
Cultivation: Starts With Yin Yang Creation Cauldron

Xiao Fan, an ordinary handyman in mercenaries, one day accidentally obtained the Xuan-level cultivation technique and learned it from his captain of mercenaries. In order to obtain that cultivation technique, Captain Mercenary used threats to obtain that cultivation technique and kill Xiao Fan.  This should have been the end of Xiao Fan, but like someone rewriting his fate when he was about to die, he was chosen by a forbidden artifact. From then on, his fate changes against the will of heaven. And his journey to become strong is just starting. Along with his journey, he flirted with many goddesses, suppressed many prodigies, and climbed on the supreme throne.  .................................................................................................................................. Note: This is my very first novel, so I will improve with more writing.  English is not my first language, so you may find some grammar errors. I will apologize for your inconvenience. In the future, I will improve my grammar. If you like my novel, then give me powerstones, golden tickets, gifts, and comments on it. It will motivate me a lot. Thank you.  ..................................................................................................................................

Taichu · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Chapter 3. Supreme Taichi Sutra.

Chapter 3. Supreme Tai-chi Sutra.

This cauldron looks very ancient; the sun and moon are engraved on its surface, and above them is the Yin-Yang Fish Taichi Pattern.

This cauldron gives Xiao Fan a feeling like he is the only one in heaven and earth; other things in front of him are insignificant like ants.

Like God looking at mortals. This is the first impression given by this cauldron to Xiao Fan.

At this time, a burst of memories floods into his mind about this artifact. The name of this artifact is the Ancient Yin-Yang Creation cauldron.

It has the function of refining anything in this world and converting it into pills; it is its most basic function.

The second function is holy land. As its name suggests, it possesses a place for practice where energy is 10 times denser than outside the world.

The condition is that you need a corresponding power source to activate this function, like spirit stones, earthly and heavenly treasures, magic cores of monsters, etc.

The third function is time flow: inside the cauldron, time flow is different from outside; inside, it is 5 days, and outside, it will be 1 day.

And this cauldron can grow with its user's strength. At this time, another piece of information passed through his mind: "Supreme Taichi Sutra."

"One yuan is chaos, and chaos is the Great Beginning. One yuan begins again, and all things are renewed. Heaven and earth are infinite, and infiniteness transforms into heaven."

"Time and space are endless. Space is the universe, and time is the universe. Things have their beginnings and ends. To know everything."

"The two rites are yin and yang, and everything carries yin and embraces yang.

One yin and one yang are called the Dao."

"In the two yin and yang qi, the chaos transforms into the two qi of yin and yang, and the rising of the clear qi becomes the sky."

"The sinking of turbid qi is the earth; the yang pole generates yin; the yin pole transforms into yang; the yin and yang are tai chi."

A grand and mysterious sound resounds in Xiao Fan's mind, and at the same time, outside the world, huge Taichi diagrams appear where Xiao Fan is located.

And started to absorb the surrounding energy at a very fast speed. A huge whirlpool of energy entered his body and at the same time, inside Xiao Fan's body, great changes were taking place.

His martial power started to convert into black and white colors, which gave him a very sacred feeling.

This change stopped after one hour. Xiao Fan also opened his eyes, and he couldn't hold back his excitement because he learned from this black and white Qi.

He can use all the elements in the world. On this continent, people can only use one element; maybe some people have two or three elements, but that's all.

No one likes him, who can use all the elements in this world, and his attack is more powerful than that of other people at the same level.

And his Dantian expanded to three times the normal person. Now, with his rank 1 martial warrior, he can fight against his rank 3 martial warriors and even kill them.

I can even fight with a Rank 4 martial master. He clenched his fist, recalling his humiliation at Mountain Cliff.

"MO Chen, you just wait for a few more days, and you better pray; nothing will happen to Linger; otherwise, I will make your life worse than death. Xiao Fan swore in his heart.

Outside the cave, a group of people approached. In this group of people, a middle-aged man with a scar on his chest said, "Treasure should be here. Search for me. If anyone finds it, I will give you a reward."

After hearing this, all the gang members became excited, and they started to search for treasure but found nothing.

The man with raised eyebrows said, "Young master, there is a cave ahead. I think treasure should be there."

Then a man with a scar on his chest said, "Guys, gather; let's go to that cave together. He pointed with a finger" because he didn't want to die.

Every treasure cave has traps and guardian beasts who guard that treasure. If you rashly enter, you will only die, so he wants these people to make way for him.

At this time, Xiao Fan also came out of the cave because he wanted to test his current strength. The best way is to fight against those monsters.

"Boy, hand over the treasure," a man with a bald head shouted from the crowd to Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan is startled and looks ahead of him, finding out there are a group of people surrounding him.

Ahead of this group is a man with a scar on his chest, and at his side is a bald man who is shouting now.

In this group, their leader's strength is about Rank 3 martial master, the bald man is Rank 1 martial master, and the rest are martial warriors.

"What treasure are you saying?" Xiao Fan is really puzzled because he doesn't know about the phenomenon of the Taichi diagram.

Otherwise, he should have understood what was happening here. Because he knows how mercenaries act towards lone rangers.

"Boy, hand over the treasure obediently and kneel down to this young master; if this young master becomes happy, then he will grant you the whole corpse! otherwise.."

"Remember my name is Lin Shu. I am a young master of Wolf Head mercenaries, and my father is Lin Mu.

Now you should have understood your situation, so obediently hand over treasures." A man with a scar on his chest spoke fiercely to Xiao Fan.

Xiao Fan also recalled information about Wolf Head mercenaries from his memories. His captain is Lin Mu, Rank 5, Martial Grand Master; the same rank is Mo Chen.

In Qingyan town, there are three major mercenary groups: the tiger head, the wolf head, and the snake head. They have almost the same strength.

(End of Chapter)