

"Mama! Is the food ready yet?!" A voice resounded from a kid seemingly in his 6.

"It'll be ready in awhile."

The mom replied in a gentle voice.


The kid seemed excited while waiting for her mother's cooking.

After 10 minutes or so, the mother brought the foods she cooked to the table and they ate together. Then after eating, they cleaned the dishes and settled down together.

In the afternoon the boy went outside to play. He ran around the village and greeted the neighbours he passed by.

"Oh hello there Uncle Kory!"

"Hello. Energetic as usual eh?" The man replied

The boy went around for awhile and arrived at a grass field. The field was vast and the air that blew breezely gave it a nice feeling of the wind. The boy sat down and watched the sunset alone. He is mesmerised by the beautiful view even after having seen it multiple times. It has become a routine of his to come here to watch the view.

The view always made him calm. However today, there was a hint of uncertain feelings inside him while watching the sunset.

After the sky is getting darker. He rushed home to avoid getting scolded by his mom. He once went home late and got an earful from her.

Anyway he arrived on time just before night came. When he opened the door, his mom was sitting at the chair while knitting. He saw her face and instantly smiled and ran into her embrace.

"Mama!" The boy greeted her.

"Yeah yeah. Did you have fun?"

"Mhmm! I met a lot of our neighbours when running to the field. It looks like they were setting up for something. Oh and the sunset today is also beautiful like usual! You should go come see it once!"

"Is that so? I wonder what they are preparing for. Anyway I will come and see the sunset with you one day. I'm quite busy these day."

"Okay mama."

The boy sat on her laps and after quite some time he fell asleep in her embrace. The mother having done her knitting picked him and brought him to their room. Since the boy was still quite small and they didn't have the money for it, they shared the same room in the house.

She softly placed her on the bed and the boy still looked deep in sleep.

The peaceful and happy life they had. Both of them hoped that this peace will continue until the end. However fate seems to have something else in store.

"Preparing for something huh? I wonder if they knew about it already." The woman muttered on her own.


Time passed by and night came. It was nearing midnight as the surrounding also became quiet and more serene.

The boy who was still in his sleep felt his heart beat faster than usual and sweating heavily. He woke up after the uneasy feeling he was experiencing. He looked around but didn't see any figure of her mother.

The uneasy feeling in his heart grew and he instantly stand up to find his mother. He went outside the room and called for his mom.

"Mama! Where are you! Are you outside!"

However no answer came even after a while. To eliminate his curiosity and nervousness, he voluntarily went outside alone during the night.

After walking around for awhile, the village also seemed quieter than usual. It was like no one is in their home. No lights were on.

Then he sensed a sound of crowd screaming. He walked into the direction he heard the sound from. A little light came into view from where the sound came from which where the village hall is

As he started walking closer, the light grew brighter and to his surprise, crackles of fire exploded in the air and a big flame was enveloping the view.

His nervousness was worsening for some reason but he still didn't know why. In the next moment, what greeted him was the scene of a person tied at a stake with fires spreaded around it.

"Burn That Witch!!"

"Obliterate Her!!"

"Don't let something disgusting like her ever step foot in this village ever again!!"

The crowd screamed all kinds of horrible comments at the person staked.

The boy, standing blankly at the scene. His eyes full of emotion and horror.

'Why? Why is mom getting tied there? Why is she getting burned? What is she there for? Did she do something? What do they mean by witch? Why is this happening? Why?Why?


The boy's view started spinning and blurry as he tried to process the situation. He couldn't understand anything. Just before he was in her mom's embrace. How did this happen. He was getting insane.

However. As much as anger swelled in him. He still was terrified at the way the villagers screamed at the top of their lungs. They seemed really violent and rendered him unable to do anything. He didn't have the courage.

He looked at her mother's eyes on the stake. Just then, her mother who was tattered and seemed on the verge of death met his eyes.

Her eyes displayed a sad emotion. But perhaps having a chance to see her son one last time. She was glad.

'Run away.' The mother mouthed to her son.

The boy was shocked. For some reason, he was able to make sense of what she was uttering. Instinctively he took a step back and turned away from the scene.

His heart ached and regret built up in him. However, he couldn't stop his feet. He didn't have the courage to. Tears welled in his eyes as he continued to run.

The mother seeing the view of her son running away, felt relieved that perhaps he will be safe somehow. Anyway, she turned her eyes back to the villagers crowd and returned to her eyes to one that of hatred.

"Heh. Witch huh? All of you are going to regret catching one." The woman muttered slowly.



The villagers shook momentarily after feeling the pressure of her words. However they quickly gained they composure and continued harassing her.

"Shut Up You Witch! Just Die Quickly!"

A man screamed while throwing a stone at her.

The other villagers also followed suit with their barrage of harassment.

The woman slowly lose consciousness after getting burned and stone thrown at. However, a hope still lingers in her soul. A wish that her son will be able to live. And maybe someday avenge her.


"Urgh..What a fucking shit dream."

Yohan, who just woke up grumbled.