
Chapter 40: Enemies or Allies


“Why won’t you leave me alone? I’m just going to bed. It’s not like I’m planning on running away or anything,” I mutter as I march off to my room with Marcey right on my heels.

“Because the last time you said that, Mr. Nightscepade stole you away and tried to mate with you. I’m here to protect you, so let me protect.”

I let out a huff as I stomp into my room. “I can protect myself,” I insist as I busy myself with brushing my hair in my personal bathroom.

She stands in the doorway, frowning at me through the mirror. “Can you? He could have killed you last time!”

“Isn’t the whole point to draw him here anyway? Catch him under our own roof where we have the upper hand?”

“No,” she sighs. “Not like that. The point is to lure him to you but in a place where he can’t actually get to you.”

“Then why are we still here in our apartment?”