life so unfair!"

"I don't know ,once I hit 12 years old ,they started growing."

Oh ,someone is coming this way.

"Hey guys! I'm back with the other new hire."

Wow ,for some reason ,these people all have brains that have profound energy in them!

"Hey ,I'm Aoba Suzukaze ,nice to meet you."


I wonder ....how these people developed their brains like this.


It's the next day ,I've upped my cultivation from Stage 1 to Stage 10.

I won't breakthrough until I need to. This Ko Yagami has the brain of an Emperor Profound 3rd Stage.

Although they don't have strength ,they're brains are super intelligent.

I'll be sitting next to Ko while I'm working.

"Hey Ko ,get up."

Of course I don't mention that she doesn't have any pants or a skirt on.

I just woke up 5 minutes ago. I don't have a shirt or pants on. I'll just act like I don't notice.

"Hey Shiro. I don't get how you don't get sick without a shirt on."

"I dunno. I'mma go get some coffee ,how do you like yours."

"Black with sugar."


"I'm back. I got it Black with milk and sugar."

"Thanks Shiro."

"I'm gonna need a job."

"Sure. I want you to make this villager in 3d."

"Got it."

Easy. I just need to set up my shortcuts and I'll be finished in an hour.


Done. I had to get used to the software and the shortcuts. That's why it took an hour.

Oh. Everyone is here.

"Hey Ko ,I finished my villager."

"Oh!? Let me see."


I think it should be pretty good. I fixed all the errors ,so it should be good.

"Nice ,it's great. You did this in an hour? I guess I should give you a harder assignment. I want you to make this character and make it 3d. I also want you to make these other 4 villagers into 3d."

Hm. Making a character based on guidelines is a bit more difficult. It'll take me about 3 hours to finish the character and the villagers.