
Chapter 48: Trapped by the Blaze


Fire rages in storms around me, the smoke almost suffocating, but I have to keep going. Something burns in my mind, forcing my body onward despite the urge to return to Jake and the compound.

The moment I saw John, I knew I had to get to him. The explosion nearly shocked me from my senses, but that small voice within me grew into a shout. I have to get to him.

The world pivots around me, the wind swirling as a storm begins to rage above me. Even as the fire spreads and crawls across the asphalt, burning everything in sight, rain begins to pour from the sky, the heavens crying tears of anguish.

My throat squeezes against itself as a gust of smoke is blown into my face. I gasp and hold my hand to my face to keep the smoke out.

I stumble down one street only to be confronted by the ruins of a building. It looks as if a giant’s fist has destroyed the thing. Mountains of rubble litter the street, creating a blockage and preventing passage.