
Cupid Strikes Again

A good paediatric oncologist whose dream is to own her hospital once again bumps into her long time ex He became ruthless, arrogant, hotter and a wealthy business mogul. After he was dumped by his first true love, he vowed to never love again. What happens after meeting her a few years later? Does he revenge or will cupid play it's part? Find out in this amazing story

damilola_ismail_8232 · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Ruby I already told you to come back home. I thought that was the plan?" Her mom said

She chuckled "Good morning ma'a"

"What's so good about the morning? Look, one of your sisters has helped you secure the perfect building for your hospital which you've seen and already approved. So what's keeping you waiting again?"

"Mom I know, but you know I also have a job here. These kids are a part of me now, but it doesn't mean I'm giving up on my plan for Nigeria either"

"Yes I know that, but we all miss you. What about the little kids with cancer that also need you here? The plan was to study out there, get the experience and technology and come back home to help your country in the health aspect"

Ruby sighed "Mom that's true, but as I said I'm still coming back. I need time to put things in order and save up more money, then I'll be back. I promise"

Her mom sighed deeply "Alright love, but don't forget we'll always support you "

"Yes mom I know that and thank you " she smiled

"Okay I need to get back to what I was doing, talk to you later honey"

"Yes mom and one last thing. I miss ya'll too, bye"

Ruby left her car, locked it and headed into the hospital. She exchanged greetings with a few of her colleagues and went into the locker room to get changed into her scrubs.

The locker room opened and Taylor walked in.... by the way Taylor is a female.

"Hey girl, thought you wouldn't show up at work today" she said

Taylor is a black American, but her mom is a Nigerian. We met during medical school and we've been great friends since then.

She's one of the selfless and nicest person I've ever known and we went through all the challenges Minnesota threw at us. You know being the child of a single mom, life was pretty tough for she and her mother. But they scaled through.

Although we went to the same medical school, we chose different specialities. That's why we decided to partner with each other by building the hospital I've been working on in Nigeria.

Ruby chuckled "and why wouldn't I? Except you have an ulterior motive"

Taylor came forth and put her hands around her shoulder "And what ulterior motive will that be my friend? Oh that reminds me, have you seen the new hottie that just got employed. Oh my God I couldn't breathe, he's so cute?"

"Yeah yeah, we all know your definition of hot is dead. You see hot in everything that wears trousers, so I can't even be bothered" Ruby shrugged Taylor's hands off to complete her changing

"Oh come on babe, I'm not lesbian too. You really need to see him, trust me he's going to blow your mind away. But then I have eyes for him anyway" she finished

"Sure you can have him and he wouldn't be able to resist that body of yours"

"Preach the word sister" they both chuckled

"By the way I haven't had eyes for anyone in a long time and you know it" Ruby said taking her stethoscope and locking her locker

"Right!! We all know that, we all know that you're still stuck up on your long time ex, always feeling guilty which made your other relationships to never exceed a month or a few weeks. So yeah Miss, we already know " Taylor finished and rolled her eyes

Ouch that hurt... Ruby thought "Well thanks for the reminder Tay, I expected more" Ruby took her phone and started to leave

Taylor ran to grab her friend from leaving "Shit! Ruby I'm so sorry. I got carried away and you know I worry about you. I'm so sorry if it hurt you, I just want you to be happy and have fun please"

"Well I have you, my family and a great job. What more can I want? Ya'll are enough for me" Ruby said with a sad expression..... Although I miss him

Taylor sighed and sat her down "Yeah right, please don't forget I know you babes. I know you still miss him and you still feel bad about what you did. But it's not your fault and you did what you thought was right at that period"

Ruby started tearing up "It kills me anytime I remember what I did. I feel like a terrible bitch all the time"

"Trust me, I do understand and that's why I feel you should let go. You know what? I have an idea"

Ruby scrunched her brows in confusion "What idea? Please let it be sensible"

Taylor smiled creepily

"Uh uh, that smile is creepy as hell. I ain't buying whatever idea you have cooked up Tay" Ruby said

"Ugh come on Ruby, don't be a party pooper. Trust me you need to loosen up"

"Thanks Tay but I'm good. Wait first, what idea?"

"We should hit the club after our shifts today and you also need to get laid" Tay said while beaming like a happy toddler

Ruby rolled her eyes "I think say you dey craze. I told you that's never happening, I'm not ready. But I'm down to hit the club, not sex"

"Alright Alright, don't go all pidgin on me Holy Virgin Mary. Then the club it is" Tay rolled her eyes and sighed

Ruby eyed her friend in a skeptical way. Tay agreed too easily and Tay never agrees so quickly "Tay that's weird, you never agree this quick. What do you have going on in that devious mind of yours?"

"Whaaat! Come on I'm not a devil. I mean I'm tired of trying to get you laid, what more do you want me to do?"

"Hmmm, alright if you say so. Let's head back to the ward then"

"Sure Mademoiselle" and Ruby chuckled at her sarcasm "You seem pained Tay"

"Oh shut up"

They crossed their hands together and started to head out, when the door to the locker room bursted open revealing a nurse

She was panting like she ran a marathon "You both are here, what the hell have you been doing? I've been looking all over for you "

Ruby wondered why she was panting "Keisha what's the problem?"

"You're needed in the ward right now. It's Joshua, Ruby" she said

"What!! Let's go. See you later Tay" Ruby and Keisha ran out.....