
The Final Lesson

Not a word was spoken out of turn outside the celestial mansion. Elders, disciples, handmaids, even the sect master himself sat quietly in the courtyard with somber expressions. Inside the mansion's grand bedroom an elderly man with skin pale as the moon lied in the master bed with a middle aged man by his side. The old man seemed to be in a daze as his azure eyes appeared frosted over, a calm inattentive look on his face as he stared towards the sky. After minutes of silence the old man finally spoke.

"Jacob" he started, immediately grabbing the attention of the middle aged man.

"As my eldest disciple you have always been my pride. You are my successor, the eldest brother of all my disciples who I regard as my own children. Soon my time will be up, and everything from my legacy and possessions to my debts and responsibilities will fall to you."

The middle aged man quickly got down on his knees along the side of the bed.

"Master I am ready to bear what I will but does the time have to be now?"

The old man cracked a smile.

"Jacob I have taught you all I know. I have lived a life that I can be proud of, and I have been fateful enough to take on 6 disciples who have taught me as I have taught them."

Jacob clenched his fists but remained silent.

"I have lived a life with few regrets. Perhaps my only regret is never marrying."

A soft yet sad expression appeared on Jacobs face.

"Master, you know we all regard you as a father, there..."

The old man cut him off "I said I did not take on a wife, but heaven did indeed bless me with six children."

Silence settled in after his decree.

"I called you into here today to impart my last bit of knowledge to you, knowledge that I have only recently come to possess."

Jacob quickly shifted on his spot.

"Jacob, have I ever told you the story of how I met your youngest brother?"