
Curse Of Oneiros

Surviving a terrible car accident, Arilla finds herself immersed in a post-apocalyptic world of crumbling cities and savage, zombie-like creatures. Hoping to somehow return to her own world, she must fight against the shackles of this harsh new reality and attempt to toe the line between reality and illusions as she encounters mysterious allies and dangerous enemies. Will Arilla be able to survive this harsh reality and outwit the sinister forces who seem to know the reason behind her sudden immortality? Or will the dark secret of why she cannot die be what binds her forever to this apocalyptic realm?

BlackRoses_ · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


Sirens rang in the air as passersby stopped to watch the spectacle. It was a tragedy; a large tour bus had crashed a car into a train.

It was questionable, how many people could have survived this accident? The public officials controlled the crowd that kept trying to approach in order to take videos for their social media. Everyone went silent as the firefighters carefully began to pull the victims out.

Multiple scorched bodies were laid out one by one from the bus, a few only barely alive. When they got the victim from the car, gasps of shock and shouts came from the crowd.

Although half the face was severely burned, there was no doubt that it was her, the young heir of the GX corp. The biggest space tech company ever created; it was no doubt big news to see their young genius here at the edge of her life.

Cameras flashed as the media arrived at the scene, trying to gather as much evidence of the incident as the poor girl was lifted onto an ambulance. The siren rang loud as it headed for the hospital, inside the ambulance, one of the paramedics tried to contact individuals on her emergency contact list.

The first call to her mother was unavailable, the voice came over the interface informing them that the contact no longer existed. Frowning, he tried the father's contact, however he only got through to the secretary who simply stated that her boss was undergoing emergency treatment at a foreign hospital, and no one would be able to make it in time.

She however gave the contact of the victims boyfriend as the only available person, the phone rang for a while without an answer. Just as the paramedic was about to give up, the phone was picked up, he quickly and calmly relayed the information to her boyfriend who seemed to be at a party.

After the call ended, he shook his head in pity over the so called 'blessed child', who would've known that she had no one to care for her even after a life threatening accident.

Meanwhile at a huge dome, the crowd kept shouting the name of the musician, Arden Yates. After a while, the manager ran on stage to give them the unfortunate news that he would be unable to perform that night.

Ignoring the boos and cries of disappointment, the manager hurried backstage, leaving damage control in the companies hands. "Arden! Arden, wait! You can't drive in this state!", he yelled chasing after the frantically running young man.

Catching up, he grabbed him and slammed him into the wall forcing him to calm down, "Arilla is dying, and you want me to calm down?" he huffed out, running his hands through his spiked blond hair.

"Now we don't want you in the same state do we? Or how do you expect to take care of her while on a hospital bed, huh?" the manager rushed his words trying to get the star to think rationally.

When he calmed down, they hurried to the car where the driver had just arrived, avoiding the rioting crowd and paparazzi. After ushering Arden into the backseat, he quickly slipped into the passenger street and recited the address of the hospital as they drove off.


Arden stared down at the delicate fingers clasped between his palms, he couldn't bear to look at the destruction the accident had brought to his girlfriend's face. His hands trembled and his hold on her tightened as he tried to steady them.

The ward was silent apart from the beeping of the machines that made sure that her heart was still beating. To distract himself, Arden grabbed his cellphone, scrolling through the latest news.

'Rising Singer-Songwriter, Arden Yates, MIA on his first Tour Performance', He frowned at the headline, scrolling through he saw countless speculations on him getting cold feet, being too doped to perform, he sighed and closed the page.

When he moved to turn off his phone, he saw a news flash on his notification, it was about the accident. 'Famous Company Heiress Crashes Due to Distracted Driving?', he sneered at the headline, quickly sending a message to his manager to press charges against the news company.

When he looked up, he caught sight of Arilla with a smile-grimace on her face. He was stunned for a moment, as excitement bubbled through him at the sight of her beautiful brown eyes.

He quickly pressed the button on the side of the bed, while he hurriedly grabbed hold of her hands as gently as he could. "I was so scared…How do you feel? Does it hurt?"

She smiled slightly and shook her head slowly, and he beamed in response. He started to speak when a doctor rushed in with a nurse close on his trail, the man calmly checked her vitals, assessing her situation his posture stiff. It was obvious that he was very worried over dealing with such an important patient. He did a minor check up to ensure she was okay.

"It's good to see you awake Ms. Xavier, we would like to discuss your treatment plan with your parent or guardian, do you have any contact you can share with us? You can make use of this to write it down." The doctor smiled stiffly, placing a small notebook and a pencil within her reach.

Still with the same weak smile plastered on her face she shook her head, with Arden's help she scribbled down a note which he passed to the doctor. Reading it a frown flashed across the man's face, disappearing as quickly as it came, he gave a curt nod and walked out quickly to share the information with his superiors.

The nurse who had seen the note couldn't help the pity in her eyes as she adjusted the fluid flow in the drip. It was no surprise that she felt that way, a child with both parents alive and wealthy, yet all she could offer was money for treatment and let the doctors do whatever they wanted. There was no one there to take care of her, no family.

Soon the couple was left alone in the room, silence fell upon them as they watched each other, Arilla was focused on his attractive stage makeup. Arden turned away shyly from her focused gaze, to play with her fingers, noticing this she started to scribble something down drawing his attention back to herself.

'Thank you for being here, would you sing me a song?', smiling at her request, he began to sing his latest release, a song she had claimed was her favorite. His blue eyes fell close as he was swept into the melody, unaware of her drooping eyes while she struggled to stay conscious.

When he finished, his eyes fluttered open, as he stared in a daze at Arilla's ever gentle smile. Her eyes fluttered close, he leaned in close to check if she was asleep when the monitors went crazy. In a panic he pressed the alarm button multiple times calling her name in hopes of waking her up.

Doctors rushed in, ushering him away so they could attempt to resuscitate her. An oxygen mask was placed on her face, and they hurried to charge the defibrillators, placing them on her chest they administered the shock.

But despite their efforts, Arilla felt herself slipping away into darkness, slowly sinking into a dream.