
Cultivation: I Have Unlimited Epiphanies in the Cultivation World

Thrust into a world torn from the pages of the novels he once read, Jun Xiayou, an insignificant outer disciple, finds himself plunged into a reality far more complex and deceptive than he ever imagined. In the immortal world, where war and power should reign supreme, an unnerving peace unexpectedly holds sway. But beneath this tranquil veneer, could this pursuit of peace be genuine, or merely a facade? As a cultivator endowed with unremarkable talent and mediocre strength, Jun Xiayou faces a seemingly hopeless predicament – that is until a fateful notification changes everything: [Ding! Unlimited Epiphany System activated] [Comprehension abilities increased by 10,000x] [Cultivation talent enhanced by 100x] Endowed with analytical prowess that transcends the bounds of logic, Jun must navigate his path with utmost caution. Could his quest unearth a reality far more profound and distorted than what every cultivator in this world has been systematically blinded to? And in this pursuit of forbidden knowledge, will he expose the intricate web of power and control orchestrated by the hidden rulers from the shadows determined to keep the veil of deception firmly in place? Will Jun's newfound abilities be a key to liberation, or will they draw him deeper into the labyrinth of conspiracy that controls this world of immortals? (pls note this is my first ever novel so writing could be bad at the start so be gentle sen-)

Lolster45 · Kỳ huyễn
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70 Chs

Chapter 35: Finally

Jun had never felt anything quite like this. The rush of exhilarating energy surged through him, awakening something dormant deep within. It was as if a lock had been undone, freeing a power centuries old.

His body was a furnace, each cell hungrily consuming the energy. Visible steam curled off their bodies, mingling with a dark residue that whispered of deep, purifying change.

To an observer, it would seem a miracle – two Foundation Establishment cultivators undergoing a purification that typically marked the ascension to the True Core Realm.

Just this fact alone would send shockwaves throught the continent. Usually when one reaches the True Core Realm and reaches certain conditions, only then can their body undergo a transformation process that sheds the impurities. Yet why were two lowly foundation establishment cultivators able to achive this?

But this event and that one have a slight difference, if one were to look at the black sludge seeping out of thier bodies, you would come to notice onn top of the sludge, there is a extra purplish toxic residue seeping out of their bodies as well.

As he and Yinling frantically absorbed the strange energy the array, the area around them started to become a mess, books fluttering like startled birds, shelves groaning under the invisible force.

After a few minutes, the array could no longer support their consumption, and the whirlwind of energy subsided.

Jun's eyes fluttered open, mirroring Yinling's awakening.

"I feel so lig-" Jun's words caught in his throat as a foul smell assaulted his senses. He clamped a hand over his nose, but it only intensified the stench.

"What the-" Glancing at himself, he was met with a sight of horror – his body, and the area around him, was drenched in a vile black and purple sludge that smelled worse than a humid sewer.

Turning slowly, he saw Yinling, her expression mirroring his disgust. Jun wanted to laugh but suddenly, their eyes met, and in that instant, a strange understanding passed between them – a silent communication that left them both startled.

But how could that be? Yes, they may know each other pretty well but not that well, could this be the effect of the strange energy?

As if understanding each other, Yinling instantly thought of something random for Jun to try and guess.

"I smell disgusting...??" Jun slowly spoke, mirroring Yinling's thoughts but confused on how it happened.

Yinling's eyes widened. "Did you just...?"

"Yinling... did that just happen..."

She nodded quickly confirming both of their thoughts. Right when they were going to continue, the odor once again invaded their sinuses, even without this ability, they knew they needed to take a bath asap.

Jun stood up, with sludge slowly falling off him onto the floor. When he was exploring the city, he remembered seeing a river running through the city, as to what his pollution would cause...

Turning around to walk off, he stopped mid step, almost forgetting to tell Yinling.

"Yinl- Wait, let me try this new ability" Jun thought while trying to transmit what he was thinking to Yinling who was looking at herself in horror.

Her reaction was immediate – a leap of joy that brought her straight into Jun's arms, creating an even more unpleasant sensation as the sludge mixed between them.

"Oh gosh..." Jun quickly covered his mouth in disgust after Yinling made the most disgusting sandwich ever. The feeling and smell just didn't sit right with him.

"Just... follow me and never do that again... please."

"Hehe... Thats for destroying my home Jun" Yinling spoke with a sheepish smile hidden under the thick black sludge.

Shaking his head in defeat, he flew towards the exit of the home and went to the river with Yinling following closely behind. 

With a scrunched up face, Yinling spoke "Took you long enough Jun, this black stuff smells horrible" 

They were currently hovering meters above the river. If this city were still filled with people, it wouldn't be surprising if people mistook them as creatures from a nightmare, their forms were obscured by the black muck.

Jun seeing Yinling taking the lead to go down into the river, he felt a smile creep onto his lips.

Quickly as fast as he could, flew towards Yinling and grabbed her by her slender waist and rushed straight into the river.


The impact sent a colossal column of water skyward, briefly flooding the desolate surroundings.

Resurfacing, Jun still clutched a wiggling Yinling who managed to escape and turned around.

"Jun you bastard! You scared the crap out of me!"

Holding up his hand, he admitted "Easy there, I was only trying to clean us quickly, is there something wrong with that?" While smiling mischievously.

Yinling's response was swift and playful – a tackle that sent them both tumbling in the water. What started as a mock fight quickly dissolved into shared laughter, echoing through the deserted city.

Laughs of Joy escaped out of Yinlings mouth, this was the happiest she has been her entire life. She has never felt this close with anyone, the strange warmth in her chest pulsated faster anything time she got near Jun.

Especially right now being in his warm embrace, locking eyes and laughing without a care in the world is a memory she would never forget, even if she tried.

Jun himself wasn't faring any better than Yinling, his cheeks were flushed, and his whole body felt on fire holding this beautiful woman in his arms. The simple joy of being with Yinling, her laughter and presence, stirred something deep within him – a feeling he hadn't known existed but now couldn't imagine living without.

The water around them stilled, and the remnants of their laughter hung in the air like a shared secret. As they floated in the moonlit river, the last of the sludge washed away, allowing a perfect view into their souls.

"Yinling... " Jun's whisper was barely audible over the gentle water. He leaned closer, his heart racing.

"Jun... you talk to much" and smashed her pretty rosy lips onto his soft lips, 

"Jun, you talk too much," Yinling interrupted, pressing her lips to his in a bold, defining moment, sealing the question that had been hanging in the air between them since that moment.

It felt as if their bodies and soul were connected with this motion, the feeling coming from their lips intoxicating, it was messy, raw, and utterly genuine..

Yinling couldnt get enough of this on her pink lips, although sloppy, the raw emotion coming from their bodies made up for it.

Seconds passed and for some reason, Yinling felt Jun getting better and better but this only caused her to feel more pleasure.

As they finally broke apart leaving a trail of sailiva as evidence of what happened, panting and gazing into each other's eyes, Jun reached out, tenderly tucking a strand of wet hair behind Yinling's ear.

"Yinling..." Jun spoke, taking a deep breathe, he continued "I know we just met but... weve been through so much in so little time at very hard moments in our lives"

In Yinling's eyes, Jun saw a universe of emotions swirling. Tears mingled with river water, trailing down her beautiful face, each drop reflecting the turmoil within her.

"I can't imagine a life without you now,"

Jun was pouring his vent up emotions, coming to this world, he had been eager to finally get a chance to experience the powers this world had to offer. The ability to soar into the sky, the trill of fight, eternal life and the power to move mountains at a single thought. 

But the reality was different - Having gone down the mountain after being promoted, he traveled through the woods alone, not encountering a single soul - a lonely path with no one to share his joy, sorrows or discoveries.

This solitude had weighed heavily on him. He had tried to lose himself in battles and adventures, but the silence of his heart was deafening. The night he found shelter in a cave from a raging storm, without knowing would be one of this best decision in his life.

Yinling needed no words to express herself. In a swift motion, she wrapped her arms around Jun with tears streaming down her cheeks, her hug tight and full of fear and hope. They stood together in the middle of the river, surrounded by the city's silence, finding solace in each other's embrace.

The water cradled them gently, a soothing contrast to the loneliness they had both known for too long.



Name: Jun Xiayou

Age: 15

Bloodline: True Human (10% unlocked)

Cultivation: Foundation Establishment Advanced (stable)

Talent: High-Grade affinity (9 seconds)

Energy Control: 26%

Attributes: Fire, Light


 Azure Soul Cultivation Technique (Mastered/yellow-middle), 

 Blue Wave Movement Technique (Mastered/yellow-high)

 Speed Slash (Mastered/yellow-top)

 Energy Spear Technique (elementary/Immortal level)

 Human harmonization healing technique(elementary/Eternal level) 

 Instant flash(high/heaven-top)

 Eternal Phoenix Rebirth (Mastered/Emperor-low)

 Blade of the Dancing Phoenix (Mastered/Emperor-middle"

Weapon: Everglade Star Sword (Yellow top-rank)

Inventory: Midnight Shadow Sword (low level yellow)

Description: Homeless pig bum who successfully ate swan meat...
