
Cultivation Daddy

Li Jain was a spiritual plant in his previous life that was nurture into his human form by the Hanxu sect. legend has it that only the Heavenly Spiritual Plant can open the gate of Heaven for cultivators to become immortals. Li Jain was raise carefully, he didn't lack anything and became an experts in lots of arts. After he advance to the Transformation realm, he began his quest of opening the heavenly gate. But when the gate open, he was killed ruthlessly by the same people that once treat him like a treasure. He spent years as a wandering ghost and eventually, found his fated soul in another world. The person body he took over has seven children and was despise by his family. Li Jain could take care of seven buns and make them very power in the future. With the help of his Spiritual Tavern, he became very wealthy.

NobleFox · LGBT+
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61 Chs

Chapter 48, Apologies

The anger inside Li Juanxin intensified. How dare she insult him and indirectly insult his father? The urge to give her a taste of her own medicine was almost overwhelming. He wanted to teach her a lesson, to make her regret her words. But then, he remembered his father's words; his dad told him it was wrong to bully the weak. But in this case, he was the one being bullied; so it's okay if he hit her, right?

Taking in a deep breath, he tries to calm himself down and remind himself not to act rashly. He was at a loss of what to do. He didn't want to get involved with anything illegal or violent but he also couldn't let his temper out now.


Lou Ming left his young lady and her servant at the Joyous restaurant to enjoy their meal while he left to investigate the Spiritual Tavern that his master told him about. It seemed like the best place to start investigating the source is from the tea shop. It was a well known tea shop for several years now, serving many customers.

Naturally, they'll know about the ongoing news in town. After obtaining some information from the tea shop attendant and customers, Lou Ming was on his way back to Joyous Restaurant, when he saw crowd gathered in front of the restaurant and in the middle was his young lady, next to her was a little boy who had his hand held up high, ready to punch her at any moment.

Lou Ming's heart skipped a beat. He knew his young lady was spoiled,and quick to get into trouble. But he didn't expect her to get into a physical fight with someone in this short period of time. He ran over, pushed aside the people standing in the path, and got in between the boy and his young lady. "What's going on?" he asked the Li Juanxin. His voice sounded stern but still gentle enough not to scare him away.

Li Juanxin was still in thought when a strange man suddenly appeared and stood in front of the girl. Seeing that the stranger was obviously protecting the girl, he felt wrong and wanted to cry.

"Don't cry, I'm just asking." Lou Ming was at a loss of what to do. He wasn't used to taking care of children's emotions, not even his young masters and Ladies. So how should he go about this situation? The only reason he came out with the fourth young lady today was because she insisted and her mother agreed with it.

"Little boy, this brother is not blaming you. I just want to know what happened." Lou Ming tried again to calm himself, hoping he wouldn't scare the boy more than necessary.

"Well… she insults me. If she apologized, I wouldn't have to punch her." As if they wouldn't understand, Li Juanxin repeated himself: "If she apologizes I won't hit her."

"No! I won't!" The girl yelled, "What is wrong with buying his pet?" She pointed toward Li Juanxin's fox. Her eyes were red due to crying but as stubborn as always.

"You can't say that," Li Juanxin retorted, offended by the statement, "He is not just a pet. He is my contract beast. If you don't apologize for insulting me, don't even think about leaving here."

From their little outburst, Lou Ming can more or less understand the situation. His young lady should've taken a liking to the boy's fox and wanted to buy it. But as always never use the right approach and it led to this. "Did you insult him?" he asked her calmly.

She nodded, not really meeting his gaze, "Yes..."

Lou Ming sighed,"Well, we need to talk later, but for now I will take you home after you apologize to him."

The girl looked at him with wide eyes, seeing that there was no way out and the onlookers were scolding her for being unreasonable, she apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have insulted you. I take back what I said…"

"Okay, just don't call people random names when you don't even know them."

"What's going on here?" A deep voice came from behind them. They all turned around and saw a handsome man, walking towards them.

"It's nothing, Uncle Xiong." Li Juanxin smiled brightly and greeted him, "Are you here to pick me up?"

Liu Xiong nodded, "Yeah, are you alright? You look pale." He took a closer look at his little master; his little master looks pretty tired and worn out. It seems like he was almost out of energy. "Let's take you home. Are you hurt anywhere?" he asked him.

"No, Uncle Xiong," Li Juanxin answered softly, "Just a little bit tired. Thanks for the concern. I'm ok."

Liu Xiong nodded slightly, looking concerned before turning to Lou Ming, "I don't know what happened here, but you're very lucky he didn't cry. Else, your master won't be able to save you."

Lou Ming felt a shiver run down his spine. This man is scary. "Thank you for your mercy." He quickly bow his head.

This man is intimidating and his aura is very deadly. Somehow, he felt that this man could kill without a blink of his eyes. Lou Ming knows this much and he feels a strong urge to bow down in fear. He was glad when the man and the boy left. Provoking such a powerful figure would be bad for the Lou family.

After Liu Xiong left, Lou Ming looked at his young mistress who hasn't spoken anything since that incident; she was looking at the ground, not making any eye contact with him and he felt bad. What should he do next? "Come on, let's get going. We must get home quickly. I'll send you home."


In the passenger carriage, Li Juanxin sat opposite Liu Xiong. Among all the helpers his father brought back, Liu Xiong was the most intimidating and scary one but he liked him nevertheless. "Uncle Xiong, How did you know I was at the joyous restaurant?"

Liu Xiong answer, "I have been following you ever since you left the house. Your dad is worried that you might get into an accident. Since I have nothing to do today, I also took the chance to look around town."

"Father is right, I did get into an accident and hit people. I hope I'm in trouble later..." Now that the storm was over, Li Juanxin suddenly thought of the consequences and felt uneasy.

"Don't worry, I'm sure your dad will understand." Liu Xiong reassured, "Besides, you didn't start the fight which is more important."

"You're right, they started it." Li Juanxin laughed, feeling more relief.

After that, the atmosphere was better and the conversation flowed smoothly. They talked about different things and shared stories with each other, laughing and joking.

"Uncle Xiong, since you were there, did you see that awesome move I made with my Iron fist technique?" Li Juanxin asked excitedly.

Liu Xiong laughed, "Of course, I saw everything! Juanxin is very powerful."

"Haha, I think so too." Li Juanxin grinned.