
Chapter 37: Tithes of an Alpha


Excruciating pain flares through my side, the intensity of it enough to make my vision fade in and out. I hear the voices of people crowding around me, but I can’t focus on any one person. All I feel, all I can think about, is the pain igniting within my body.

Perhaps I was stupid for attacking the other Alpha unprepared as I was. It was late, and I was tired. But that’s no excuse. I still should have flattened him out for entering my territory. The assh*le really thought that he would get away with raiding my office.

It would have been laughable had I not received just as many wounds as I had dished out.

I grit my teeth on the metal slab serving as a table as a man busies himself by stitching my flesh together. I have a massive gash in my stomach, thankfully not deep enough to have spilled my innards all over the floor, but bad enough that it feels like a torch had been taken to my stomach.