
Cultivation Epic: Divine Godly Punisher, Armed With Imposing Systems

Read first page, maybe you will like it. (^_^)

koladeizdavid · Kỳ huyễn
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400 Chs

Facing the disciples from Higher Worlds (1)

Immediately the hammer struck the pillar that the hefty person targeted, the pillar shook terribly. However, as a formation cast down by the principal of an academy, it resisted the shattering force produced by the hammer upon colliding heavily into it. Then as a strong measure against trespassing and theft, the pillar immediately sent a signal to the Demon-chasing academy, alerting virtually everyone that people were attacking the pillars where the God-bow was kept at.

Immediately the alarm took off in the Demon-Chasing academy, the principal who was busy cultivating in his office had his eyes shine with great anger.

"Who dares to attack the pillar where I kept that marveling God-like bow?! Argh!" The principal shouted with his scream shaking the entire academy.